2 weeks of pain

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2 weeks since me and Finn's Secret beak up. I hated seeing him around and how he ignored me.

I slammed my locker shut and faced my girls. They gave me sad faces.

"What's up? Why are you guys giving me those faces?" I asked and continued to walk, they all followed from behind me.

"We're sad, because, Finn has a girlfriend. He announced it on Twitter and Instagram. Your brothers girlfriends name is Olivia or whatever." Sarah mentioned, I gripped onto my books as we walked down the hall way.

"Cool. Yeah I've met her. She's ok. Look, I need to go ugh, tell Mr.Belfort I'm not feeling well. I'm going down to the office and maybe try get picked up early. I'm not feeling well right now and I need rest." I spoke, my girls nodded and understood.

I began walking off and felt as my tears escaped freely. How could he be dating right now? It's only been 2 weeks.

He wasn't even at school, he was in ATL filming for Stranger things. I wasn't going to see him until the the end of this week... Nick and Lela booked Atlanta flights to see him and mom forced me to go.

I gulped and reached the outside of the building. I took in deep breaths and exhaled. The feeling of Finn dating someone better than me made me feel like trash,

"You'll be okay. Feel happy for him, if this is what he wants then let him be. You and Finn aren't meant to be.." I mumbled to myself as I choked onto my tears.

I sniffled and decided to call Lela. I needed to go home.

"Hello? Lela, are you at home?" I asked as she answered her phone.
"No, I'm in a lecture at the moment. What's wrong?" She replied, I gulped and realised she was at college.
I exhaled.
"Nothing, I was just wondering if anyone was home? And that I miss you." I replied,
Lela laughed a little.
"I miss you too. And no, one home." She replied. I said my goodbyes and then texted for Sean to meet me at the courtyard.

"I need a lift home. Ditch 5th period with me? Eat some food at home, also relax? I need it." I texted Sean and waited for his reply.

Finn POV

I was getting my hair straightened and texting Olivia.

From: Olivia

I have so many girls sending me hate comments. 😭 tell them to stop baby. I miss you. I can't wait to see you again 😏

I gulped and all I replied with. "Miss you 2."

Quickly exiting my messages I went on Instagram and saw Sean's recent insta stories. I tapped on it and examined what he was doing...

Story 1: He was driving, I could tell it was Y/N filming him. Her laugh was noticeable.
Story 1 Caption: Driving home👀

Story 2: Y/N and Sean were singing in the car.
Story 2 Caption: my other half ❤️
The caption made me flare my nostrils.

Her smile was something I missed... It was hard to leave and go to Atlanta without saying bye to her. We're no longer close.

Story 3: Y/N was running around with Sean's phone and hiding from him. She was hiding and filming herself. And then Sean finally found her, the smile she had plastered on her face basically told me she probably didn't miss our relationship... She looked better with Sean anyway.
Story 3 Caption: Running inside and hiding from Sean 😂😂 FAILED HARD CAUSE HE FOUND ME.

It was too painful for me to watch the rest.
I went through my camera roll and analysed my pictures with Y/N... I clenched my jaw and decided to press Select.
All the pictures I selected, I then decided to delete them. Every picture of me and Y/N. Gone.

I through my phone away and just focused on remembering my lines for my upcoming scene.

-Do you feel bad for Finn? 👀

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