Just pretend

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Finn POV

"So my dad thinks Sean's your boyfriend?" I asked staring at Y/N, she nodded her head in agreement and placed her hands on her hips. My head turned to face Sean who was on my bed fast asleep.

I gulped and then sniffled.

"It might not be a bad idea. They won't suspect us. Sean's your cover up... and I'll find a cover up... One of your other girl-friends? - Finn you don't understand, my friends are ALL obsessed with you." Y/N mentioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Makes it harder but, sooner or later they'll find out we're going to be step siblings soon, maybe. Well they'll find out that our parents are dating." I explained, she just frowned her brows and then agreed.

"Settled. It's a plan." She replied then fist bumped me, I raised my brow.

"What am I to you? Your bro?" I mentioned before pulling her closer and kissing her. She chuckled within the kiss and pushed me back.

"Let's drive him home- No, he can stay here, make the lie more believable." I spoke interrupting her.
Y/N just raised her brow and walked over to the sleeping Sean.

"Well, help me bring him into the guest room. You don't mind Sean sleeping with me?- No, he's your best friend. You do you it all the time? Don't you?" I asked. She nodded and smirked.

"Yeah, when me and Sean were like 11." She replied, I shrugged my shoulders and didn't care.

Sean POV

My head was pounding and I finally opened my eyes. I groaned out of pain as I sat up and held my head, my eyes glanced at Y/N who was sleeping next to me. Dude, I was confused on how I even got here? Was I at Finn's house? Was this his guest room?

"Y/N. Wake up." I spoke and moved her slightly. She nodded a no, so, I poked her again and did it continuously.

"Sean, stop. Poke me one more time and I'm gonna punch your balls." She mentioned, I raised my brows and chuckled. Y/N turned her head to face me and moved her hair away from her face.

"How did I get here? How was the party?" I asked, Y/N smiled and sat up slowly.

"You followed me here. And yeah, the party was good... Look, Sean, we have to talk." Y/N mumbled facing me. I licked my lips and nodded a no.

"Did we? Oh my god? We did it?!? Oh no, I can't believe I had sex with my bestfriend- Sean?! No! Ew gross. No offence." Y/N replied quickly. I Sighed out of relief and placed my hand over my beating heart.


We sat there and I explained everything. Sean gave me weird looks as I explained it but, he'll just have to get use to it.

"God, Jenns dating Eric? Woah?! And you've been dating Finn? Why didn't you tell me?" Sean asked worried as he rubbed his face with his hands. He groaned out of tiredness and I faced my bff.

"I know I should've told you! Look, I'm sorry. I just, I was nervous to tell anyone. I haven't told the girls yet, and you know how crazy the girls are about Finn. Forgive me? You know I love you, I'm not keeping anymore secrets, I promise." I explained smiling at Sean.

He scoffed and smirked at me. "You're forgiven, just because you said you love me- God, you are such a loser." I spoke interrupting him and shoving him back.

"All you have to do is pretend to be my boyfriend. Which, should be easy for Sean... You know me better than anyone!" I mentioned and smiled, Sean agreed and fist bumped me.

-I have to study :,( Wah I'll still update tho ❤️😂

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