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I rolled around in bed, I was not comfortable. 

I sat up and groaned out of frustration.

"LELA?" I yelled, I continued to yell but no one answered. Was anyone home? Fuckers left me.

The time was 9am. Wow, Finn was probably at work and the other 3 most likely left me here so they could walk around ATL.

My body rolled out of bed and I stood up. Hmm breakfast by myself, sounds like a happy morning.

I stopped in my tracks and stood in front of Finn's bed room, his door was open and I could see his sleeping body in bed... My arms folded as I walked in and decided to wake him up with a pillow.

"Yo, aren't you suppose to be at work- Leave me alone, I have a day off, idiot." Finn replied, I clenched my jaw and hit him harder with a pillow.

"I'm gonna make breakfast, want eggs?" I asked, being a little nice. Finn went back to sleep, good. That means I didn't have to make him eggs...


I placed the eggs and sausages on a seperate plate, I had toast and OJ out. What a beautiful breakfast.

The curtains were opened, great, a nice view and an amazing breakfast... My smile spread across my face as I stared outside the window,

"That smells good." Finn's raspy voice cooed as he entered the kitchen. I nodded in agreement and stuffed my face with my food.

"Where's my plate?" Finn asked in a demanding tone. I snapped around and rolled my eyes.

"Make it yourself, lazy ass. Dude, I legit ASKED you, if you wanted eggs." I spoke back, Finn walked over and scoffed at me.

"I was probably asleep." Finn mentioned, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Too bad- My girlfriend Olivia would have made me breakfast." Finn spoke cutting me off...
Was this boy trying to make me turn into the fricking hulk?

"FLY HER OUT HERE THEN, AND THEN YOU'LL HAVE YOUR PLATE OF BREAKFAST." I replied yelling. Finn cringed at me and pulled the finger, that's it, I'mma fight this scrawny boy.

I stood up and ran over to him. I pushed him against the pantry and stood in front of him. I was so close, I hope he feels my breath.

"You're pissing me off, Wolfhard." I spoke with gritted teeth. Finn smiled and suddenly his phone started ringing.

"If it's Olivia, end it." I spoke, Finn placed his finger on my lips. "SHHH." He spoke. I pushed his hand away.

As Finn answered his phone, I made my way back to my breakfast..

Finn sounded worried.

"Y/N. That was my dad. Your mom's in hospital. There's something wrong with the baby." Finn mumbled,

My heart dropped. I wanted to be there with my mom.

"Is she okay? What's the matte- Dad says, Jenn passed out and their checking if the baby is okay, your mom's blood is being tested as well." Finn mentioned, I exhaled a shaky breath.

Tears escaped and I thought about my mom, and my sibling....

My eyes closed shut.

"We have to call Lela and Nick to come home." I spoke. Finn agreed.

-BABy problems.

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now