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*A/N: I posted my story ideas on my conversation board.Thanks to everyone who voted till now💟, you can still vote though.
I'll close the voting in two days.

Here is a fluff chappy for you guys ~ (lil' sad tho)*

*Jin pov*

After we ate, Namjoon got called by some tribes man so I stayed with the others 'till I got sleepy.
I felt terrible.
Carrying around a secret I couldn't even tell Namjoon about was the worst.
I couldn't even eat properly and that meant something.

At the same time I felt guilty.
I was afraid Namjoon would leave me once my secret was revealed.
I bit my tongue, thinking that I had to be a good leader to my clan.I could not tell Namjoon.

Thinking about the nearing day of truth, I made my way back to the tent Namjoon and I shared.
Until I entered the tent I thought Namjoon would still be gone.
But he was laying in our sleeping spot, his back facing me.
I gulped, then laid down behind him and nuzzled my nose in his neck.He was warm and he smelled reassuring.
A single tear escaped my eye thinking that.
"Jin?"he mumbled, turning halfway around.
I remained silent so he stroked my cheek and held me close.
"Did I wake you?"
"It's fine.This way I can enjoy your beauty a little longer." he hummed.Usually I didn't really care about whether someone called me pretty or not, I was confident in my looks.
But when Namjoon praised me I felt so happy.
I want this man to never let go off me I thought, hugging him tight.
The night was cold so he took a lot of effort making me feel warm.
For a moment I thought about telling him everything.
But I knew I wouldn't.

*Taehyung pov*

"Taehyung-hyung, I'm happy that you are back" Taeyang said while smiling.
I grunted and averted his gaze.
He was a strange kid.
He even used to follow me around when he was younger but he stopped after I got angry.
I hated family.
It did never mean anything to me so I thought of him as silly.
The elders used to me that I shouldn't be too clingy with my family.
When I was little they even punished those who were too driven to their blood related ones.
Because everyone in the clan had to be the same.
This was how I had learned it, and I was proud to lack any bond to my family.
So this boy who didn't care about our rules made me really angry.

I sat under a tree, cuddling with Jimin when he said "Taemin seems to respect you a lot.He must love you very much."
"Is that so.."
"But he seems so lonely as well.."
Jimin mentioned, pouting.
When I didn't answer, he said
"You know he is kinda similar to you.
He never listens to me.
He always has to have his way."
I started getting annoyed
"I'm not like that.Also why are you trying to compare him to me?"
He giggled "You never listen to any of us either. But I love you like that-" he gasped and covered his mouth right after he said it.
I was a little shocked too.
Since that came out too sudden I couldn't stop him from running off and leaving me behind.

"Yoongi~ did you see Jimin?"
"Sorry babe, I haven't and I really don't have time right now"
"But it's important" I whined.
Yoongi looked at the big tree trunk he was carrying and then looked back at me.
I wiggled my shoulders.
He sighed, then carelessly let the tree trunk go, slamming it on his carrying partners feet.
The guy screamed in pain and shouted something like "You cunt!I'm gonna kill you!Fuck!".
Yoongi didn't even look at the guys bleeding feet and walked over to me.
"I was getting tired anyways"
"Aren't you always tired?"
"Shut up"

"Jimin told you that he loves you and ran off???" Yoongi asked me to confirm.
"You are so lucky man" Yoongi said and furrowed his brows.
"But why did he have to run off?"
I asked cluelessly.
"I don't really have to answer that, do I?"
I looked at him, confused.
"Anyways why are you the one getting confessed to first.I feel left out.." It wasn't like Yoongi to feel offended so easily.
"I bet he loves you too though."
I tried to lift his mood but it didn't really work.
I couldn't truly know how Jimin felt about Hyung.
They had a special relationship after all.
"Hey Hyung?"
"What is it?"
"I love.." I mumbled.
"I can't hear you, what did you say?"
"You definitely said something Tae-"
"But you don't care anyways"
I blurted out without thinking.
It made me realize how the last days weighted on me.
Jin not acknowledging me as their lover, even though I hadn't told him but still it felt bad.
Yoongi wasn't the only one who felt left out.
I wanted to tell everyone that those two were mine but I did not even know what kind of relationship we had.
Even in the jungle this wasn't common.

*Hoseok pov*

"Why do we have to go get the water?" I threw a tantrum since we had left the camp.
"Come on Hoseok, we are almost there and don't you enjoy spending some alone time with me?" Jungkook asked.
His question was met with a high pitched scream.
Without a word, Jungkook grabbed the snake that had caused my scream and strangled it, then hung it's dead body around his neck.
I watched in disbelieve.
"Warn me beforehand?"
"You startled me with your scream too.Look at it as my revenge.".
"There is better ways to scold me, don't you think?" I reminded him.
"Maybe I would have thought of that if someone wouldn't be so ignorant all the time."
"You aren't possibly angry just because I didn't give you as much attention as usual?" I smirked.
"Maybe I am" he answered vaguely, sulking.
"Kookie~ don't be mad no more~"
I hummed cutely.
He stopped walking and gave me an intense stare.
I shuddered.
For a bunny that carried a dead snake he was extremely sexy.
"K-Kookie?" I was afraid to have upset him even more.
Looking down on me, he approached me.
"A-am sorry Kookie." I whimpered.
I started to worry if I had done something wrong.
He bit his lip, then lifted my chin "don't tease me Hoseokie.I might end up losing my temper."
I froze and started sobbing, feeling sad and confused.
His eyes went big and his expression soft immediately and he cooed
"Shh baby, I'm not mad, promise."
His kind voice made me sob even more and I ended up crying into his chest.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I shouldn't have played around so much."
He apologized and patted my head.
"Liar, you w-were mad" I complained.
His voice got low again
"Oh baby boy, you really are clueless, aren't you?".
I sobbed more.
He sighed and carried me for the rest of the way as an apology.

"Jungkook why were you hard?"
I asked after he let me down a few minutes later.
I couldn't bring myself to ask while getting carried by him.
He filled the water cans and kept silent.
I figured he would not tell me and crouched down to fill a can as well.
"Hoseok.. Did you ever think about the future?".
I was surprised at the sudden change of topic "what do you mean?".
"Just.. You know, will we be able to stay together, I wonder..?"
Those words pierced my heart with a sad feeling.
"Do you not want to come with me again?" I asked him,wearing a concerned expression on my face.
"It's not like that, just..
I'm not the only on to decide.."
He admitted.
"It's your choice!" I shouted out.
"Hoseok.. There is something I haven't told you about me yet"
He confessed, blankly staring at the clear water to his feet.
I felt my throat getting dry.
"Tell me then" I said and gulped.
He rubbed his left eye, trying to get some feeling into his face.
"My father was a traitor.
He was the one who sold off the information about our clan to the government and escaped to Seoul.
Nobody ever wanted to talk about him.All I know is that apparently he was very strong.
So the clan had decided to make him the next leader and raised him like that.But it was too much pressure for him.He was a rebellious man.
I got born shortly after he left us.
So I never met him, still some people hated me in his place.
Taehyungs granddad was the one who defended me back then.
As a result I played a lot with Taehyung and we became friends.
But being the influential man he is, his grandfather decided to make me the next leader.
Of course the whole clan protested, so the position went over to his second choice- Seokjin.
Though it sounds like this was the end of the story, it wasn't.
My clan believes that strength gets passed on in the family.
So they also believe that my children will be strong hunters and fighters.
They decided to make my child the next leader."
A bitter feeling spread inside of me.

*A/NI can't wait to reveal more stuff 😂
I really didn't plan on this from the beginning but seems like not only Jin will have to face a hard time..*

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