Part 12 - The Girl's Have a Private Discussion Together

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Tuesday, 7th of November, Same Day, 12:45pm, Dinner Time at School
After hearing the news of the school trip this morning, Musharna Coco and Emma have all been talking to each other about it all morning
The three girls were all sat at a table in the school cafe having dinner together
"What kind of things of you think will happen on the week away?" Asked Coco
"I'm not sure, I bet there will be lots of fun activities ten pin bowling or something" replied Musharna
"Oh, what if we get a boyfriend while we are there" called Coco
Emma giggled to herself "Sister, please don't say stupid things we won't get a boyfriend in Paris" Emma jumped in
"That's not stupid and how do you know we won't" replied Coco
"I don't know for definite but I just don't think you will want to be with a French boy the rest of your life" explained Emma
"Maybe you will fall in love with someone while you are on the school trip" called Musharna to Emma
"What? No...I don't think that will happen. No one likes me or would even want to go out with me for that matter" replied Emma
"Don't pull yourself down, your an amazing sister! You are really smart and I'm sure there will be someone out there for you" called Musharna
"Aw, thanks Musharna" replied Emma with a smile
Just then, Musharna saw Peter and Lucas coming into the cafe
"Hey girls, should we tell the boys about the school trip? They have just come in the cafe and will be joining us soon" Called Musharna
"I don't know, I can't see it effecting anything" replied Coco
"Let's keep it between us three for now and then if they find out and want to come then they will have to ask Mum and Dad like we are going too" explained Emma
Peter and Lucas then arrived at the table and sat with there sisters
"Hi you three, how are was your morning?" Asked Peter
"Was fine thank you" replied Emma
"How about you two?" Asked Musharna
"Maths was terrible but Science was a lot better" replied Lucas
There was a small silence before Emma spoke up
"Right, are you two having some dinner before we have to go back to lesson?" Asked Emma
"Yea I'm going for mine now" said Lucas leaving the table
"Um...Emma can you go with me please?" Asked Peter
"You don't need me silly, Lucas is in the line you can stand with him" replied Emma
"But I'm a little worried about going on my own" replied Peter
Emma looked at the dinner line and it was quite empty now
Emma then back at Peter
"Ok, I will go with you today but I can't go with you every day Peter, people will laugh you at otherwise" explained Emma
"Thank you sister" replied Peter quickly
Peter and Emma joined the line and waited there turn to be served
"What are you planning on getting?" Asked Emma
"Pasta and meatballs, I really enjoy that" replied Peter
Peter then got his pasta and meatballs off the cafe staff and then tapped Emma so she knew he had finished ordering and could sit down
Emma and Peter sat back down at the table with the others
"So what is everyone's plan after school today then?" Asked Coco
"Don't know, if Dad is home early today I will ask him if he will play a game on the PlayStation and we can watch him" replied Peter
"If Dad isn't home early then I will be on the PlayStation before anyone asks!" replied Lucas
"I might read a book or something later" replied Emma
"I thought we was going to ask Mum and Dad..." Started Musharna but Emma jumped in
"Yea we will do...but not straight away" said Emma quickly
"Ask Mum and Dad what?" Asked Lucas
"If we can...go down to the park later as it's sunny outside and perfect weather to be in the park" replied Coco
"Oh right, I wouldn't mind going to the park today neither, I enjoy going outside when it's sunny" called Peter
After 20 minutes or so, everyone had finished eating dinner and was getting ready to go to the afternoon lessons that started at 1:15pm
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin and Brittany will let Musharna Coco and Emma go on the school trip when they ask them later? If the girls are allowed to go on the school trip, do you think Peter and Lucas will want to go as well?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sorry that not much really happened in this part everyone, I will try to make the story progress more over the next few parts 🤗🎉
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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