Hand holding

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Sean POV

"Are you ready?" I asked staring at Y/N. She shrugged her shoulders and jumped up and down out of nervous-ness.

"So, the plan is we walk into school hand in hand. People are gonna find out that we're dating, might as well do it now." Y/N mentioned, I agreed and reached out for her hand. She exhaled and didn't grab onto my hand yet.

I sighed and gave her a look.

"Come on, it's not like you haven't held it before." I complained, she giggled and intertwined our fingers. We use to hold hands as kids a few years back when we did things that made us close, now, holding her hand made it feel different.

We began walking and everyone's eyes stared at us. I clenched my jaw and we continued to walk.

Finn POV

I was talking to Anthony as I leaned against the lockers and saw as Y/N and Sean walked into the hall way, they were hand and hand.

I felt my jealousy come through. I shook the thoughts out of my head and just remembered that it was fake and that she didn't actually like him.

It was now lunch and I was on the bleachers with my group just talking about the upcoming prom. From a distance I could see Y/N and Sean on the field. She was supporting him as he played football with his jock friends.

"You gotta stop staring dude." Anthony mumbled, I looked away and scoffed.

"I wasn't staring, just looking." I replied, The boys all raised their brows at me.

"What?! What's wrong with looking." I asked as I stared at the boys with my arms up. I really hated this idea now...

I was getting too jealous.


Me and my girls just talked about the prom while we stood on the field during lunch time.

"Finally you and Sean are together. This whole school has been envying it since this morning. Such an Iconic couple. OMG you'll win prom queen and Sean will be prom king." Sarah spoke, I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I wasn't thinking about going with Sean. I was thinking about Finn.

All of a sudden noise from behind me started happening. I turned to see that Finn pushed Sean and people were gathering around them. I rolled my eyes.

"Watch it Wolfhard." Sean mumbled, I walked in between them and gave Finn a look, and then gave Sean one.

"Stop it now." I whispered. Finn rolled his eyes and stepped closer towards Sean. Wtf is happening? I'm so lost on why Finn was like this?

"Go back to the bleachers." Sean spoke, Finn nodded a no and I stepped back. Sean then stepped forward and all of a sudden Finn cracked him in the jaw first. Then Sean got angry and it started a school fight... Fucking shit. I examined as they tackled one another on the floor.

"GET OFF HIM SEAN. FINN STOP." I yelled and tried breaking it off.

This plan was stupid.

-finn calm down boy

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