449 19 9

*time skip*

*Hoseok pov*

Send me a sign.Something that tells me what I gotta do to feel good about it afterwards.
I had never felt this way.Like I want to pray to god for help.
I was the kind of person who was confident in their actions.
So I felt really dumb filling all the wishlists to Santa Claus I had still left to write , since I never sent one when I was young.
I had only written three wishes until I gave up and went for the stickers to put them everywhere on the paper."Uhmm, Hoseok , I am not an expert at this but I think that's not how it's done" Jungkook told me after looking over my shoulder.
"T-then what do I do? Isn't this fine Mister Christmas-expert?"
"I guess.. I mean for me it is but .." he bend over and whispered into my ear so a certain person wouldn't hear him "..but you know how picky Jimin is".
That's when Jimins office voice rang through the room "Hoseok are you done?~"
I tried to hide the paper under my hands but there was no hiding my failed wishlist.
"You know that there are rules"he scolded in a serious tone, and even to an undercover agent like me this situation was scary.I grinned the biggest smile I could manage to and was about to abadone my piece of art when suddenly there was Yoongis voice being heard through the whole room, more annoyed than ever.
"You know what? I don't! There are no fucking rules to writing down your wishes!
This is my 8th try already and I bet you are still unsatisfied with it!I quit!"
I was never so impressed of Jimin.

"First of all"Jimin lectured me "your wishes are supposed to be materialistic. Second of all you need to organize the stickers by color and you can only put them on following certain areas...".
I sighed several times while he explained but he didn't quite get the message.
Jungkook had put up his hand since our teacher Jimin only responded to handsigns.
To be honest I had to press down a giggle every time Yoongi put up his hand after getting scolded for talking freely. It was like in elementary school.
"Yes.I'd like to ask why Taehyung is the only one who doesn't have to work?"
"Taehyung is..well he is kinda depressed after what happened so I let him be."
I glanced at the door that leads to the balcony while trying to get the blue glue from my fingers.Taehyung had been sitting on the balcony for the whole evening.
It had only been one and a half week after our story was aired on TV.
My former colleagues had cancelled the whole mission just as I expected them to.
Everything was quite too good to be true.Except from the fact that we didn't hear a thing from Jin and Namjoon after all that took place.
Since then Taehyung was worried as heck and he would act all nervous, also he would always glance at the phone and if someone called he would be the first to grab the phone.He didn't talk to us either.
Jungkook was different, I don't think he wasn't worried but it didn't seem to affect him that much.

I collapsed onto the bed.There was no way I would hold a pen in the next few months , let alone a gluestick.My hands still felt sticky.
I rubbed my fingertips against each other to get rid of the sticky feeling.
"What is that supposed to do?" Jungkook asked after entering the room.
I started to whine and showed him my fingertips with a frustrated expression.
"Ohh my poor baby~" he cooed and gave me a compassionate smile.
Then he took my hand in his and kissed it.
"D-Don't , it's sticky!"I warned.

*Yoongi pov*

I was the last one to finish the wishlist.Everyone else had already gone to their rooms , only me and Jimin were left.
"Jimin.Is this fine?"I asked , I had already given up all of my hope and just asked because I felt like talking to Jimin.
"Show me"I handed him my piece of paper, he blinked a few times and then he said "it's fine".
Although he said that he didn't seem pleased at all.
I should have been happy after a few hours of writing but the way he spoke kinda worried me."Jimin, are you okay?"
He sighed "I don't know , I just.. I know I shouldn't make such a fuss about it.
I just wanted everyone to enjoy themselves and have a good time together but I ended up being too picky.."he hid his face in his palm while talking.
"And Taehyung.. he is so reserved lately and I know he needs time for himself but I feel like I wanna be there for him and do something about it instead of just watching.".
I hummed and paused, then said "I think Taehyung has a lone side to him.He keeps his hardships to himself.He hasn't even consulted Jungkook."
Jimin started looking at me again "I know right, Jungkook seems to be his only friend too, well apart from me.Since Kook didn't talk to him yet I thought it was better to let him be , he knows Tae better than we do.".
"That may be true but we aren't Jungkook.It's been some time since he has become like this.Let's talk to him , hm?"Jimin nodded happily.

