Part 14 - The Boys Find Out About The School Trip and Also Want To Go

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Tuesday, 7th of November, Same Day, 4:45pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
(Continuing on from Part 13)
"Are you been serious Dad?" Asked Musharna
"Yep, I'm been serious, I would be willing to let you go" replied Alvin
"Have you asked your Mum if you can go?" Asked Alvin
"Yea she wasn't too keen on it though..." Replied Coco
"I think it was the money situation, the amount it will cost for us to go" called Emma
"Don't worry, I will have a talk with her tonight and we will agree on something, I promise" explained Alvin
"Thanks Dad, your the best" replied Musharna
Alvin then left the bedroom, went downstairs and back into the living room
"Things are looking better for us now" called Coco
"Yea I know, Dad seems a lot more positive about us been able to go on the school trip" replied Musharna
"We will just have to see what happens tonight when Mum and Dad have a talk" said Emma
"ALVIN! BOYS! GIRLS! DINNER IS DONE!" Shouted Brittany from the kitchen
Musharna Coco and Emma made there way downstairs and to the kitchen table
Alvin Peter and Lucas left the living room and went to the kitchen table too
Brittany put some garlic bread on the table and then brought two plates of lasagna at a time to the table
Once everyone had been given there tea Brittany sat down with everyone
"Thanks Mum, this looks great" called Peter
"No problem Peter" replied Brittany
"I thought some of us where having curry and some of us where having lasagna?" Asked Emma
"I decided to just do lasagna and garlic bread tonight and probably curry another day next week" replied Brittany
"Don't you like Mums lasagna?" Asked Coco
"Yea I think it's amazing! Mum is an amazing cook!" Replied Emma
"Just wanted to know why we all got lasagna that's all" said Emma
"Girls, I will talk to your Dad later about the school trip and see if we can afford to let you three go on it" called Brittany
Peter and Lucas looked over at Brittany with surprised faces
"What school trip?" Asked Lucas
"We didn't get told anything about a school trip" said Peter
"It's the school trip to Paris, didn't you two get told about it today at school?" Asked Brittany
"No..." Replied Peter
Lucas then looked over at Emma
"Why didn't you tell us about this school trip Emma? Was you trying to keep it secret from us?" Asked Lucas
"No...I wasn't keeping it a secret, we only just found out about it today" replied Emma
"But you three never talked about it while me and Peter were around" Lucas fired back
"HEY! GUYS! Stop fighting please" shouted Alvin
"Sorry Dad" replied Emma
"Sorry..." Replied Lucas
There was a brief silence at the table before Peter spoke up
"Um....if the girls are allowed to go on the school trip to Paris, can I go as well please?" Asked Peter
"Well we haven't said the girls can definitely go yet because of the money and other things but if we can afford it you can go as well Peter...if school says you can go as well" explained Brittany
"Oh ok...thanks Mum" replied Peter
"Lucas do you want to go on the school trip if your brother and sisters are going?" Asked Alvin
"Yea...whatever...I will go with them to make sure they are all ok" replied Lucas
"Aw that's kind of you Lucas, am glad you care about us all" replied Musharna
"Shut up! What I meant was....I will keep you out of danger, that's all" replied Lucas
After everyone had finished eating, Musharna and Coco offered to wash the pots
Emma Peter and Lucas all went into the living room to watch TV and Brittany started making her way upstairs
"I'm going to have a quick shower Alvin, make sure you don't lose the kids while I'm not watching them" joked Brittany
"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on them" replied Alvin
Brittany got a towel, went into the bathroom and turned on the shower
Brittany locked the bathroom door, got undressed and then into the shower
The shower normally calms Brittany down but there were lots of thoughts bothering her
"The girls really want to go on this school trip but £90 for each of them is a lot of money for us...and now the boys have found out about the school trip and want to go too...that means if all five of them go it will cost £450...I don't want to disappoint them by saying no though...oh what should I do..." Brittany thought to herself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part
How do you think Alvin and Brittany will get the money for the kids to go on the school trip? Do you think Alvin and Brittany will have to borrow money off of Simon and Jeanette or Theodore and Eleanor?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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