Home alone

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"This box goes where?" I asked while I stared at Finn, we were helping unload one of the moving trucks.

"Parents room. That isn't my box, I'm sure it's dads." Finn replied, I nodded and started carrying the heavy box into the house. Luckily for me, I didn't have to carry this box up stairs. We had an elevator.

This new house was too good for me to be in, it felt like my family were royals and I was just a rat living with them for free.

I reached the second floor and walked over to the master bedroom, mom was in there setting up.

"Here's Ericks things- Y/N, tonight me and Erick are going to a dinner with your sister and her boyfriend Jordan, we're going to meet your sisters boyfriends parents. And Nick is going to see his friend John in Calgary so you'll need to help with his room. We won't be home until probably.... I don't know late?" Mom spoke as she faced me.

I gulped. "Mom can a I ask you a question?" I mumbled, she raised her brows and nodded, Erick walked in.

"Okay, I'll both ask you the question... Do you like (sisters name) boyfriend? He seems kind of, cocky?" I mumbled and then rolled my eyes.

Finn then walked in and placed a box down, great.

"I'm not a fan of him, he does seem cocky but if that's who she loves then I accept." Mom replied and looked at Erick. Finn then nudged my arm and I whispered a 'stop'.

"He has a stuck up personality, I don't know if I approve, I just hope you'll find someone better, anyway next topic, I'm not ready for you to start bringing home any boys." Erick spoke, I almost choked and I folded my arms.

"Good comment dad, I agree. Don't bring any guys home or I'll beat them up." Finn mentioned and turned to face me, I raised my brows.

I mouthed a "wtf."

"As sweet as that sounds Finn, honey no violence in this house." Mom mentioned and smiled, Finn laughed at me and turned around to leave.

Finn POV

Our parents left and we were home alone.

I watched as Y/N sat up on the island counter and started reading a brownie box.

"What if we mess this up? I can't bake for shit." She mumbled, I walked over to her and smiled. My arms caving around her body and pulling her closer, Y/N placed her arms around my neck.

"It should be easy, and if we fail, then, crap we really suck at trying to bake instructed brownies." I replied and grinned, her smile and giggle made me go a little crazy. I felt as she placed a soft kiss onto my lips.

"When do you want to bake?" She whispered, my lips smacked together and I grinned. "Now?" I mumbled.
I pulled away from her and reach for something in my back pocket. Her eyes went huge as I held up the small packet of weed.

"Weed brownies. We can melt this in with either the butter or coconut oil etc- Finn, if my mom and your dad finds out we baked weed brownies, we are legit dead." Y/N mentioned and cut me off. I shrugged my shoulders and smirked at her.

Y/S/N POV (sisters POV)

"See, that wasn't so awkward? Did you like Jordan's parents?" I asked and waited for Mom and Ericks reply.

The car was quiet. I gulped and mom turned around from the front seat, she just stared at me.

"We See where Jordan gets his.. ugh, personality from." Mom mentioned and then turned around. I exhaled and inhaled. My eyes rolled and we pulled up to our driveway, Erick parked the car in our garage and I got out.

I smelt something familiar, it also smelt like brownies.

Straight up Weed Brownies. What were these two up to...

Finn POV

I leaned back and it felt good to lay down. Suddenly the door swung open and Dad came through with Jenn. I sat up.

"Finn, what did we say about cleaning up after baking? You and Y/N left the trays on the counter?!" Erick spoke, my eyes went wide and I sat still. I made not to make much movement, I was tripping.

"Yeah, Ugh, We'll clean it soon- Where's Y/N anyway?" Dad spoke interrupting me, Jenn raised her brows and I pointed towards the hall way.
And then (sisters name) walked in and folded her arms.

"Y/N's in the bathtub, ugh bathing." I mumbled. Dad and Jenn walked out and (sisters name) glared at me.

"I know what you and Y/N baked, I can freaking smell it in the air. I don't know how my mom and your dad can't tell. Anyway, have fun with your weed brownies... You're so lucky I won't tell." She explained then walked out of my room.

Once my door closed, I pulled down the blanket and gave Y/N a smirk as she came out from under the blankets.

"Uhh. I couldn't breathe down there, you know how hard it is to not move?" Y/N complained. I grinned and gave my girl a wink.

I quickly pulled up my pants watched as she stood up.

"Come on, we better clean up our mess." Y/N mumbled then wiped her mouth just teasing me.

I groaned.

-This was a little dirty I must say 😂😂❤️😍🤭
-how do you like this type Of Finn lol

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