Epilogue 1

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*A/N: *showers you guys with sorrys for not finishing the ff sooner*
Have this, I hope you didn't forget about them in the meantime 😣*

*Hoseok pov*

Despite all that had happened I felt we could find peace now.
There wasn't a time I didn't feel safe with Jungkook while we passed the depths of the strange,wild jungle.
I was used to being in his presence by now.Still, after some time alone with him I realised how silent of a person he was.Before, there'd be a lot of people around us, but now, with just us and the wildlife, I could feel his calm aura growing more familiar.
His presence almost felt like a blanket you wrap around your body at night.I never missed a chance to snuggle into the feeling his pure being would give me.

When I left I was aware that we'd have to be everything to each other.We'd be lovers, almost sharing a body at all times.Friends, giving each other advise and comforting each other when the time came.Caretakers, looking after the other and feeding each other when it was neccessary.

"Hoseok, it's cold outside, and the fire has almost gone out, come inside now!" Jungkook scolded me.I was sitting on the ground, looking at the crowns of the trees, the colors of the forest slowly fading into pitch black.I hummed in response to Jungkook.The air was heavy with the scent of smoke draining off the pile of wood that was left over from the fire we lit some hours ago.I could hear various animals awaking from their daytime sleep, which send shivers down my spine as I was still a little angsty.

"Hoseok!Why do I always have to tell you twice?"Kook grumbled, acting angry despite coming out just to get me.I pretended as if I didn't hear him and said "Ah Kookie! Come here, sit down, won't you?".I was sure he wouldn't reject me, even if he saw through me.Smiling at him, I patted the ground next to me.He sighed and sat down "You like looking at the stars?".I had never been asked such an unuseful question, so I rolled my eyes and answered "haha, well doesn't everyone from time to time?".
Then my thoughts led me to my siblings.My brother, even he, would he sometimes be looking at the stars like us?I couldn't imagine a person like him doing that but thinking about it felt somewhat calming.What would my sister say if she saw us today?From the big, cold house of my parents I had upgraded to a warm place in the middle of a jungle.I think she would have been happy to see me like this  I thought to myself.That moment Jungkook rested his head on my lap."You should be thankful to have such a great boyfriend who can fight off panthers and crocodiles like nothing but in reality you never listen to me.I'm pitiful, ain't I?"he complained.I giggled, "Then how can I compensate my bad behavior?~".
He thought about it for a moment, then answered "Pet me?".
"Pff silly" I laughed and ruffled through his hair.

"Not like this.Your posture is off and your shoulders are too stiff."
Jungkook nagged.
I was able to hold a pistol but never learned how to use a bow.
Before I tried it I thought it would be about the same and, maybe it was just me, but it was pretty difficult at first.
Jungkook was moving his hands all over my body, trying to fix my posture.
"How were you supposed to protect Yoongi-hyung when you are as stiff as this?" He teased me.
"Shut up, I never held a bow.I left my pistol at the camp.Hope they aren't playing with it."
Jungkook gulped at the thought.
"To bring a pistol into the jungle, don't you think that's a little unfair?"
He mumbled and pressed his front onto my back, showing me how to bend the bow.
I looked at him, blushing "Will you give me some room?".
He gave a cocky smile and stepped back.
"Looks good" he said, while checking me out.
"You guys know the jungle much better, how is a plain pistol unfair?"
I answered his previous question and shot.I hit the middle of the tree and most importantly, it was deep in.
I imitated his cocky smile from before.
A wolf whistle escaped his mouth when he inspected the entry point of the arrow.
"So you aren't only pretty"
I scoffed and slapped the back of his head.
"But I wonder if you can do this twice, without my help?"
I took the bow from his hand and walked up to the point I stood at before.
"Uhh" he commented and stepped to the side.
I grinned "won't you stay where you are?Or do you not trust me?".
He raised his eyebrows.
But he made his mind up and walked in front of the tree again.
I aimed about a centimeter over his head.
"Hoseok are you su-"
The arrow went barely over his hair and pierced the wood quite deeply.
"I can't believe how much I trust you."
He sighed.
"There is no reason not to trust me."
I walked up to him and pressed him against the tree.
My breath brushed his lips as I removed the arrow from the poor tree.
I was about to move away but he grabbed my neck and pushed his lips onto mine, pushing his tounge in hungrily.
His hand grabbed my ass, pushing our crotches together.
I panted when he released me.
He brushed over my hair lovingly.
"Don't blame me for my actions after you teased me all day.".
The lust in his eyes went through my whole body.
He held my waist and bit my neck, sniffing my hair, making my body tense up again.

*A/N: ahahaha I'm so evil, not finishing the 'making love scene'~
Well, let's leave this up to your imagination since it's the last smut of this ff 😈👻🐰🐴
Here are two chapters just as promised*

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