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Hoseok pov

Before arriving at the camp it seemed so unreal to me.
I knew there were documents proving human life in this rain forest but seeing it with my own eyes was totally different.

I felt the sudden urge of clinging to someone ,or hiding in the nearest bushes as we entered through the wooden entry.

Come on ,Jung Hoseok ,you are an agent of the Korean government.
I told myself ,but my mind snapped back-
You aren't trained for facing a bunch of  creepy half animalic jungle people.
Then I reminded myself not to sound racist.

Our informants told us that this tribe had been in constant touch with our society and that it secretly kept trading and traveling between modern states and the rain forest over a long time.

Of course there were difficulties and disagreements ,so the government tries and keeps in touch with the tribe.

Gaining information about those tribes was rare ,that's why we cooperated.

Usually tribes had troubles dealing with the outside bacteria and stuff so they could get sick and die if outsiders visited them.But the 'Bang tribe' was different.
They were used to our bacteria.
But although that was the case ,still some of them died ,while suffering fever.That's what namjoon told me.

First thing for us to do after arriving was finding someone who speaks our language.

The camp was all leaves.
Compared to most camps of the uncontacted tribes this one was pretty large though.
They also had much bigger and more advanced huts.

I gulped ,looking at a snakes dead skin wrapped around a mans waist.

It was hard not to feel watched ,we had all eyes on us as we went straight through the camp.Everyone stared at us and the atmosphere was intense.
I feared they could attack us any time.

Yoongi ,who had been here already ,tried to talk to some woman.
I didn't understand what he said but it seemed he was capable of their language.. at least to some extent.

"I asked for their leader" he explained to us after returning.
Short after, we met a broad shouldered male.
He claimed to be the leader and seemed to be fluent in Korean.
I sighed in relieve.

The leaders name was Seokjin.
We got invited into his hut and were greeted with joy.
I calmed down slowly and the native did as well.
There was still some children who lurked through the leaves and wood the hut was build of.
They were full of excitement.
When I gazed at one of them they backed off ,making me grin.
"Well ,I'm worldwide handsome.
Of course you want to take photos"
Jin bragged about his natural beauty.

"But you know ,it's a rule not to take photos as long as you stay here.
You are our guests but you have to follow our rules."
He said punching his chest when mentioning his clan.

Since we did barely know anything about the forest ,Jin said he would have some of his people take care of us for the duration of our visit.

Jungkook pov

I scoffed jumping from the wall.
Our leaders younger brother Taehyung looked at me with a playful expression.
Why do they want me to babysit?
It's not like I'm the only one who is able to speak English.

I entered Jins hut with a grim expression.
The four unknown men were seated on the floor.
"I'm here"I said ,trying to overtone one of the four who was talking to Jin in a loud voice.
"Those pipes ,what do you fill em' with?"he asked excitedly.

He was just as noisy as Jin.
Jin ignored his question ,just like he did ignore me and poked the guys dimples without hesitation.
You could watch the mans face burning red within seconds.

I attempted to get their attention once more and spoke up "Hyung!".
Now everyone was aware of my presence.
"You finally came."Jin stated ,leaving me ready to murder him in his sleep.

Jin told me to take care of the outsiders.Taehyung should join me.
While I was still curious who they were and what they came for I had no other choice but to obey the older.
Taehyung wouldn't be much of an help, that much I knew.

Jin told the unknown men to wait outside the hut.
We were alone now.
"You saw the one with the rash?
His name is Hoseok.. you should take special care of him."

I nodded ,wondering why I should keep an eye on that certain boy.
I didn't mind it though.
Not questioning Jins task I left the biggest hut of the camp and faced the four man who were already waiting outside.

Without a word I passed by them ,intending on telling Taehyung he should take care of this matter because I got bored already.

Well anyways I got rejected.

Looking at the four confused man who represented my problem I thought about where to take them and scratched the back of my head.

In the blink of an eye a child stole the one called Namjoon away ,asking if he'd want to see the bugs they had caught.He seemed not to have the willpower to reject the kid ,so I figured he would be lost for a long time.One problem less.

What's the matter?You look worried."
My aunt called out to me in our typical dialect.
"I got trash and I don't know where to take it"I said bluntly ,pointing at the rest of the group ,who fortunately didn't understand a word.

"Don't be rude!"She flicked my forehead ,but laughed while looking at the outsiders.
She somehow managed to signalize them to follow her but I stopped the boy I was supposed to keep an eye on ,realizing something.

"You'll stay at my place"I commanded,watching the boys eyes widen.

*A/N:So this was a quite boring chapter ,next chapter will have more interaction, promise.😗

Also I'm not an expert on this jungle stuff ,the information isn't accurate or stuff ,I just watched a documentary about tribes of the amazon jungle.*

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