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* A/N: I'm sorry for making you wait so long >. < my phone died last week so I had to find an alternative.
Even though I'm late I wanna wish you a happy 2019, may it be a healing year for everyone.I have a good feeling about it :))*

*Jungkook pov*

"I'm gonna take responsibility"
Jin said.Everyone looked at him in disbelieve.Namjoon who had been standing by his side the whole time was making a serious expression.
"There must be another solution"
He said and you could see how he tried to stay calm but he was shaking just like all of us.
"No Namjoon, it's over.This is the only way."Jin said, turning to Namjoon a last time.
"Fine" the biggest of the men said.
His underlings went to grab Jin, Namjoon gasping and breathing out his name in despair.
"I love you Namjoon"Jin told him before he was dragged along.
Hoseok landed on the ground but he managed to take a few steps in my arms before he would collapse.
The men told us to leave and shooed us away like cattle.
I held Hoseok and did as they said.
Namjoon got knocked out and thrown out since he wouldn't move an inch while shouting and bawling.
We tried to get back into the camp but there was no use, they would have killed us on the spot.
So we left with the rest of the clan following us, entering the jungle and parting into 3 groups.

"Namjoon is waking up.Try not to make too much noise" Taehyung, who was carrying Namjoon, begged.
I gave him an angry stare and continued soothing Hoseok who was crying from pain.
"If Jimin would've told us about all of this, Hoseok wouldn't be in this state."
I growled in a low voice.
Taehyung turned around and growled back "Stop blaming others, Kook.You're just trying to feed your ego because you failed at protecting him."
My muscles tightened, I gritted my teeth at him and started walking in a faster pace "How dare you talk to me like that.
After what Jimin did he can be considered a threat, so why don't we abandon him right away?".
Hoseok who was holding onto me tight flinched at the hatred in my voice and said "B-Both of you stop fighting.E-Even though I don't understand what it is you are arguing about it's not the right time to fight.".
I relaxed a little, Hoseok was right.
"The one who betrayed us certainly isn't Jimin though."
Taehyung mumbled and looked at Hoseok with a hostile expression.
Yoongi who was leading the group had decided to join the conversation as well "Hoseok is right.You should rather think about what we should do to help Jin.Namjoon won't just stay and do nothing, as soon as he wakes up he is going to panic."
I gulped down my anger and concentrated on Hoseok again.

*Yoongi pov*

We reached the camp around noon.
Hoseok was starting to calm down and Jungkook went over to treating his wounds.
Taehyung carried Namjoon into Jins hut and Jimin and I followed them.
"What do we do if he wakes up"
Jimin asked.
"There are still guards positioned all around the camp so he won't get far." I grunted.

"I won't stay here.
Don't you understand?
The love of my life is out there, he'll die of I don't safe him.
Without him, there is no meaning to my life, so why should I stay?"
Namjoon asked in agony.
"Because it doesn't help him if you die?"I tried to convince him.
"You got a point.."
"Then what do we do?"
"We stay, we pray to stones because stones are perfect, and we eat because we don't want to die" I, Min Yoongi, answered his question with all my honesty.
Namjoon started to cry right in front of our eyes.
Jimin went over and comforted him.
"Look, we know you love him and we probably don't know what you are going through, but there is nothing we can do right now."
He explained.
Taehyung patted Namjoons back "I don't think Jin will die so easily. He is our leader after all.Not only is he a talented fighter but he's also very creative when it comes to survival.".

*Jin pov*

He was ugly, he smelled, and when I looked at him from the distance he looked like a big, black dot.
After a long time of arguing I relied on my natural beauty and tried to get out of the situation by showing off my handsome face.
It worked.More or less.
If I had the choice between this and dying, I would definitely do this but it was still... Shit.
I shouldn't judge people but..
He seemed like a sick guy with a thing for men.
And I wasn't ready for that kind of kink.
Hell, I wasn't ready for any kink that didn't involve a beautiful Asian guy with an IQ of 148.
"So ..the ceremony.. It doesn't involve blood, does it?Because it's really bad for the skin, you know?Do you have an idea what happens with your skin when you let blood dry on it?Eww"
He looked really confused as I started talking about random stuff.
"Also I won't do this without any sacrifices from your people.
The gods have to approve of this after all.
And that Snakeskin is so out of fashion, don't you have anything furrier?
It's an important day after all."
Actually I was just trying to calm myself down while making sure he knew I wasn't so easy to push around.
Getting married isn't something you do every day after all.

*Hoseok pov*

"Are you sure there is nothing between you and the girl that brought the herbs just now?
I mean she is pretty hot and totally the right age-"
"Did you just call someone other than me hot?"
"T-that's not the point right now Jungk- OUCH!"
"Don't move so much.And no, there really isn't anything between me and that girl".
I snapped "You could easily say that!".
"Yes, I could, because I'm serious!
Damn Hoseok, I knew it would be like this if I told you about the clans decisions.
Do you really believe I'd ever even look at someone other than you?"
He grumbled and pulled me closer by the wrist.
I was forced to look into his eyes.
I gulped "N-no".
He sighed and turned me around to get back to treating my back.
"You have been ignoring me for the past few days though.
How should I not think that you are slowly getting tired of me."
I explained.
He glit his hand down my back.
It hurt a little but it wasn't enough to make me flinch.
His hand stopped at my waist which was exposed, it made me realize how few clothing I had on my body.
"Is this what you thought?
That I'd just part from you to find a girl who can have my kids?
What the fuck Hoseok."
"Then why.
Tell me why you ignored me when I needed you the most?"
He blinked at me
"What do you mean?"
I faced the wall again "forget it" I said in a dry voice.
"Hoseok, baby, I'm sorry"
He said, pressing his chest onto my back.
"Fuck Kookie, it hurts."I breathed.
"Pay me back~" he suggested and kissed my neck, growling into my ear and rubbing his nipples onto my bare back.
"Jungkook, do you really think you can get through with this?"
"Hmm, dunno. Doesn't it work pretty well right now?"
I moaned but hissed from the pain right after."You know that those wounds are pretty serious, why risk to infect them?" I glared at him.
He sighed and let go "I don't know what you mean with "infect" but I had worse happening to my body." He claimed.
I clicked my tongue and pushed him, he landed on the hard ground, I sat on his waist, towering over him.
"You can be such an asshole, Jungkook"
He pretended to be hurt and pouted dramatically.
I grinned and grinded down on his crotch, my back aching a lot, teasing him evilly.
He attempted to kiss me but I tossed his torso back on the ground, licking my lips and stretching my back while using all my weight on his genitals.
He smiled grabbing onto my waist, but he was too slow, I glid through his hands and stood up, putting on my oversized shirt.
"Heyy, whyy~" he complained.
"Didn't you already get it? I'm pissed, go do it yourself if you're horny" I teased and left the hut.

*Jin pov*

Being my fiancé, he had to sleep in the same bed as me of course.
Basically.. it was like sleeping next to a pig.. there were many deficits, but it was still warm.
It wasn't even that bad until he started to pat my thigh.
I may have farted once or twice to turn him off but it didn't work as good as I would've hoped.
The night was horrible,  but I soothed myself, telling me that Namjoon and the others would come to my rescue very soon.

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