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As I sat in history class I could still feel every girl staring at me, I clenched my jaw and just looked down at my notebook. My group of friends rushed into class and over to me. Why was our teacher late? At least the second bell didn't go off yet.

"Jessica told me. Omg, is it true- Huh is what true?" I asked interrupting Sarah. Sarah smirked.

"That you carpooled with Finn Wolfhard? Ugh I saw him with his group just 10 minutes ago and he looks so cute." Sarah explained, my group just agreed to Sarah's comment.

"Yeah, we carpooled. I was walking to school and he offered a ride as he drove past me..." I replied, the girls all fangirled and started asking questions like..

"Did he talk to you?"
"Did he smell good?

Weird questions like that. I replied bluntly.

And then, my best friend Sean walked in. I stood up and made my way over to him, my arms wrapped around him and so did my legs.

"Woah keep it PG guys." Fiona spoke, Sarah agreed and I just rolled my eyes as me and Sean walked back over to my group.

"We never keep it PG." Sean spoke smirking, I nudged him lightly.

"Why don't you two just date already- Because, Sarah, me and Sean are just best friends. We grew up together, we're like brother and sister. Anyway he's too popular for me, he left me and joined the popular group once he joined the football team. " I replied cutting her off. Sean rolled his eyes and rested his chin on top of my head from behind.

"I did not leave you behind. And I'm not even popular- Yes you are. Sean, you're the quarter back. Sean, you get invited to a lot of things, girls also follow you around like a puppy dog." Fiona said interrupting him. I giggled. And then Sean's group of guy friends came over, Sean then smiled at me as I faced him.

"I'll see you at lunch. I'm not even meant to be in this class, I have science. Luckily the second bell hasn't gone off." Sean spoke, I nodded and he left.

"Everyone in this school thinks you two are dating. You guys would be such an Iconic couple." Sarah spoke, I giggled and gulped.

"I already have a b-" the girls looked at me weirdly and I chuckled as I brushed off my sentence I didn't finish.

"You already have a what?" Sarah asked, I shrugged and didn't reply.

Finn POV

Me and Simon and my group were walking around school due to it being lunch time.

"So how was filming?" Simon asked, I raised my brow and saw Y/N across the courts with her group. I lost my train of thought and turned to face Simon again.

"It was good. I can't wait for you guys to see it next year." I replied then grinned. The group of jocks walked over and I bro hugged Sean,

"Finn is back, whoop. So I have a party tonight, are you guys wanting to come?" Sean asked, I was about to say yes, but I couldn't go due to my dad and Jenn going out tonight.

"Yeah we'll come." Simon spoke, I raised my brow and face palmed myself.

"Dude,'it's good to have you back." Sean spoke, I thanked him and gave him a bro hug before walking off.

"I like Sean, he's a cool dude." Simon mentioned, I chuckled and just rolled my eyes.

"Party To-ni-night! Yes!" Simon sang.


It was now last period and the bell rang so we could get to class. I saw Y/N down the hall way and pulled her aside.

"Hey" I spoke smiling, Y/N smirked at me and leaned in to kiss me. I felt her soft lips, she then pulled away.

"Are we attending the party tonight at Seans?" She asked, I sniffled and agreed to it.

"Yeah. Let's just hope Jenn and my dad don't find out. Or, we're both grounded." I replied smirking,
Y/N grinned and pulled me closer. I nodded a no at her silly-ness and told her I needed to go to class.

"I'll see you in an hour." She whispered then gave me a quick peck.

-Sean will be portrayed by Sean Lew :)

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