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*Jin pov*

After I checked on the guards , who were stated on the wall , I returned to Namjoon who I had ordered to make fire.
But when I returned to him I had to witness his terrible attempts to make the wood burn.
"It could take a while" he admitted.
Then he broke both of the branches he held in hand , however he managed to do it , it was impressive.
I cowered down in front of him so that our knees touched and took the broken wood from his hands.
I looked up and was met with a sweet kiss he pressed on my lips , his nose slightly touching mine.
I giggled , knowing I had blushed, and sparked a light with one precise move.
"Now light it ,will you?"I said and pecked his lips before standing straight and going back to the men who had hunted with me.

"Jin"Namjoon called out to me , I turned to him with my mouth full and he quickly apologized "Sorry ,but Yoongi is calling.".
I got a little annoyed but picked up anyways , knowing that Yoongi wouldn't call me for nothing."hwes? (yes)"I started the call and soon I noticed it wasn't Yoongi talking to me but a very excited Jungkook talking in our language and almost tripping over his words which was so rare it never happened before.
He told me that Hoseok left out of the blue.He also told me that he left a note.
It said we had to leave because the government had decided for us to be a threat to the modern society , they'd attack us.

*Jimin pov*

After Hoseok left ,Jungkook and Yoongi got really stressed out.Kookie wouldn't stop moving his fingers , he got nervous without Hoseok and it would take a while for him to respond to us.Hoseok and Jungkook weren't on the best terms when Hoseok left either.
I felt bad for Junkook and at the same time I worried about Hoseok.
I was pretty sure he had returned to his workspace.
All I knew about Hoseok was that he was here to protect Yoongi.

"Mister Park , this is Mister Min who you are going to represent on court"
I had my left hand stuffed in my bag and reached out to shake my clients hand  , putting on a big smile.The man in front of me only gave an irritated chuckle and took my hand.
He had white hair and he smelled kinda relaxing.
Min Yoongi was the kind of guy I wouldn't want to be my client.
He was famous as fuck and definitely not an easy case, I would have to experience that later on , fighting my way through a horde of reporters and camera teams.
His lawsuit was average for a man like him I thought.
The case was about him being accused to having sexually assulted and beaten his newlywed wife.
To me he seemed like a rich ass who got irritated by beauties too easily.
Of course I thought about my clients a lot, but Yoongi was such a hard case , I had to dig further.And so it happened that we talked a lot.

It was 11 pm and I sat in my office when my phone rang , I  sighed out of frustration.
There was no way I'd get my highly needed sleep today.
I had been working a lot lately, insomnia was creeping onto me too.
But as soon as I picked up the call , all of that vanished , my voice ringing through the room as if I hadn't only had three hours of  sleep the night before.
"Good evening ,Min here, I wasn't sure wether I should call at such an hour but it seems you are still at work.I really need to talk to you.So I was wondering if you'd have time to meet."

I really didn't plan to comply but that guy offered me a cup of coffee and I just couldn't resist , the coffeemaker at the office being a nightmare in itself.
That was the first time I saw him wear casual clothing , my mouth slightly fell agape when looking at the celebrity.
His hair was a little messed up , and he looked like he hadn'd been getting much sleep himself .I realized he should sit on the inside so nobody would get a proper look at him and stopped myself from staring , getting up.
I only realized how much of a mess he was when I watched him collapse onto the seat.
I dismissed the question of  wether he was okay or not though.
That night he told me about all of the struggles he went through after getting married.
He never seemed this much of a human to me , I wouldn't have been able to guess who he was from looking at the TV.
I watched so many people lie , through my career but I couldn't bring myself to believe he was lying.

We got closer before the lawsuit ended and we won the case.

A year later he asked me to join an  expedition team.Yoongi had formerly been known as an explorer , using the money of his family and later of the Televie show.
That's how I got to know Hoseok, or the man in the black suit , how I called him back then.
He was introduced to me as a bodyguard and informant.
The first time I saw him smile was when we got onto the airplane.

Right now the current Yoongi seemed very worked up.I sat down right next to him and patted his back as if I was wiping a car.
I wasn't good at cheering up people, I always had to restrain myself from it.
Yoongi was the one who had brought Hoseok to the jungle , the one who had insisted on doing this expedition.I figured he blamed himself for it.
"I'm not going to stay here"He said after a while.
I titeled my head.Yoongi got up and hurried into his room, I followed him and watched him packing at high speed.
"We got to leave.They know Jungkook and Taehyung are still here".He shrugged and threw a large package of potato chips into his rucksack.
"Hoseok wrote he would fix this.I trust him."
That was when I got the idea of where he was going.
"So you wanna hide them?"
"Don't you care about their consent?"
"Isn't their life in my hands anyways?"
That was when Taehyung came into the room, tugging on my shirt from behind and placing his head onto my shoulder.
"It's okay, isn't it?"he asked me.
I looked at him for a moment , then I nodded.
All of us packed as fast as we could and left the apartment the same night.

*Yoongi pov*

We were back at the streets of NY.We left our car behind as soon as we arrived.I knew exactly where I would bring them and smiled at the thought of meeting my old friend.
We just made our way through a expecially crowded place when I hear Jimin call my name."Yoongi-hyung! Taehyung is missing , he was behind me but now he is gone."
I was shocked and turned around to tell them to stay together while I searched for him.
I barged through the crowd, telling myself it wouldn't be too hard to find him if he was still here since Taehyung definitely looked extraordinary.
The farther I came , the faster my heart began to beat.
There were too many people to find him , I tried to look over them but I was too small after all.Soon I was randomly making my way through , getting even more frustrated as time passed.My mind told me it was my fault , I should have paid more attention to Taehyung.No , I shouldn't have taken him to the USA in the first place.
Taehyung show yourself , will you?! And I repeated his name in my mind over and over again.Standing in the middle of the crowd I called his name again.
"Taehyung!"I stayed there and listened.God I was so near to crying.But then "Yoongi!".
It came from behind me , there he was , cowering down in the middle of a zebra crossing and I couldn't hold my joy.
I saw him and in the next moment I was already making him stand up to hug me.
He was shaking and covering his ears, snuggling into my embrace as if I could hide him.I stroked his hair , telling him everything was going to be fine.
Then I felt something warm on my shoulder, he was crying.
"Yoongi don't leave me again , please , please don't leave."
This wasn't the Taehyung I knew , he was like a scared child.
He sniffed into my hair so desperately, making me hold him tighter.
"Let's get out of this place, okay?"I tried to convince him, he gripped on my shirt even harder.I patted his back trying to sooth him and carefully took his hand into mine.
Even though he suddenly started to cry harder again I had to make it through the crowd with him one way or another.
He held onto my hand with both his hands and tried his best to fight back the tears.
The first I saw coming at us was Jimin , he immediately started asking what was wrong and tried to sooth Tae with his caring voice.

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