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*Yoongi pov*

I made a long face while staring at Taehyung who came back from his camp expedition.
In his left hand he held two handgranades, and in his right hand a bag of food.he also had a pistol he carried between his teeth and on his head he had placed a strange military helmet.
He smiled weirdly while begging "kwen ya pweese ake da pistwol?".
"Where did you get this from?" I asked him while freeing him from the metal between his lips.
"From the uncles who are sleeping in the camp" he smiled.
Jungkook hit Taes helmet "And now you want praise?! They'll notice that their stuff went missing. Do you want them to follow us? Also how are we supposed to carry all of this? We'll be even easier to hunt down!" Jungkook scolded and hit him again.
"Ouch!But this helmet is pretty robust, you know?
"Then why didn't you get me one too?"
..what a sudden change in mind.

"Exwuse me" Hoseok asked for attention.
It seemed like he had gotten used by Taehyung.
A case of patrons, a lighter, a camera and bulletproof wests were tugged everywhere on Hoseoks thin body.
"So you made Hoseok our Christmas tree?" I laughed "Jimin will burst from joy".

*Jungkook pov*

"Me?" Jimin who was halfway up a tree asked.
Taemin who sat on the brench, Jimin tried to climb, cheered for him from up there.
"Taemin can you stop being a bad influence on Jimin?" Taehyung giggled and hurried to the tree.
"Jiminie are you sure that you want to go up there?You might not be able to get down again.".
Jimin nodded impulsively, Tae sighed and helped him climb the tree while his little brother observed him sceptically, not being used to his brother acting so caring towards a person.
"Just don't fall, yeah?" Taehyung said to Jimin.
"Haah.. kids grow up so fast" Yoongi sighed and Jimin sticked out his tongue at him, Yoongi winking back at Jimin.
Hoseok reminded us that we should hurry.
"Do you think you can make it back down without my help?" Taehyung teased Jimin.
"I can do it, I'm a big boy." Jimin joked and hopped of the brench.
"Agh!My ancle"
Yoongi facepalmed himself.

"Ain't I heavy?" Jimin asked Taehyung who was chosen to carry him after he injured himself.
"You aren't heavy at all."
"Yes, Jimin, really."
"Are you sure?"
"Can you really carry me?"
"Of course"
"Aren't you only saying this to make me feel better?"
"No Jimin, now shut up or I might drop you!" Taehyung growled.
A sulking Jimin buried his face in Taehyungs shoulder.
After a few seconds Taehyung apologized "Sorry darling, don't be sad, yeah?".
Jimin hummed.
"Anyone gets injured sometimes, I should've helped you."
"I never liked sports" Jimin admitted.
"What's sport?" Taehyung who had never had the need to do sports asked.
"It's the worst.It's a really bad thing."
"Then why would anyone be into it?"
"I know right?"
Hoseok who was walking a few meters apart from them grunted "I like sports".
"Whoa creepy." Taehyung said.
That's how Taehyungs fear of sports was developed.

"Where are we even going?" Hoseok asked Yoongi who had been discussing about the way with Taehyung.
"Another camp."
There is only one problem, they might shoot at us."
"And hunt us down."Taehyung added.
"And cook us for dinner"I added, my stomach grumbling over the mention of food.
Hoseok gasped, I grinned and pecked his cheek.

"Jimin stop humming Christmas songs, it's so hot I might melt."
"Why is that my fault?"
"That's not what I meant"
Yoongi sighed and fanned his forehead with his hand.
"I'm Buddhist anyways" Hoseok explained.
"I'm atheist" Yoongi said.
"Well I might believe in the devil.After all I've seen hell."
"Who cares?You outsiders really are so complicated."I complained.
"Do you not worship anything?" Jimin asked.
"Worship?" I scrached my forehead in thought.
Taehyung had also thought about it and pointed his index finger in the air.
"I know!Back when we were kids, do you remember the olders telling us the sacrifices were for some god?"he asked me.
"Yeah, they still tell that to the children but it's actually just to satisfy our hunger when there are bad times."I answered.
Jimins eyes went big.
He asked what we were talking about but we told him it wasn't that important.
Last time we told them Namjoon had to throw up so we should maybe be careful with this topic?

