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We arrived at the building where Finn was staying at. It was a AirBnB pad/ apartment.

"We can explore Atlanta while Finn's working." Lela spoke as we made our way over to the elevator. I stayed quiet, I didn't even want to be here. Kinda.

"You okay?" Nick asked as he stared at me. I gulped and just snapped out of my deep thinking. Was I okay?

"Yeah I'm fine. Just hungry." I lied then smiled. The elevator doors opened and we exited. I scoffed as we waited by the door, Nick applied three knocks to the door. Few seconds later Finn opened up, his smile disappeared when he turned to face me.

"Surprise BROTHER! We are picking up Quincy from the airport in a couple hours." Nick mentioned as we entered the apartment, my eyes rolled and I brushed past Finn as I came through.

"Cool, before you go to the airport again, can you drop me off at the set? I have work for a couple hours and then I'm good- Yeah sure, Y/N how about you join Finn on set?" Nick mentioned as he sat on the couch.

I folded my arms and nodded a no." No thanks, I'd rather stay here." I replied bluntly. Finn agreed by clapping.
"Y/N should stay here. I don't want her on set, ya know being a bother to everyone." Finn mumbled, I clenched my jaw and exhaled.
Lela raised her brows and gave me a look.

"Stop with the attitude, My mom and Erick aren't here so the both of you better behave- Lela, you can't tell me what to do.. If I don't want Y/N coming then I don't want her coming, she's acting like a bitch." Finn spoke like a true asshole.

Lela threw a cushion at Nick so he could pay attention.
"Finn, listen to Lela. And listen to me. Dad and Jenn trusts us to take care of your delinquent butts. And why the sudden hate? You two are over-reacting. " Nick explained, I scoffed.

I hated Finn.

Finn's POV

My phone in my pocket kept vibrating. It was Olivia ringing me and texting me. I declined her calls and placed my phone into my pocket again.

"Is that your whore-y girlfriend texting and calling you? Dude, all she wants is fame and attention." Y/N mumbled, I looked up from staring at my shoes. Lela then threw a cushion at Y/N.

"Ow it's the truth." Y/N yelled. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"It takes a whore to know a whore." I replied. Suddenly I felt a pillow to the face. Jesus how many cushions are on that damn couch.

"Fuck you Finn. Oh and have fun with your Mileven scenes... You're kissing Millie which means you're practically kissing JACOB SARTORI-SOMETHING I don't remember his last name." she yelled while walking off into a room, which happened to be my room.

I shook my head. Lela, Me and Nick watched her. She then walked out of my room realising it was mine and walked off into another one.

"Found my room." She yelled before slamming the door.

Nick faced me. "What the fuck just happened. Why are you guys like this- None of your business, anyway. She doesn't have to come, I don't want her coming." I spoke cutting Nick off. Nick and Lela just chuckled.

"No, Y/N's going with you. That whole fight you both just had... just made it even more confirmative that she's coming with you. Clearly, you two need to have time together and talk." Lela mentioned. I groaned and decided to call Olivia. I needed to take the stress off of me.

-The tension is real.
-are you on Y/N's side? Or Finn's? Or that damn Cushions?


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