"You knock"I commanded.I was pretty sure he wouldn't let me in.
Jimin knocked two times, then he shouted "Tae it's Jimin , can I come in?"
Short after we heard a small voice from inside the room "Yes , come in.".
Jimin opened the door and I slipped in with him.
Taehyung noticed me but he didn't say anything , he just seemed exhausted.
He sat at the window and stared at us.
"Uhm Taehyung , how about we talk?"Jimin offered and sat down on the bed.
Taehyungs eyes went big "About what?".
"The things that keep bothering you lately."Jimin seemed to feel uneasy.
He wasn't a psychologist but a lawyer after all.
I grabbed a chair and sat down by Taehyungs side.
"What am I supposed to say?"Taehyung seemed confused.
"Tae , we know how hard this situation weights on you so don't you wanna talk to us about it?"I asked, looking him in the eyes with a sympathetic smile.
I wasn't good at things like this either but I wanted to set things straight.
Taehyung acted flustered, turning his gaze toward the window.
"I really don't know what you wanna hear.."
I sighed and told him "Taehyung listen, we are worried about you.
You don't eat properly , you don't talk to us if it isn't necessary and you keep everything to yourself.We want to be there for you, so please don't avoid us like this."
Silence. I tried another way "Wasn't it you who begged me not to leave you alone?".
I got him this time , he turned around in an instant , snapping and turning all read "I-I wasn't thinking clearly back then!".
"First of all come down there and face us , yes?"
"D-don't switch the topic hyung!"
Taehyung had started to call me hyung after I found him in the crowd.
Jimin didn't know since Taehyung only talked to me when we were alone.
I realized that it must be a little uncomfortable for him to talk to the two of us at a time.
Still he got up and sat down on the bed.
I smiled and shuffled closer to them.

*Taehyung pov *

"Do you dislike talking to both of us at a time?".
Yes I did.Having both Jimin and Yoongi stare at me made me really uncomfortable.
My heart started beating so fast and I couldn't help but feeling small.
I avoided their gaze and said "Kinda.. it's irritating. "
"Hmm why ~, tell us how it makes you feel."
Yoongi-hyung seemed to have gotten an idea of my thoughts.I buried my face in my hands."Tae.."Jimin whispered and got way too close , his breath tracing over my earlobe.
Yoongis deep voice ordered me to look up but I couldn't , I couldn't just show them my red face.I felt so embarrassed.
Hyung had gotten impatient and lifted up my chin , forcing me to look at them.
Jimin stared at me with big eyes and rested his head on my shoulder and Yoongis face was way too close to mine.
"You guys"I breathed, but was already met with Yoongis toungue licking over my lip.
"Ah"I whimpered and looked up.
As soon as he was sure he had permission ,he kissed me.
It was a gentle kiss , causing me to close my eyes.
I felt his touch on my chest and Jimin holding my back.
After he pulled away our eyes met , I felt like I was melting.
Slowly I realized Jimin was still present and looked down at him.
His expression wasn't easy to read.He moved gracefully and slowly.
My nose slightly touched his cheek , I kissed the corner of his mouth.
Then I pulled him by his hair and sank my toungue into his mouth ,our lips colliding.
At the same time I felt Yoongis lips leaving small pecks down my neck.
But then the moment was interrupted by loud moans coming from the other room.
Jimin and I stopped in our tracks and Yoongi also stopped.
"They are animals"he commented.I showdered "Who are the animals here? Telling me they wanna talk to me and than going for kisses!"I pretended to be angry with them but they just giggled.

*A/N: Maybe I focus too much on the side-ships? But they keep me entertained xD
So I revealed our yoontaemin or however you call that ship in this chapter.
Next chapter I'll come back to the moans from the other room and give you guys a little smut.I still plan on writing some Yoongi x Taehyung x Jimin action.~~~"

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