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"Jenn's Fine, the baby is good." Nick spoke relieved. I sighed and was happy to hear that my mom was okay.

Nick had finished talking to Erick and we were all at home worried.

"I say, we celebrate!" Quincy yelled. I wiped my tears, I cried because of how scared I was for my mom and that I couldn't be with her.

I needed comfort. I was in Finn's arms as we laid there on the couch. After all the fighting we did, it felt good to just cuddle, I didn't even care.

"I say, we get drunk. Play some music and have a blast." Lela mentioned, I rolled my eyes and examined as she pulled out Vodka.

"How did you even get Vodka-I have my ways." Lela spoke cutting me off. My jaw just clenched and Finn looked at me.

He gave me genuine eyes, he held me closer to him.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed, I stared at him for a second.

"It's ok, I'm sorry too." I replied whispering as we sat close to one another. The other three started drinking and having a blast.

Me and Finn just watched them. "You guys can drink, we won't tell Jenn and dad." Nick mumbled, I nodded a no and so did Finn.

"I have work in the morning." Finn replied.

Finn POV

My eyes glanced over the lit up city of ATL. Me and Y/N were sitting out on the balcony with blankets just catching some air while the other three were getting wasted.

Olivia kept calling me. I kept denying her calls.

Y/N turned to face me, she reached for my hand and I gripped back.

"Can I ask you something." She whispered, My lips licked and I blinked. My head nodded in agreement.

"If, if the baby was gone and everything fall apart, would we have given 'us' a chance?" Y/N whispered, I sniffled and turned to face the city again.

"Hard question. But, I do know that this whole baby 'scare' brought us closer, I don't want to fight with you anymore. And It hurts knowing I can't be with you, but, I still love you and I'll always support you. I was just being a dick because I was angry with everything, angry at our parents for choosing to date, angry at life, angry with your decision of pushing me away." I whispered.

Y/N looked down at held my hand tighter, "I still love you too." She mumbled. I felt as she leaned her head onto my right shoulder,

"I'll support you too. I'll come with you to work tomorrow. I'm sorry for not attending the other days. I'm proud of you." She whispered, I gulped and leaned my head onto her leaning head. We both jus stared at the city.

"Life's unfair." I mumbled, She whispered, "I know."

My eyes started tearing up. I just wanted to be with the girl I loved, and it was forbidden. I can't just run away with her...

"Finn, can I sleep with you tonight?" She whispered. I agreed and held her closer to me.

"Of course." I whispered.

-this was such a cute chapter.
-ya like?

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