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*A/N: Since the last chapter was kinda shitty ,I hope you'll enjoy this :S*

*Hoseok pov*

Jungkook didn't stop talking for about half an hour.I was watching closely since he wouldn't let go off my hand either. I started to worry for his health ,didn't he have to take breaths?

Taehyung and Jungkook had been acting kinda aggressive for the last few minutes after Jin told them something I didn't understand.
I never heard Jungkook talking so much ,I figured Jin must have insulted his hair style or something.

"Fire!"Jimin shouted.
"What?Where?"Jin snapped.
Their discussion ended like that.
"Just kidding ,you were acting like the wild after all."
"We are the wild"said Tae.
"Touché"replied Jimin.

"Kook?Uhm, you are hurting my wrist.."I complained.
Jungkook let my wrist go and wrapped his arm around my waist "sorry"
He was back to his normal self ,talking in one-word-sentences.

Namjoon appeared out of the hut behind Yoongi and Jin.
"You gonna tell us what this is all about?"
Jin sighed ,it took him some seconds to reply.
"You'll have to leave ,all of you."
I gulped ,Jungkooks grip around my waist tightened.
He was not going to let me go.
When I noticed nobody was talking I said "That would have to happen sooner or later."I shrugged as if it was nothing but deep down I felt like someone put a huge weight on my chest.

"Right" Yoongi told "It's not that big of a deal for us.But the agency will be pissed as fuck."
They could not cut ties with the world out there ,even if they wanted to.
So they had to solve this problem.
Jin was deep in thought ,then commanded "Jungkook ,Taehyung ,come with me."
Jungkook looked back at me for a moment ,not wanting to part from me.I pecked his lips ,reassuring him it was okay.

I was sad ,even though I still had a job waiting for me at home as well as my my sister.
I knew I would have to leave at one point.
My eyes were fixating the hut and I wore a worried expression.
Jimin went over to me and comforted me.

There was a reason to why Yoongi and Taehyung were fighting over him like mad.Jimin was puffy and small ,perfect to hug actually.
Having a friend like him was a gift.
"At least you are not a strawberry anymore"he said after looking at my arm that was cured from the weird pattern it had before.

*Jungkook pov*

"Are you nuts?We don't even have a passport"Tae reminded Jin.
"You are not optimistic enough."Jin said.
"I bet you are just scared"I teased my friend.
"This is just.. so odd.."
He was right.The idea of us going to america ,where the institution of our guests was located ,seemed crazy.
I had never been outside the Jungle.
I couldn't believe Jin would consider something like that.
"I'll talk to Namjoon ,we can make fake passports ,they are pros after all."
I doubted his plans ,but I couldn't help but find them alluring.
I would be able to follow Hoseok to the outside world.
"Don't you think we would catch attention?"
True.Our tattoos ,and the way we were dressed ,everything was kinda eye-catching.
"Gotta dress you up."Jin shrugged.
I even had my face tattooed a little ,so this would not help that much.
We used tattoos to express the power of each member of the clan.
Tattoos were made if you did something heroic or impressive for the clan, I didn't really want to cover them.
"Well, I think we should do it.It's our only option anyways"

We talked to the explorers , as expected there was no problem with the formal stuff.
Yoongi gave his okay for us to come along.

The day after ,we would leave.

"That looks so good on you!"
Hoseok smiled while buttoning my shirt.I had tried wearing one once ,but that was a long time ago.
Hoseok was very excited for taking me with him ,he hadn't stopped giggling since we got up.
It was so cute ,I just had to drop kisses all over his face.

Parting from the clan was hard ,but I was confident everything would turn out good.
My aunt gifted me a rare fruit ,and the children stole snakeskin from their parents hut and gave it to me, but I scolded them and told them to bring it back.

Namjoon decided to stay ,Jin would look after him.Nobody would mind since Namjoon was just like a part of the clan already.
It was heartwarming seeing the children play with him ,even though his hair didn't seem to approve.

We made our way through the jungle.
"Where are we going?"Tae asked.
"To the airport"Jimin answered
"What's an airport?"
"Oh boy" Yoongi sighed.

"An airport is where we fly away ,there'll be a huge machine called airplane ,we'll enter it and go to another land.We'll fly."
Hoseok explained
"Yeah and I'm an orang-outang"
Tae joked.
But soon we would see it ourselve.

After long discussions we entered a strange thing called car.
At that time I had never heard of something like that not to mention seeing it.
Taehyung seemed really uncomfortable for the whole drive ,while I was quick with getting used to it.
We arrived at the so called airport.
I had to press my eyes close for a few times ,the ground was a dark shape of gray all of a sudden and it didn't look like earth at all.I figured it had to be another strange invention.
Tae started panicking a little when it came to leaving the car.
I tapped the floor suspiciously with my toe.
"It's safe ,don't worry.Everything here is safe."Yoongi laughed.
I scoffed ,next time he comes to visit I would 'accidently' drop a snake inside his hut.

Hoseok smiled at me and took my hand.I felt better having him by my side.I felt safe just looking at him with his smile brighter than the sun.

*A/N: I'd like to update soon.
I find it funny how those semes are such scaredy cats ^^

See ya 🐣*

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