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*Hoseok pov*

I had to press a hand onto my mouth to suppress the sqeal rising from my throat.
This was the last thing I had expected.
Why doesn't he sleep in his own 'bed'?
Is it uncomfortable?
Even so ,Jungkook wouldn't have to hug me so close, right?He has enough space..

He had his arm wrapped around my waist ,pressing his chest onto my back.
After about a minute passed I felt his nose tracing down my spine.
I knew I couldn't endure this without getting hard so I looked over my shoulder ,making sure not to wiggle around too much.
"J-Jungkook what are you..?"
All of a sudden he pushed my chin ,forcing me to look frontal ,giving him the chance to press his wet tongue onto the back of my neck.
"Nggh"My face flushed red.
What was he doing without a warning?

I almost let him have his way but that was when a thought crossed my mind.
"Jungkook please stop"
He turned me over ,making me face him.Most of the time ,Jungkook wears a poker face.I expected to see a straight expression when I turned to him.Surprisingly Jungkooks expression looked so violative.
The shadows of the fire were dancing over his smooth skin.
The way he looked at me while resting his head on his palm was mesmerizing.
I looked away out of embarrassment which only caused him to run a finger over my jawline and press my head up ,facing his gorgeous black eyes that were glimming in the weak light of the fire.
Jungkook was the definition of erotic.
His rather dark lips made his way down my face, placing a sensual breath onto my lips.
My mind went blank.
His strong arm pressed my body back to his chest as his hot tongue entered my mouth.
He licked my upper lip making me moan and gripping onto his shoulder.
Then he cocked his head asking for better entrance to the inners of my mouth.Soon I was a total mess moaning and running my hand through his hair.
My toes digging in the fine earth underneath us ,going wild from the pleasure the kiss gave me.
I was panting by the time we parted and so was he.
That's how we fell asleep.

*Junkook pov*

I would have gone all the way if it wasn't Hoseok resting on my side.
That's what you should do after all if you have such a delicate boy in your arms.
He seemed to enjoy the kiss we shared last night just as much as I did.
I couldn't get why he told me to stop.
Though I was happy finding him in my arms when I awoke in the morning.

I always wake up earlier than Hoseok does.But it didn't bother me at all.
It gave me time to admire his face.
His lips were a bit swollen from yesterday, I thought I did a good job.

Hoseoks neck was my weak point.
It was rather thin.
I took a minute to admire how cute he looked ,especially when he was asleep.
He looked so relaxed ,I didn't want to wake my angel.

That was when I started to wonder how he felt about me.
Was he really mine now?

"Kook!"A familiar voice shouted from outside the tent.
"What is it Tae ,can't you keep your voice down?"I scolded my childhood friend, then checked for the boy in my arms.He was still sleeping.
I guess he isn't that easy to wake.
I thought to myself while stroking his messy hair out of his face.

"I can't help it.Jin wants to see you ,and maybe you should take this sleepy block with you ,I think it's about the strangers."
He pointed at Hoseok and made his leave ,deciding his job was done.
Lately Tae has been even more unmotivated than he usually was.

I made an attempt to wake Hoseok ,but he still didn't make any move nor opened his eyes.
I smirked evilly ,taking some of his hair and twisting it between my palms causing it to stand up from his head strangely.
I laughed silently ,that was when Hoseok finally opened his eyes.
I giggled ,placing a shy kiss on his lips and whispering "Good morning".
He immediately went red and asked "Good morning..What's so funny?"

We made our way to the biggest hut.
Jin ,Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon were already there ,the only one missing was Yoongi.
"Did you happen to see Yoongi anywhere?"We were asked by Namjoon ,but I just shook my head.
"Uhm"Hoseok said "The last time I saw him was yesterday at the fire, but before then i saw him in a hut near the wall.
It was so much smoke in there though ,so I left right away"
"Ugh"Jin sighed in agony.

We went to the hut where he saw Yoongi the other day.
I knew our priest was very kind to strangers and offered presents from time to time too ,so I wasn't surprised when we found Yoongi in a steamy hut.
Taehyung and I attempted to help him and carry him out of the smoke.
But he seemed very unhappy with taehyung touching him ,shouting something barely understandable as "I'm going to kill you"

Following this,the still pretty high Yoongi was carried out by Jin and I.
"I'll i-i-infire you taeh-..ugh"
He sang.
"It's just some plants ,he isn't used to this but it should soon get better.."
Jin concluded watching the funny guy ,from whom smoke was still rising.When he opened his mouth the first time it looked like his spirit would leave him.

"Jiminie ,you not gonna leave me for Tae-fuck ,you hear meh?"
Yoongi spat out some strange sounds ,Jimin was the only one who understood his words though ,his face burning red soon.

"But we can't take him on the trip like that"Jin stated.
"He is already on the trip"Namjoon reminded ,receiving a death glare from Jimin and Jin.
"So you will have to lead the group for now.Namjoon is the leader for your expedition today!"Jin ordered.
Namjoon didn't quite seem okay with that "Me?A leader?Can't we just go tomorrow?"
Namjoon sighed.
"Jungkook and Taehyung will escort you, you are going to bring water"

I glanced at Taehyung ,it looked like he had no complaints.
"Isn't it enough if just two of us go,since we are in need of any help we can get in the camp?"I asked.
And because Jimin wanted to stay with Yoongi and Taehyung was decided to stay ,we left the camp without them.

"Hey Jin what's that?"
"A   ##$hG#n(&\ "
"Oh I see"
"And what's this?"
"It's an Anaconda"
"Ah ,and what's that?"
"That's Jungkook ,Namjoon"

Hoseok was clinging onto my arm from time to time when he saw something he didn't want to see.
"It's just an average caterpillar Hoseok ,how did you even manage to come here if it makes you so scared you have to climb on my back."
"Dunno Kookie I just kept going."
He mumbled into my shoulder.
"You are really scared of a lot of things but you always manage to get over your fears ,that's impressive."
I complimented.
"R-really?"Hoseok asked happily and I nodded ,but soon our way was interrupted by a cliff.
"W-we have to climb down there?"
Hoseok asked ,praying the answer was no ,even though the cliff was only a few meters high.
"Of course we have to"
Jin said ,laughing a bit.
"Did you think we would fly?
Jungkook ,you should know how to fly, right?You can do anything."
"No I don't"
"Well ,you should learn ,Kook."
..I added that to the list of things I wanted to learn.

"I'll go first ,if you happen to slip I'll stop you from falling ,promise."
I said, a fall from here could end deadly.
I made my way onto the wall ,climbing down with ease.
"Come here"I told him.
He needed about a minute or two to get off the safe ground.
It took him quite some time to make a move when he was on the wall though.
"I'll show you where to place your feet"

5 minutes later he was at the same height as I was.
"Where are Jungkook and Hoseok ,I can't see them anymore."
I heard Namjoon ask from a lot further down.
"I guess Kook really learned flying and they are already on the ground."
I heard Jin make his obscure guess.
"Baby ,don't listen and take your time.
Look ,here"I showed him the next spot, not even realizing how I just called him.
He had quite a lot of power in his thin arms though ,the more time he needed the longer he had to hold onto the wall.
"We are almost there."
I tried to sooth him.
By the time he was down his legs were shaking like mad.
I didn't know how to calm him down ,so I grabbed him by the shirt ,pulled him close and kissed him.

Jin and Namjoon where standing near our kissing scene ,and both of them seemed quite embarrassed.
When they happened to look at each other for a moment they turned and went over to stare into space.

*So what ship do you prefer,
Yoonmin ,or Vmin?

You know why 🌚😅*

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