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Video: ^ this video is of Sean Lew, for those who don't know who he is. He is an amazing dancer and choreographer. He also sings, he can cook, plays the piano and can act. Multi talented like Finny boy 😭❤️ recommend watching this vid!


"I'll see you at the party tonight, later on." I spoke as I ditched the girls. The bell rang and it was now home time. I was running down the hallway and pushing past people, I had to meet Finn at the school entrance so we could wait for Eric.

Suddenly someone grabbed me, their arms holding me and pulling them towards them. I realised it was Sean. He chuckled and I hit him lightly,

"Dude, you scared me. Look I have to go- Am I seeing you soon? Like you know, are you coming earlier to my house to help me set up? For the party, like you usually do. " Sean spoke interrupting. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at the weirdo. I stepped back and held onto my school bag straps.

"You'll find out soon. I need to go Sean, my rides here- I can drive you home." Sean spoke, I nodded a no and then ran off.

"SEE YOU LATER." I yelled as I ran down the hallway.

God I was not fit. I was out of breath just by running down the hall way. My legs kept running and I made it outside and towards Finn, he was with his group still. I didn't mind.

"Hey." I spoke, Finn smiled at me. I then remembered that I couldn't hug him or do anything. No one knew we were together, not even our bestfriends... we can't tell people that we're dating now, sooner or later this community and town of people are going to find out that our parents are dating.

"Hey. Dudes, I have to go. My dads coming soon. I'll see you all at the party." Finn spoke as he basically sent his group away. They all walked off so it was just me and Finn.

My head turned around and saw as the whole school, well mainly girls... were still eyeing me out.

"I want to kiss you right now." Finn mumbled, I chuckled at his cuteness and agreed.

"Same. Wait til later on." I mumbled through my gritted teeth.

Footsteps approached us and it was a group of girls. They were smiling at Finn and waving at him.

"Finn, are you going to the Sean's party tonight?" One girl with blonde hair asked. Finn licked his lips and nodded in agreement. The girl group just whispered and giggled like fangirls.

"Ok, cool. We'll see you there omg." She spoke back, Finn smiled at them and replied with.
I scoffed and watched as they walked away.

"I'm so gonna wear make up tonight." One girl spoke as their group walked off. I smiled to myself and faced Finn.

"Tonight will be fun." I whispered and winked at him. The car then pulled up and we hopped in. Eric started asking us how school was and we both just shrugged our shoulders and went, "Ehh good."

Finn POV

We drove to Y/N's house and she packed a bag for tonight. I was glad she was staying at my house tonight, but we couldn't even cuddle. Unless she snuck into my room and I locked my door, but then, my dad would question why I needed to lock my door with Y/N in my room.

We drove back to my house, Y/N's sister decided to sleep at her friends house. Nick had Quincy over so they were busy playing and live streaming.

Y/N and I were listening to My dad as he explained some rules for tonight.

"No leaving the house. There's money on the table for dinner. Tonight me and Jenn are going to spend some time alone so we'll be back quite late tonight, or possibly early in the morning tomorrow. You better be responsible Finn." Dad explained. I totally agreed.

Jenn blew us flying kisses and our parents finally headed for the front door. We waited a couple seconds, I then smiled as I pulled Y/N closer towards me. She giggled as I held her.

"Let's get ready. Wait what are we going to tell Nick? Will he allow us to leave?" Y/N asked. I blinked.

"He'll cover for us incase." I mumbled.

-I'll update again shortly! Keep an eye out!
-how's it so far?

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now