Part 35 - Brittany Gives Birth and a Party Happens After To Celebrate!

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Monday, 8th of January, Same Day, 11:20pm, At The Hospital
The ambulance had just arrived at the hospital and Brittany was taken from the ambulance into the hospital
Alvin followed close behind and went into the room where Brittany was taken
Once Brittany was on the bed in the room, the ambulance man left and Alvin hopped onto the bed
He gave her a little shake and called her name
"Brittany! Are you ok?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I'm not asleep Alvin...ow...just in a bit of pain. At least it's not as bad as it was at home" replied Brittany
"That's good then, do you think you will give birth soon? Or in a few hours time?" Asked Alvin
Brittany glared at Alvin "How am I supposed to know that? I can't tell you when I'm going to give birth? I will give birth when my body is ready!" Shouted Brittany
"Sorry, my bad...I do ask some stupid questions sometimes..." Replied Alvin
Alvin knew that even though Brittany was shouting at him, she didn't mean it...she was just in a lot of pain right now and him asking her stupid questions wasn't helping her out. If anything it was just going to make her stressed out
Brittany grabbed hold of Alvin and pulled him closer for a hug
"Sorry for shouting at you just then..." Said Brittany
"You don't need to apologise, it was my fault for asking you stupid questions and stressing you out more then you need right now" explained Alvin in a serious voice
Brittany pulled out of the hug after a minute or so and looked at Alvin
"I love you Alvin...I know I say it more then I should but I really do mean it!" Called Brittany
"I know I love you too Brittany, I think you are so cute and funny. Your perfect to me in ever way" replied Alvin with a smile
Brittany giggled and kissed Alvin on his cheek
Just then, there was a knock at the door and a Doctor came in
"Hello, are you Brittany?" Asked the Doctor
Brittany nodded "Yea that's right"
"I just got told that you have been in a lot of pain in the last couple of hours and have gone into labour. Your going to be giving birth soon then Brittany" said the Doctor
Brittany nodded but looked a little worried
"Don't be worried, you will be fine. Is this your first time been pregnant?" Asked the Doctor
"No, 2nd time actually" replied Brittany
"Ah so you know what to expect then" said the Doctor
The Doctor then looked over at Alvin
"What relation you are to Brittany can I ask?" Asked the Doctor
"I'm her boyfriend, Alvin" replied Alvin
"That's great that your here to support your girlfriend though this though time" said the Doctor
"Anyway, I am going to be leaving you two in peace now. Just press the buzzer when you feel your ready and about to give birth Brittany and some Doctors will come in quickly to assist you" explained the Doctor before leaving the room
Once the Doctor left the room, Alvin yawned and looked back at Brittany
"Can we try and get some sleep now? I'm quite tired" asked Alvin
Brittany giggled at Alvin "Yea sure, I guess some sleep will be good for both of us till I give birth" replied Brittany
Tuesday, 9th of January, 1:25am, At The Hospital
Brittany woke up and felt a lot of pain like she was earlier
The pain was getting worse and Brittany knew it was now time to give birth
Brittany started to scream in pain and called out Alvin's name
"Alvin!...Ahh!...Alvin!....hit the buzzer...quickly!" Shouted Brittany
After all the shouting and screaming from Brittany, Alvin woke up and pressed the buzzer
Within minutes, a couple of Doctors came in the room
"Brittany said she is about to give birth" called Alvin
"She wants me to stay and sit with her so I can help and support her while she gives birth" explained Alvin
One of the Doctors looked at Alvin and said "That's fine with us"
Alvin sat at the side of the bed next to Brittany and grabbed hold of her hand
Brittany screamed again but Alvin brushed his paw through her hair and said "Don't worry, I'm here for you. I will help you get through this"
The Doctors got some rubber gloves on and walked to the bottom of the bed
Brittany then got in position and let out a big sigh
"OK Brittany, when I tell you to push, you are going to have to push for as long as you can" said the Doctor
Brittany nodded looked over at Alvin and then back at the Doctor
Just then, Brittany screamed in pain and the Doctor told her to push
"Keep pushing, your doing great" said the Doctor
A baby chipmunk was out and born
The doctor wrapped it in tissue and passed it over to Alvin
"Aw the first one is a boy" said Alvin with a smile
Alvin held the baby chipmunk in his arms for a few minutes and then looked back at Brittany
Brittany carried on pushing and gave birth to another baby chipmunk
The Doctor passed the second baby chipmunk to Alvin, once he placed the other down on the bed
"It's another boy" called Alvin looking at the baby chipmunk in his arms
Brittany continued pushing while screaming in pain and gave birth to the final baby chipmunk
The Doctor passed the final baby chipmunk to Alvin and he held the baby chipmunk in his arms
"Aw it's a girl, she has the same colour fur and eyes as you Brittany" called Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany didn't say anything, just laid on the bed getting her breath back
Alvin gave a small laugh "You need to get some rest and recover to get all your energy again, at least till the sun comes up" called Alvin
