Part 20 - Let's Unpack and Meet Downstairs in an Hour

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Monday, 11th of December, Same Day, 6pm, At The Hotel
It had just turned 6pm and the coach had arrived at the hotel where everyone on the school trip was stopping
After all the traveling to get to Paris and the hotel, everyone was tired...especially Alvin and Brittany's kids
"Ok everyone, once you are off the coach wait for me to call your names and then you can take your bags and go to your hotel room" explained Mr Cooper
Everyone replied with a "yes sir" or "ok" in tired voices
People started getting off the coach and collected there bags
"I'm so happy we are here!" Called Musharna
"It has taken so long but was worth the wait" said Coco
"Do you think we will be able to do some sightseeing tonight? After tea?" Asked Peter
"I don't think will be a bit late for that I think" replied Emma
"I just hope we can go to the water park tomorrow! I have been really looking forward to going there and hope it's not the last thing we do on this trip!" Called Lucas
"I am looking forward to the water park too but also the sightseeing around Paris like Peter" explained Coco
"Come on then you lot, everyone else is nearly off the coach now" said Musharna leaving her seat and getting off the coach
The other four followed and the last few people got off the coach before it drove off
"Ok, now you are all off the coach, I have a few important things to say and then I will call your names and then you can go to your room with the other or others in your group" explained Mr Cooper
"You all need to come downstairs at 7:20pm for dinner tonight in the cafe...try not to be late" explained Mr Cooper
"What's the other important thing?" Asked a boy in the group
"I will remind you all after dinner anyway, but tomorrow we are going to the water park and you all need to be up and ready at 8:30am. Then the two mini buses will pick us up and take us to the water park" finished Mr Cooper
Mr Cooper then got out a notebook and started reading people's names
"Ok, Kyle and Charlie" started Mr Cooper
"Next is Wendy and Laura" continued Mr Cooper
Mr Cooper continued to read off people's names from the list and eventually got to Peter and Emma's names
"Emma, this room key is for you and your sisters and Peter this key is for you and Lucas" explained Mr Cooper
"Thank you" said Emma taking both keys and passing one to Peter
"So what room are we in sister?" Asked Musharna
"I hope it's not a high one, I'm scared of heights" called Coco
"If yours is a high numbered room and ours is low we could swap you if you wanted?" Asked Peter
"Aw that's very kind, thank you Peter" said Coco with a smile
"One of us better have a high room, I want to be near the top of the hotel" called Lucas
They got to the lift and Musharna pressed the button and they all waited
"Ok, we have a room on floor five and a room on floor 8, do you two boys want the higher floor number?" Asked Emma
"Yeah of course we do" said Lucas grabbing the key from Emma
The lift arrived and the five of them got in the lift with their five bags
Emma pressed the 5th and 8th floor buttons, the doors shut and the lift went up
Once the lift on the 5th floor stopped Emma spoke up
"Ok, let's start to unpack and meet downstairs in an hour when dinner is" said Emma in a serious voice
"We will do stop worrying" called Lucas quickly
"Don't worry girls, I will make sure we are both downstairs in time" said Peter
Emma smiled and the three girls made there way to their room
"Do you think the boys will be ok on there there own room?" Asked Coco
"Yea I'm sure they will be, plus Peter is sensible and will make sure Lucas stays out of trouble" replied Musharna
The three girls made it to there room and went inside
"Wow, this place is posh...I like it here" called Coco
"Me too, I didn't expect anything like this" said Musharna in a surprised voice
Back in the lift Lucas was getting very impatient and wanted to get to the 8th floor and into there room
"Why won't this lift go any faster!" Complained Lucas
"Don't worry we will be there soon" said Peter quickly
The lift reached the 8th floor and Peter and Lucas made there way to their room
They both went in the room and were as surprised as the girls were
"Wow, this place is rocking! I'm liking this place already!" Called Lucas in a happy voice
"It is a nice room, I must admit" replied Peter
With that, both the girls started to unpack in there room and get ready for dinner....while the boys just sat on the bed and switched the room TV on
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the five of them will enjoy the rest of there time in Paris? Do you think they will all enjoy the water park tomorrow? What do you think the five of them will do at the water park?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while, have had a lot of work to finish off at college and not much time to do stuff I want to do sadly....😕
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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