Part 22 - Cheer Up, Let's Have Some Fun At The Water Park

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Tuesday, 12th of December, Same Day, 1pm, At The Water Park
Emma Coco Musharna and Peter had done different things while at the water park in the morning
They went to the wave machine first, then they went down a few small water slides and had a ride on the family Rapids
Before the four of them went for some dinner, they decided to have a walk around the water park and find Lucas first
After about 20 minutes of walking they finally found him...sat at a table alone
"There he is" called Peter
"Yea your right, we need to go over and talk to him" replied Musharna
"Who wants to speak to him? I'm not going to because....I get a bit worried about talking to him when he is mad or upset" called Coco
"I'm not" said Peter quickly
"Me neither" said Musharna
Emma sighed and shook her head "Ok...I will start the talk with Lucas then" called Emma
The four of them walked over to Lucas and Emma gently tapped Lucas on his back and spoke up
"What's wrong Lucas? You look sad" asked Emma
"I just feel like we have been cheated's not fair" replied Lucas
"What do you mean we have been cheated on?" Asked Coco
"Look around you! This water park is full of lots of Mexicans and African Americans! This place is packed because of them!" Shouted Lucas
"Keep it down, we will get in trouble" said Emma
"This place is open to everyone you know. So anyone can come into this water park" Peter pointed out
"It shouldn't be that's not fair! The lines are so much longer then they should be while they are here! Plus the instructions on the zip line ride, they are in French!" Explained Lucas
"Well we are in France and French is this country's language" Emma pointed out
"Please cheer up, we have come to have fun here today" said Coco
Lucas sighed and looked over at his brother and sisters
"Fine! I will cheer myself up and I'm not going to let anyone ruin my day here at the water park!" Called Lucas in a happier voice
"That's the spirit!" Called Musharna
"Now if you want you can come with us, we are going to pet the Dolphins" said Coco
"After dinner, we are all a bit hungry" Emma jumped in
"Ok let's get some dinner then, I want to pet the Dolphins with you guys" begged Lucas
The five of them then made there way over to a hot dog stand and waited in the line there
"This is going to take ages, look at this line" complained Lucas
"Don't worry it shouldn't take too long" replied Coco
After a few minutes of waiting, they got to the front of the line and Emma ordered five hot dogs
She grabbed the hot dogs and paid and then the five of them sat at a table
"That wasn't too bad actually" admitted Lucas
"See we told you that you wouldn't be waiting long" said Musharna with a giggle
While everyone was eating there lunch, Peter spoke up
"What do Dolphins eat?" Asked Peter
"Not sure....I think it's just fish" replied Coco
"Yea that's right sister, Dolphins live on a steady diet of fish everyday" explained Emma
"What made you ask?" Asked Lucas
"I just wasn't sure that's all....I think that's a bit cruel though" replied Peter
"It's not cruel, that's just the only food Dolphins eat" said Emma
After everyone had finished eating they made there way to the Dolphins
On the way, Peter said he needed the toilet so the others said they would meet him outside the aquarium
Peter finally caught up with his siblings and they all went inside
The five of them each put on a life jacket and followed the staff to the Dolphins
"Ok everyone, slide into the pool don't jump in and do not feed the Dolphins unless we ask you too" explained one of the staff
The five of them slid in the pool and Musharna Emma and Coco went to one Dolphin while Peter and Lucas went to another
After 10 minutes or so of stroking the Dolphins the staff came around with a bucket of fish and said "you can feed them this fish I have just passed round"
Each small group fed there Dolphin the fish and smiled afterwards
Lucas looked over at other people and made sure he was doing everything right with his Dolphin
Peter then went in his life jacket and pulled out a burger
"This is called a burger" called Peter feeding it to the Dolphin
"This is called a hot dog" said Peter again feeding the Dolphin
"And this is called chicken" said Peter feeding the Dolphin
After 30 seconds or so, the Dolphin then made a funny noise and turned on its back
"Oh no, what's wrong with it?" Asked Peter in a worried voice
"I don't know! It doesn't look very good though" replied Lucas
Peter patted the Dolphin and begged it to wake up and move again
Peter put his head on the Dolphin but there was no heart beat heard
"Lucas...I think I killed it..." Said Peter in a sad voice
"Well what did you even do to it?" Asked Lucas
"I just fed it some more food as well as the fish, like a burger" replied Peter
"Oh god, you probably poisoned and killed the poor thing!" Called Lucas
"Shall I shout the staff over?" Asked Peter
"Yea...but don't tell him what you have been feeding the Dolphin" replied Lucas
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think the five of them will get kicked out of the park after what Peter did to a Dolphin? If so, what do you think Peter's siblings will say to him? Do you think Alvin and Brittany will find out about the Dolphin when they go back home?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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