Part 27 - We're Off To Try New Kinds Of Food in Paris

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Thursday, 14th of December, 10:45am, At The Hotel
It was the next day and Emma Musharna Coco Peter and Lucas had all been up a while now
They all went down to breakfast at 9am and were now laying down on sun beds in their swimming costumes around the pool
"Wow, it's so hot! Who fancies a swim in the pool?" Asked Coco
"Me, I will do" said Peter
The two of them got off the sun beds and Coco turned around and looked at the others
"Are you three not coming in?" Asked Coco
"No thanks sister, I'm trying to get a tan instead" replied Emma
"I'm fine here but might go in the pool later" replied Musharna
Lucas didn't reply, the heat of the sun had made him fall asleep
"See you all later then" said Peter
Coco and Peter headed for the pool and Emma turned over to Lucas
"Why didn't you reply to your sister?" Asked Emma
Lucas was still asleep and didn't hear Emma neither
Emma nudged Lucas and it woke him up
"W-What? What's happening?" Asked Lucas
"Nothing, I just didn't know why you wasn't responding" replied Emma with a giggle
"I must have fell asleep...anyway, I'm going to grab a drink" said Lucas getting off the sun bed
As soon as Lucas left, Musharna spoke up
"Emma, I like us been a big family" called Musharna
"You do? Why is that?" Asked Emma
"We can all do our own things on holiday and at home, I just think it's great" replied Musharna
After another 40 minutes had passed, Emma sat up from the sun bed and had a stretch
Emma looked to her left and right and saw Musharna and Lucas but Coco and Peter
"Hey sister, are Coco and Peter still in the pool?" Asked Emma
"Yea I think so, they haven't come back yet" replied Musharna
Just then, Coco and Peter came back to the sun beds and grabbed a small towel each to dry themselves
"Shall we all go for a walk?" Asked Emma
"Yea, that sounds fun" said Coco
"Ok, once you two have dried off, we can get going" called Musharna
Once Coco and Peter had dried off, the five of them gone back to rooms and got changed
The five of them then met back up at reception and left the hotel and started walking around Paris again
"Can we go somewhere that sells lots of different kinds of food?" Asked Musharna
"Like a restaurant?" Asked Emma
"Yea" replied Musharna
"If you wanted food, why didn't you get some from the hotel?" Asked Lucas
"Because I wanted to try different food that they don't serve in the hotel" replied Musharna
"Do you mean food like Escargot" asked Coco
Musharna looked over at Coco and nodded
"What ever you just said?" Asked Peter
The girls started to giggle with each other
"Lucas, I dare you to try Escargot" called Emma
"Fine, I will do" replied Lucas
"We just need to find a restaurant now then" called Musharna
"Yea there has to be one soon" said Coco
After a few more minutes, they found a small restaurant and went inside
As they walked in they all saw lots of different kinds of bread and cheese, along with lots of other food on display
"Look at all the different types of cheese!" said Peter in a surprised voice
"You can try some if you want?" Asked Emma
"Yea I will do" replied Peter
The five of them found a table and they all sat down
"Looks like we just get up and get what we want, but pay first so we don't look like thieves" explained Coco
"Ok, you all go first and I will get mine after I have paid for us all" said Emma
Everyone went off and all come back with something different and new to try
Musharna came back with a Croissant, Coco came back with Frog legs and Peter came back with a few different kinds of cheese and some crackers
Lucas spent the longest looking around for Escargot but when he found them, he was so surprised that the restaurant was serving snails
"Omg, this place actually serves snails! This is crazy! I'm not sure I will be able to eat snails" Lucas said to himself
Once Lucas got back to the table, everyone watched him and waited for him to try the snails
Emma paid and come back to the table with some Oysters
However, Emma was surprised to see Lucas was going to try snails
"Go on then, give them a try" called Coco
"I will do...just wait a second..." Replied Lucas
With that, the five of them were sat in that restaurant trying lots of different kinds of food....but what do they think of the food? Do they like the food or not?
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the five of them like the food that they got? Do you think Lucas will like snails when he try's them? Do you think the others will try snails if Lucas likes them?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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