If you love someone.

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"How's Finn?" Sarah asked as she raised her brows and roamed around the island counter. I smirked.

It's been 2 days since I've come back from ATL and all my friends have been asking about how Finn was and how ST3 was.

"Finn's good. And, is Jessica still coming over for the sleepover tonight?" I asked curiously. Sarah looked up and then leaned against the island counter,

"I'm sure she is. She should be here now." Sarah mumbled, I pulled out some beverages from the fridge and placed them onto the counter.

Footsteps approached the kitchen and it was Mom and Erick.

"Dinner will be probably be, take out tonight." Mom muffled and held onto her belly and rubbed it. Erick agreed and grabbed himself a beverage, her stood there and drank his juice.

"So, are you girlies going to paint each other's nails? Have a dance party? Prank call?" Mom asked, I laughed lightly and nodded a no.

"No. Just eat and take pictures." I replied with a smirk. Mom just cringed.

Finn POV

I was ignoring Olivia. Only because, as of now, We were over. I dumped her 2 nights ago and regretted that I should've done it earlier.

She kept blasting my phone so I blocked her. Now, I guess I have to block her on instagram because she's been spamming me.

I looked up from my phone and locked it, my eyes rolled and I sighed just thinking about how bad my relationship with Olivia was and how I really want to be with Y/N.

My Uber laughed. "You okay?" He asked, I agreed and just stared out the window.

"Good. Just have a really bad problem." I replied.


Mom and Erick kept talking about how fun it was back in their day.
Me and Sarah continued to laugh about Erick and Jenn's stories, when all of a sudden we heard a car.

"JESSICA IS HERE!" I yelled and ran to the window. I pulled the curtains and saw the car pull up to the drive way.

"WE CAN START THE SLEEPOVER!" Sarah yelled, Jenn laughed and I raced my ass over to the door.

Jessica kept knocking and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm coming, Jess stop!" I yelled and swung the door open.
As the door opened I felt as soft lips connected with mine, my eyes were closed, and just by the feel and his touch.. I knew who it was.

Finn's hands roamed my body, he smiled during the kiss and pulled back.

He leaned his forehead against mine,
I stared at my man.

"You're here? but you need to be in Atlanta.. Finn, they could've seen us- I don't care. Let's tell them." Finn whispered and then smiled.

I leaned in to kiss him again until,

"What the?" Sarah spoke and stood there confused.

I gulped.

"I'll explain." I whispered.

-Yes! Y/N and FINN! 😍😭

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now