Part 2 - You Cooked a Meal? By Yourself?

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Friday, 3rd of November, Same Day, 6:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin and the kids were at home and still waiting for Brittany to come back home
However it was now 6:30pm and Alvin was starting to get concerned and worried
"I'm sure Brittany said she was coming home at 5:30pm....maybe a bit late at 6pm....but now it's gone 6pm and I'm worried about her, I hope she is ok and nothing has happened to her" Alvin thought to himself
Musharna Coco and Emma, then walked in the room, came over to Alvin and spoke up
"Dad, when is Mum coming home?" Asked Musharna
"I'm sure sure, she told me 5:30pm but she isn't home yet" replied Alvin
"I hope Mum gets back soon.....we are all hungry" said Coco in a sad voice
"I can cook you something if you want?" Asked Alvin
"You can cook?" Asked Emma in a surprised voice
"Yea, of course I can....just nothing too complicated like what your Mum cooks" replied Alvin
"So what can you cook?" Asked Coco
"Um...I can cook beans sausage and toast if you want that?" Asked Alvin
"Oh, yea please" replied Musharna in a happier voice
Alvin then got up off the sofa, went into the kitchen and Musharna Coco and Emma followed
"Ok, you three can find something to do upstairs while I cook, I will shout you when dinner is finished" explained Alvin
"Oh ok, thanks Dad" called Coco
Musharna and Coco went upstairs and Emma went into the kitchen
"Dad, if you don't feel totally confident to cook for us....don't worry we won't be ashamed of you or anything" explained Emma
"What are you talking about Emma? I can cook beans sausage and toast" replied Alvin
"I...I just don't want you to burn or hurt yourself, we never see you cook anything that's all" called Emma
"Don't worry Emma, I appreciate your concern but I know I can cook this meal by myself" said Alvin with a smile
"Ok, I trust you Dad...just shout one of us if you need help with anything ok?" Asked Emma
"I will do don't worry" replied Alvin
Emma then left the kitchen and went upstairs to find the others
"Good God!....I definitely need to do more cooking in the house...the kids think I can't cook and are concerned about me injuring myself..." Alvin said out loud to himself
Alvin grabbed a couple of tins of beans and a tin opener. He opened both tins and put the beans in a pan and onto the hob to cook
Alvin then went into the fridge and grabbed a pack of sausages and opened the packet. He put them in a tray and put the tray of sausages in the over to cook for 15-20 minutes (and hopefully not be burnt)
Alvin stored the beans a few minutes on a low heat and then went in the cupboard for some bread. He placed two slices of bread into the toaster and left four slices of bread out on the side
After a 5-10 minutes of cooking, the beans were done so Alvin turned took them off the hob and split the beans across seven plates
"I best make some for Brittany, then she won't have to cook later when she comes home" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin took two toast out of the toaster and put another couple of slices of bread in the toaster
He buttered the boast that was done and put it on two plates
After the 2nd lot of toast was done, Alvin buttered them too and put the last two bread in the toaster
Alvin, then checked on the sausages in the oven and they were cooked but not burnt (thank god)
Alvin split the 12 sausages up so everyone got two each, Alvin then took one sausage off his plate and put it on Brittany's plate
Finally, Alvin buttered the last two toast and took all six plates to the table, two at a time
"Girls! Boys! Dinner is Done!" Shouted Alvin
The five of them run downstairs and into the kitchen
The five of them sat at the table and were surprised
"Wow Dad, did you really cook this?" Asked Peter
"Yes, I did cook that meal for us all tonight" replied Alvin
"This looks amazing! Well done Dad!" Called Musharna
"No problem kids, hope you all enjoy your meal" said Alvin with a smile
Once the kids started eating, Alvin started too
10 minutes later...
Everyone had just finished eating and were taking there plates to the sink in the kitchen
The five of them all walked from the kitchen towards Alvin
"Thanks Dad" said Coco giving Alvin a hug
"Thanks for the food Dad" said Musharna also hugging Alvin
"You did great job cooking, I'm well impressed" said Emma in a happy voice also hugging Alvin
Once the girls left Alvin, Peter and Lucas walked towards Alvin. Both Peter and Lucas said thanks but Peter sounded happy while Lucas sounded tired
Alvin watched all five of his and Brittany's kids go upstairs and smiled to himself
"Brittany sure did amazing bringing you all up with manners....I kinda helped her but Brittany did a better job at making sure they used's probably because she is quite scary when she is mad..." Alvin thought to himself
Alvin put some water in the sink and was about to start washing up, till he saw Peter and Coco behind him
"Oh hey you two, what's wrong?" Asked Alvin
"Nothing is wrong..." Started Peter
"We just normally help dry the pots and put them away" finished Coco
Alvin gave a small laugh and spoke up
"You can help then if you want too" said Alvin in a happy voice
Coco grabbed a tea towel and stated drying plates. Once plates were dry she passed them to Peter and he started putting them away
After Alvin had finished washing the pots and Coco and Peter had put them away, Alvin spoke up
"I am going to put Spider-Man on in the living room, you five are free to join me and watch Spider-Man with me if you want too" Suggested Alvin
"That sounds great, I will" replied Peter
"Me too, I will go and ask the others upstairs let them know too" replied Coco
"Thanks Coco" said Alvin in a happy voice
Alvin and Peter went into the living room and Alvin plugged the DVD player in
He put the Spider-Man DVD in and waited a few minutes, incase the others were coming
After a few minutes, Coco returned with Musharna Emma and Lucas
"Ok, is everyone ready?" Asked Alvin
Everyone nodded so Alvin pressed play
Just then, there was a knock at the door
"I will get it kids" called Alvin
Alvin opened the door and it was Brittany
Brittany run in the house and gave Alvin a hug. Alvin grabbed hold of Brittany and hugged her back
"I have missed you so much today Alvin!" Called Brittany in a caring voice
"Me too Brittany, I was starting to worry about you" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"Where have you been? Your like 2 hours late home?" Asked Alvin
"The traffic was bad coming home, so I went to Tesco and picked up some ice cream for the kids....speaking of our kids, I bet they are starving" explained Brittany
"Actually, you don't need to cook anything tonight...I already made a meal for us and plated a meal up for you" Alvin pointed out
Brittany turned around and looked surprised
"You cooked everyone a meal? By yourself?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea, I can cook you know....just not very complicated things like you cook, your cooking is amazing!" Replied Alvin
"Oh wow Alvin, that was a surprise....didn't think you would have cooked for us all. I'm really proud of you!" Replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Aw thanks Brittany, I love you and our kids so much" said Alvin in a happy and caring voice
Brittany smiled and giggled at Alvin "So what did you cook for everyone?" Asked Brittany
"You will laugh when I tell you, beans sausage and toast" replied Alvin
"That's a good meal actually and I wouldn't laugh at you Alvin, I know you tried your it's nice to come home from work for once and not have to start cooking" replied Brittany with a giggle
With that, Brittany got her dinner and her and Alvin went into the room and joined their kids to watch Spider-Man together
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin did a good job cooking for his family? Do you think Brittany was impressed with Alvin cooking too? Do you think Brittany will get Alvin anything to say thanks?
Also, what kind of things do you think Alvin and Brittany will do at the weekend? Do you think they will go shopping or to the park with the kids? Do you think they will ask Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor to come over one time?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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