Find a way

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Song: Find a way- Above Envy


Mom was saying her goodbyes to Eric while I pulled Finn aside into the hallway.

"I'll text you later. I'm still shocked." I mumbled, Finn nodded in agreement and was going to lean in to kiss me. I placed my hand over his mouth and nodded a no.

"No. Not here.- I'll sneak into your room later, I wanna see you. I'm finally back from filming and I haven't even kissed you yet, or hugged you properly." Finn replied, his brows frowned.

I exhaled and nodded a yes. "Fine, you can come later." I replied. Finns smiled appeared and we both walked back out of the hallway.

"Tonight was great, thank you for the dinner." Nick said towards my mom. She thanked the Wolfhard family... I cringed and thought about Finn being my step brother.

Once they left I stared at mom.

"Mom, you were so embarrassing tonight- Y/N, the Wolfhard's will get use to it sooner or later." Mom replied then walked off, I raised my brows and faced Y/S/N.
She just smirked at me and wandered off. I groaned out of frustration and ran up stairs.

Finn POV

We were in the car on the way home.

"Boys, what do you think about Jenn? (y/n's Mom)." Dad mentioned, I coughed and sniffled.

"She was super nice. But, super open." I mumbled, Nick agreed and fist bumped me.

"That's just the way she is... How about their daughters? Finn, I can see you and Y/N getting along. Is it because you guys attend the same school? You must of seen her around school right?" Dad asked, I licked my lips and pulled out my phone.

"I've seen her around school like once or twice. We aren't in the same homeroom so I hardly know her." I lied, Dad just went 'hmmm'. The car pulled up to our driveway and before I could open my car door dad looked at me and Nick.

"Boys, I need to tell you something. Jenn means a lot to me and I have to inform you that I might propose- Oh dad, look at the time, I am so tired." I said cutting him off and exciting the car.

Nick chased me out and we made it to the front door.

"Dad wants to propose to Jenn- Nick, I heard, well before I cut him off." I whispered.


what sucked about this, was... I couldn't even tell my friends. Me and Finn have been secretly dating for 4 months and we haven't told anyone.

See, my friends are huge fans of Finn and they enjoy the fact that he attends our school. They stalk him around school the days he's comes back, and I have to acknowledge all the shit they say about him.

They even have fan accounts about him. From time to time I'll fangirl with them but it gets boring. I'm to use to him.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a tap on my window. I turned my head and saw Finn at my window, he climbed up.

I made my way over and opened my window for him.
"Finally. Look, I have some bad news-" I stopped Finn from talking and smashed my lips onto his.

I felt as he smiled during the kiss and rested his arms around my waist. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"I missed you. How was filming for 'the turning' ?" I asked, Finn pushed me slightly over to the bed.

"It was good. I missed you a ton. During my breaks I just couldn't wait to message and call you. But, I'm happy I'm back." Finn whispered, I giggled and blushed.

"Y/N!" Y/S/N yelled, footsteps approached and I pushed Finn into my closet.

The door swung and Y/S/N came in.

"Do you have my lip gloss?" She asked, I scoffed and walked over to hand it to her... Once she had it, she didn't leave.

She gave me a look.

"You and Finn, are you two close?" She asked, I exhaled and nodded a no.

"No. I only know him because ya know. My friends fangirl over him and the days he's at school, I don't even notice him." I replied bluntly. She winked at me.

"So, are you- No, I'm not dating him Y/S/N, he isn't my type." I replied cutting her off. Y/S/N raised her brow.

"I wasn't going to ask that but ok. I was just asking if you were done with my lip gloss." Y/S/N mentioned then walked off.

I face palmed myself and pulled Finn back out.

-How was this? 😂🐸❤️

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