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First of all
Here is a note to my dear readers
Who supported me throughout the writing process of this book:

Thank you so much!
Every single read, comment or like is so precious to me
You don't even have an idea how it makes my heart flutter
When i get notifications from wattpad x3
I purple ya all so hard >□<

This is the last official chapter of 'Jungle boy'.
But I am thinking about doing one or two specials
After the main story is finished and 'icy cold' is out.
So I'm not gonna mark it as complete.

I hope you'll like 'icy cold'
At least as much since it's a story I've been wanting to tell
For a long long time.
A dark story actually.
But enough with the self advertisement XD

I hope you stay healthy during the last months of winter
And we can spend some more time together here on wattpad ^^

*Jungkook pov*

I was woken in the middle of the night, by a small hand shaking me awake.
I opened my eyes and straightened my back.
"Hoseok, what is it? And if you have to wake me at such a time, why not with a kiss?"
I rubbed my eyes and was handed a small bag.
"I thought about staying" he said and pushed his hair back.
"What's the bag for then? Can't you tell me tomorrow?"I complained, almost falling asleep on the soft bag Hoseok gave me.
"No, listen to me!You better wake up now because we have a long walk ahead of us."
He told me, running around in the small hut, packing another bag.
"Where are we going now? ? Don't be so mysterious. " I stretched my arms and back.
He dropped his bag on the ground and walked up to me, sat down in front of me and looked me in the eyes
"As I said I thought about staying and figured it would be the best to do so, but not here.
Jungkook, I know this is your family and friends, all this is your life, but you're not the only one who has a life to leave behind.
So I need you to make a decision now.
Run away with me, I don't care where to, leave your chance of marriage and kids behind and be only mine.I will overcome my fears for you and learn how to love this jungle.Or stay?" His voice cracked at the last two words.
I took his hand in mine, he was shaking, but his eyes were full of determination.
I knew it was the only way, and he made the decision I was too afraid to make.
I tried to find the right words but as I did I started to cry.
"K-Kookie?" He sounded confused, patting my back.
"For real Hoseok, how do I deserve you?I'm just so happy-" I pressed out between the tears.Then I leaned foreward and rubbed his palm in a soothing way.
I gave him a soft kiss and said "let's run away".
His eyes went big, then he hugged me "I love you!".
"Me too, I love you too" I said, breathing in his scent.

"So how are we gonna get out of here?" I asked him, looking around the dark place.
He smiled and signalized me to follow him.
A few huts farther, closer to the wall, there was the shadow of a man to be seen.
I blinked a few times, trying to see who it was.
"You're late, I thought you chickened out." Tae scolded Hoseok and giggled.
"What-" I called out, Hoseok interrupted me "He's gonna help us.".
Taehyung smiled a weak smile and scratched the back of his head in an awkward way
"I'm sorry for what I did, let me make up for it".
I nodded.Taehyung had patrol this night, so he could easily let us sneak out without anyone noticing.
After I had to excuse myself for a last thing I had to do after leaving, I came back to them.We stood on the other side of the wall, it was time to say goodbye.
"Thanks, Tae, I'll never forget about what you did for us" I said and hugged him "tell the others thanks as well and take good care of them."
"I will, you better not die out there, a-and maybe send us a christmas card when the time comes" we looked at each other, knowing that that card would probably never get send.
"Now go"
He said, and so we left, walking towards north and beginning a new life.
"Hoseok, you know, you said I would be leaving my family if I went with you.
But in fact, you are all the family I need"
"Y-you're right- IIIIKKK A SNAKE!"
This would be the first of many snakes I killed on our way.

*Jin pov*

How I dealed with last nights events:
I pushed them in the corner of my mind.
I knew it wasn't the healthy way of dealing with things and that eventually it'd come back to me at some point.
But my clan needed it's leader.
Leading my clan wasn't my biggest concern, but Namjoon who I couldn't face at all.

My clan congratulated me on my return and applauded.
Our best hunters prepared a banquet and they danced until the sun went down.
In the evening, after everyone calmed down, Namjoon reached the camp as well.
He was exhausted, but he covered it up quite well.
I sat by the fire, and he too sat down next to me.
"I" he said "I should've been there sooner.".
I looked down "It's not your fault Joon.I shouldn't have kept all of it to myself."
He looked up to the stars and thought for a while "Don't run away from me, please.".
"We can go through this together.I won't push you and I don't have any expectations."
Even though he wasn't intending to hurt me or anything and just trying to be nice, those words weighted on me.
"It's not okay.I hate my body how it is now.On top of that it feels like I betrayed you."
I balled my fists and looked at the fire.
"The only one who did wrong was that guy, you know that.
I'll always be here to hold you, take your time.
And also our both clans, they'll be able to live in peace now."
I smiled "that's right, leader Namjoon".
Then I leaned back "So what'll be your first decision as the leader?"
"What do you think? No more sacrifices. I can't stand them."
There was a moment of silence , then I started to laugh "that's so like you! Well, I'm looking foreward to see how you're gonna live without human meat."
"Just you wait" he grinned.

An hour later, almost all the meat was eaten, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin joined us by the fire.
"Heyy~ So glad you're back! I knew Namjoon would make it!"
Jimin cheered.
"I wouldn't leave you so easily.By the way, where are Jungkook and Hoseok?"
I asked.
"Uhm, well, they left for their own journey. "Tae said.
"And you let them go just like that??"
"Yeahhh you know, they need this.."
"Guess you're right" I said, watching Yoongi feeding the fire with wood.
Yoongi scoffed and told us "Jungkook that asshole placed a snake in my tent before leaving."
"I wonder why~"Tae teased.
"Pff, you can be quite the insensitive guy" Jimin laughed.
After Yoongi sat back down he received a kiss from Jimin "But I love you".
Yoongi blushed deep.A fake cough came from Taehyung.
Yoongi and Jimin were ripped out of their own little world of love.
"Aww does our baby need attention~"
"F-forget it"
"Oh come on, we're a big family"
Taehyung was showered with kisses, then received a deep kiss from each of them, which made me realize:


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