"I want to born babies first" called Brittany in between breaths
Alvin moved closer to Brittany and passed her the two boys first
"Aw look at them Alvin, they are so cute" said Brittany in a happy voice
"I know, but they did come from both of us and you are cute too" replied Alvin
"What shall we name these?" Asked Brittany
"I haven't thought of any names for them about Jimmy?" Asked Alvin
"Yea that's a nice name for a boy, can we call the other boy Nathan?" Asked Brittany
"Of course we can, do you want to name our daughter?" Asked Alvin
Alvin picked up the baby girl chipmunk and passed her to Brittany once she put Jimmy and Nathan back down on the bed
"Aw she is just like a mini me!" Squeaked Brittany with excitement
"I did try telling you" joked Alvin
"Her fur and eyes are the same as mine! This is amazing! I don't know what to call her" called Brittany with excitement
"I would say something like Brittany Jr but I, don't think that name would suit her" replied Alvin
"Oh...I know, how about Heidi?" Suggested Brittany
"Yea I like that name" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany looked at their three new born chipmunks, Jimmy Nathan and Heidi
"Alvin, do you mind babysitting them while I have a sleep?" Asked Brittany
"No not at all, you get some rest" replied Alvin with a smile
With that, Brittany had a sleep and Alvin phoned Dave, Simon and Jeanette and Theodore and Eleanor to tell them about the good news. Alvin managed to stay awake till 6:30am and once Brittany had woke up in the morning, Alvin had a sleep himself till him and Brittany could go home from the hospital with their kids
Friday, 12th of January, 4:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
It was now Friday afternoon and everyone had finished work and was now at Alvin and Brittany's house for a party to celebrate Brittany giving birth for the 2nd time
Simon came with Jeanette and a few small presents for the new born kids
Theodore and Eleanor came and they brought some cake for the party
Dave came to the party too but he was getting old now now and came in an electric wheelchair and his hair had turned gray
Brittany thanked everyone for coming and Alvin let everyone know the party had started and the food was open
"Aw thanks for the baby clothes Jeanette" called Brittany
"No problem sister, glad you like them" replied Jeanette
Alvin Theodore and Eleanor were all getting some food and Alvin tried some of the cake that Theodore and Eleanor had brought
"Wow, this is really good! Did you two make this?" Asked Alvin
"Well we both got involved making the cake but Eleanor did most of the cooking" replied Theodore
Eleanor giggled "Aw thanks for the compliment Alvin and Theodore but we both did the cake together"
Near the table Brittany and Jeanette were sat at, Simon was talking to Dave
"So do you use that electric wheelchair all the time?" Asked Simon
"No, I can still walk places but I tend to lose my breath now after 10 minutes or more of walking" replied Dave
"Oh's crazy to think you looked after us six when we were younger. We will be looking after you soon" joked Simon
"Don't be cheeky Simon" Dave joked back
The party lasted till 7:30pm and everyone enjoyed the party along with the family afternoon together. With Brittany giving birth to a 2nd litter of baby chipmunks, Alvin and Brittany were back to looking after baby chipmunks again. However, Alvin and Brittany were happy that the five kids they had first (Emma Coco Peter Musharna and Lucas) were now big brothers and sisters and they could help look after their new younger siblings too
It was a challenge for Alvin and Brittany looking after five baby chipmunks and helping them grow up but now they have three more baby chipmunks and eight kids in total. No one said life would be easy for the Alvin and Brittany but no matter what life throws at the two of them, they are always up for a new challenge
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this final part in this book!
I can't thank you all enough as readers for all the views, votes, comments, ideas, help and support I have had for all 6 of my "Alvin and the Chipmunks" books 🎉 Thank you so much everyone!
I hope you have enjoyed reading through my "Alvin and the Chipmunks" books as much I have writing them 🤗
This book is also my last "Alvin and the Chipmunks" book I will be writing as I feel I have done lots with this series and it's time to move on now, after all I have wrote 236 parts/chapters now across all my "Alvin and the Chipmunks" books
Let me know in the comments 👇 which of the 6 "Alvin and the Chipmunks" books I have wrote was your favourite 😋 ( "Alvin and Brittany Love Story" "Alvin and Brittany Love Story - book 2" "Alvin and Brittany Love Story - book 3" "Alvin and the Chipmunks meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Last Few Months Of School" "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Look Brittany, Our Kids Are Growing Up!" )
Also, If you liked this final part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone 😋🎉

P.S. If I do decide to write anymore books for Alvin and the Chipmunks in the future, they will only be short stories like 1-5 parts long based on things like Birthdays, Easter, Halloween or Christmas but as of now I have no further plans for Alvin and the Chipmunks

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