*Yoongi pov*

The closer we got to the camp, the more strange sculptures and signs we found.
Jungkook explained that the Daeng clan was much more uncivilizated than Bang clan.
They told us to leave the talking to them and not make any sudden move if possible.
"Before we arrive.." Taehyung said
"Shouldn't we change?".
"What do you mean?"Jungkook questioned.
Taehyung gave Jimin to me for a while.
Out of some of his bags he pulled some fabric.It was Jungkooks old jungle wear.
They tried stripping in front of us but we pushed them into the bushes just in time.

"You aren't planning to carry me on your bare back?"Jimin assumed in shock.
"Why not?" Tae asked without a single clue.
"You are aware of the fact that I" Jimin pointed at his face and made an imaginary circle " am gay as a rainbow?".
Taehyung shrugged "You can be gay on my back.".
"It's not that simple!" Jimin protested but was lifted up the same moment.
"Wow Taehyung, you have.. smooth skin."
"What did you say?" Taehyung pretended to have misheard.
"N-nothing really"

A few moments later

"Jimin stop touching my nipples, I might do worse to you."
I wondered if I had made an impact on their behavior.

This whole expedition kinda reminded me of my childhood.
I was born into a poor family, but still I had such a happy childhood.
I would walk many kilometers every day to go to the forest.
I loved the forest when I was a kid.There were loads of interesting things and I could always relax there.
My mom packed me lunch when she knew I was going to walk to the forest.I used to forget about it all the time though and she complained about it every time that would happen.
But I just forgot about everything when I was there.

As the forest grew darker from second to second, I started to worry about my sight.
Jimin groaned "T-taehyung it's dark, can you even see?"
"I can see perfectly fine, why?"
I gulped.
So it wasn't actually getting darker?
"How can you see?It's so dark."Jimin asked, sounding tired.
I felt my legs getting wobbly.
"It's not dark at all" Jungkook said, observing Hoseok who was still pretty much okay.
"Jimin?Jimin answer me!"
Taehyungs voice seemed so distant.
I tried to stay awake but my breath slowed down with me being unable to control it.
"Ya!What's with Yoongi?Yoongi are you- "

I woke up in a tent and met Taehyungs eyes.
"You're awake" he announced the obvious.
I sat up and scratched the back of my head while frowning.
"Yes and I dreamed of me standing on a a car that's driving through a tunnel while shouting random letters.."
"Haha maybe you drifted off into a parallel universe" Tae laughed.
"Nope, I don't think so.I also dreamed about me being tied to a chair and I don't let myself get tied to a chair, believe me.".
I waved my hand at him.
"Don't you wanna know where you are?" Taehyung asked.
I blinked, tired "Ah yeah.. that, where am I?" I asked in a bored tone.
"At the Daeng tribe!" He shouted and threw his arms wide open.
"Oh well how exciting" I mumbled.
Someone covered my eyes from behind.
"Who do you think it is?"
"Get your dirty hands off my face moron" I growled.
Jin did as he was told and sat down next to me.
"That's not how you greet your favourite person in the world."
"Nice that you are still alive?"
"That's better"
"So now where is Namjoon?"
Jin glared at me and complained
"Who cares when I am here?" Huuh?!" Namjoons hand appeared on Jins shoulder as the older dodged it and hissed "don't touch me!I'm mad!" Still he didn't seem mad at all, anyone would have noticed that he was just being overdramatic.
Namjoon giggled and sat down with us on the ground.
"Nice to see you again" he flashed me a smile.
"Thank god you weren't there when we found that rafflesia"
I mumbled.

*A/N: Sports make you healthy, do sports children! XD or just rot ..nooo I don't want my dear readers to rot! >∆<

And while we are already at that don't eat human meat.And if you happen to do it anyways, tell me how it tastes.
Yeah they are cannibals, might as well go into detail soon..*

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