Part 7 - The Babysitters and a KFC

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Sunday, 5th of November, Same Day, 2pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Since Alvin and Brittany had woke up this morning with a hangover, things have not been very good at home...
The kids did get some breakfast but after that, Brittany returned to bed after some painkillers and went back to sleep to help recover
Alvin had some painkillers and like Brittany, he had gone to sleep too
"Oh man, that alcohol last night really messed up Mum and Dad" called Coco
"Yea I know, I hope they are feeling better soon..." Said Peter in a sad voice
"Shall we call Jeanette or Eleanor round to look after us?" Asked Musharna
"Yea if you want too...lets get the phone book and call one of them" replied Emma
Peter and Coco got the phone book and Emma dialled the number
At Theodore and Eleanor's house
"Theodore, can you get the phone please? I'm busy" called Eleanor
"Yea sure" replied Theodore
Theodore answered the phone
"Hello?" Answered Theodore
"Hi Theodore, it's you and Eleanor come around at some point today...our parents are ill and we need a bit of looking after" explained Emma
"Yea I think we are free...I will ask Eleanor" replied Theodore
Theodore shouted Eleanor and Eleanor came in the living room
"What? I said I was busy" said Eleanor in an angry voice
"I know your busy but are we free to go round and babysit Alvin and Brittany's kids?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor looked confused and answered the phone
"Hello?" Answered Eleanor
"Hi Eleanor, are you and Theodore coming round later to babysit us?" Asked Emma again
"Y-Yea...we will do, are your parents ok?" Asked Eleanor
"I don't think so, they both have headaches and have been sick this morning" replied Emma
"Oh no, they must be having a hangover...we are coming round to your house very shortly" explained Eleanor
Eleanor put down the phone and her and Theodore set off to Alvin and Brittany's house
20 minutes later...
Theodore and Eleanor had just arrived at Alvin and Brittany's house and Coco and Peter let them both in
"Have you all had something to eat today?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"Yea...but that was like 5 hours ago..." Replied Lucas
"I'm going to check on them, Theodore look after everyone a few minutes please" said Eleanor making her way upstairs
Eleanor knocked on Alvin and Brittany's bedroom door before going in
"Brittany? Are you ok? It's me your sister" called Eleanor
There was no response. Alvin and Brittany were both in a deep sleep
Eleanor shook her head and left the bedroom
She went back into the living room and spoke up
"Ok, we will stay with you all for a few hours till your parents get up and come downstairs" explained Eleanor
"Yay! You two are amazing!" Called Peter
"But what about our tea? You said we could have KFC tonight" Theodore jumped in
"We can have a KFC now if it makes you happy" replied Eleanor
"KFC! Wow! We don't get takeaways very often" said Lucas in a shocked voice
"Well this can be a little treat for you all" called Theodore
Eleanor picked up the phone but Emma spoke up
"Who will pay for the KFC though...we don't have money, only our Mum and Dad do" explained Emma
"Don't worry, we will pay for the meal for you" replied Eleanor in a happy voice
Coco passed Eleanor the house phone and Eleanor called KFC
Around 15 minutes later, the KFC had arrived at Alvin and Brittany's house and Theodore Eleanor and the kids were enjoying the meal
"Thanks so much you two" called Emma
"Yea thank you" called Peter
"No problem, you five are amazing and someone has to look after you while your parents are having a hangover" said Eleanor with a giggle
Alvin and Brittany then came downstairs and looked quite surprised
"Who bought the KFC?" Asked Alvin
"Theodore and Eleanor did" called Coco
"Not that I don't want you two round but....what are you both doing here?" Asked Brittany
"We just came round to babysit while you two were in bed that's all" replied Eleanor
Brittany turned and gave Alvin a hug
"We need to be more responsible then last night Alvin, we can't both get drunk again like last night..." Called Brittany in a sad voice
"Yea I know dear, we won't let it happen again" replied Alvin
With that, Alvin and Brittany thanked Theodore and Eleanor for babysitting and Theodore and Eleanor went home after they were sure Alvin and Brittany were feeling better and less drunk...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part 🎉
Sorry I haven't updated in a while everyone...was ill the past few days 🤒
Will get back to writing more parts again soon, don't worry 😉
Anyway, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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