Part 3 - Alvin and Brittany Discuss Personal Things Together

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Friday, 3rd of November, Same Day, 10pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin Brittany and their kids had been watched TV for a few hours now and everyone was getting tired
Alvin and Brittany had been working and wanted a rest and the kids had been at school but 10pm was quite late for them
"Ok everyone, it's time...(yawn)...time for bed" said Alvin in a tired voice
" we have to go now?" Asked Lucas
"Yes you do, 10pm is quite late and you should all be having at least 8 hours sleep" replied Brittany
"Oh ok then Mum" said Musharna in a sad voice
"Don't worry guys, when you are all a bit older like 12 years old or something, then we will let you stop up by yourselves" Alvin jumped in
"Are you been serious? We are aloud to do that?" Asked Coco in a surprised voice
"Yes we used to stop up sometimes when we was younger but we had to be 15 years old..." Started Brittany
"But Dad said we had to be 12" Peter jumped in
"Yea but...the point is, your not old enough to stop up in your own come on everyone off to bed" said Brittany in a serious voice
The five kids sighed in disappointment and all stood up. They all left the living room and where making there way to bed
Brittany sat on the sofa and put her head in her hands
Alvin sat down next to her and started rubbing her back
"Brittany, what's wrong?" Asked Alvin
"Do you think I was been harsh with our kids? Do you think they are mad at us?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"No of course not, you was just telling them that they are too young to stop up on there own right now....they won't be made at us for that, just a bit upset at this very moment" replied Alvin
"In fact, I think the kids will be happy in the morning anyway" said Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea, I guess your's hard been a Mum, I worry so much about upsetting our kids....I don't want them to hate me" explained Brittany in a worried voice
"Don't worry Brittany, the kids won't hate you...they love having you as their Mum! They think you are amazing! And I think your an amazing Girlfriend!" Explained Alvin in a caring voice
"I guess your right....come on then let's go to bed" said Brittany in a happier voice
Alvin and Brittany then got off the sofa and were making there way to bed. Before going upstairs Alvin checked the door was locked and Brittany started turning off the lights downstairs
Once that was sorted out, they both went upstairs and into there bedroom
Brittany put her pyjamas on and Alvin was about to do the same....until he couldn't find them
"Brittany, do you know where my pyjamas have gone?" Asked Alvin
"Yea in the washing machine, I asked you to put them in there this morning and you didn' I did it for you" replied Brittany
"So what am I supposed to sleep in tonight?" Asked Alvin
"Your just going to have to sleep in underwear tonight, I put both pairs of your pyjamas in the Washing machine" explained Brittany
Alvin sighed
"Ok, I will do that then" replied Alvin
"I will make sure the boys are in bed first though" called Alvin
Alvin left the bedroom and went to the bedroom next door on and peeped inside
Peter and Lucas were both in bed and looked like they were asleep
Alvin then went back into his and Brittany's bedroom and got in bed in just underwear
Brittany then came into the bedroom and turned off the bedroom light
She then jumped in bed next to Alvin
"The girls were all ok and asleep, were the boys asleep too?" Asked Brittany
"Yea the boys were asleep" replied Alvin
"That's good then, night love you" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Aw night, love you too" replied Alvin
For the next 10 minutes, Brittany was tossing and turning in bed....unable to get to sleep
"What's wrong?" Asked Alvin who couldn't sleep with Brittany moving around so much
"I don't know...I just can't sleep..." Replied Brittany in a worried voice
"Are you worried about something? I struggle getting to sleep when I'm worried about something" asked Alvin
"I wouldn't say I'm worried...but have been thinking about things" replied Brittany
"What like? Is it anything I could help you with?" Asked Alvin
"Not really but I will tell you know, so you know too" replied Brittany
"I'm just thinking about our kids futures...I mean what will happen when they grow up and all have families of their own" explained Brittany
"That's nothing to worry about, we will all grow up Brittany" called Alvin
"I'm not worried about it Alvin...I just hope they are all happy when they are older and I hope we raise them right" replied Brittany
"I have also been thinking, when am I going to see my sisters again....I haven't seen Jeanette or Eleanor in a few weeks now. I hope they are not mad at me" explained Brittany
"Your sisters won't be mad Brittany, we all work now and we don't all live together in the same house like we used too" explained Alvin
"Yea your right..." Replied Brittany
"If it will cheer you up, we can have a party tomorrow night and have your sisters and my brothers round" suggested Alvin
"Yea that sounds great, can we do that Alvin? That's an awesome idea" begged Brittany
"Yea of course we can Brittany, I will phone Simon and Theodore's houses up tomorrow morning and you can go and buy party food with the kids if you want?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I will do that it's fine with me" replied Brittany
"Plus, if I let you do shopping for a party then who knows what you would come back with" joked Brittany
"Ha ha, very funny...anyway let's try and get some sleep, night Brittany...(yawn) you lots" called Alvin
"Night Alvin love you too" replied Brittany
Saturday, 4th of November, 8am, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin had just woke up and looked over at the alarm clock
"Wow 8am that's early" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin turned over to give Brittany a hug but she wasn't there
Alvin sat up in bed and looked around the bedroom. He then got out of bed and put his dressing gown on and left the bedroom
As soon as Alvin left the bedroom, he heard noise downstairs
"Brittany must already be up with the kids....I dread to think what time they got her up" Alvin said to himself
Alvin walked downstairs and into the kitchen
Brittany was cooking pancakes and waffles, while the kids were sat at the table
"Is breakfast done yet Mum?" Asked Coco
"No not yet but won't be long" replied Brittany
"I'm staving" complained Lucas
"Mum is doing her best, just be patient" called Emma
Musharna then saw Alvin and spoke up
"Morning Dad!" Called Musharna in a happy voice
"Morning everyone, how long have you all been up?" Asked Alvin sitting at the table and joining everyone
"I don't know but I know we are all hungry and ready for breakfast" replied Peter
"You guys got me up at 6:30am today! I'm going to be tired later..." Brittany jumped in
"Sorry Mum, you can go back to bed and get some rest after you have made breakfast if you want?" Suggested Emma
"No it's fine...I'm up now, will probably have a sleep sometime this afternoon" replied Brittany
Alvin then got up and went over to Brittany
"What time are you going shopping for the party food?" Alvin whispered to Brittany
"After you have phoned Simon and Theodore up and asked if they are coming up tonight" Brittany whispered back
"That makes sense, I will go and get ready after breakfast and then give them a call" said Alvin with a smile
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor will say 'yes' and come over for the party? Do you think Alvin will take a while to phone them and ask them? (Get distracted by other things)
Also, do you think all the kids will want to go shopping with Brittany? Or do you think just the girls will want to go? What kind of party food do you expect Brittany to buy?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Look Brittany, Our Kids Are Growing Up!Where stories live. Discover now