Coming home

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I clapped as Finn entered his trailer.

"Your last scene was amazing. You did so good." I whispered as I sat down. Finn smiled and walked over, he sat next to me.

"Really?" He asked and faced me. My head shook in agreement and I looked down at my fiddling fingers.

"Yeah, really. When we go home, those three will be having a hangover so, we should probably get them food." I mentioned. Finn chuckled and stayed quiet again.

"You're leaving soon. I'll miss you." He whispered, my lips smacked together and I exhaled a breath.

"I'll miss you too, but you'll be home again, soon." I replied smiling, Finn nodded a no and gulped.

"It isn't really about being home, it's about missing you... You're home to me, and without you here, it'll be a wreck." Finn mumbled, my eyes blinked and I reached for his hand.

"Want me to stay longer-No, I mean, I'd love you too... But, we have to get use to not getting what we want. Go home, it'll just be harder for us, we can't be together so, this is good practice for us." Finn explained with a choked voice.

My nose sniffled and examined Finn, my eyes watered and it felt so wrong to be like this.

"It's hard not being able to be with the one you love. It's worse than death, because their here in the present and you can't be with them. You have to watch them grow without you, you have to watch them move on.Forbidden." I mumbled.

I felt as Finn gripped my hand.

"I love you." He whispered. A shaky breath escaped my mouth,

"I love you too. I wish things were different." I responded. Finn didn't say a word.

-sorry this was short. Just had to update! Next update will be soon :) thank you for being patient. ❤️❤️
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