Part 19 - Traveling To Paris

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Monday, 11th of December, Same Day, 3pm, On The Coach
It had been just under 3 hours now since the coach had been driving from school and it seemed like forever for some people (and chipmunks) on the coach
However, the coach was really close to the harbour now and once everyone was on the ship at the harbour, they would be at Paris in no time
"How much longer is it going to take to get to Paris?" Asked Lucas impatiently
"I'm not sure, maybe another 10 minutes or so....we have to be close to the harbour by now"  replied Emma
"Harbour? Isn't that were boats and ships are?" Asked Coco
"Yea that's right, we have to get on a ship from this coach to reach Paris" explained Emma
"Why do we need a ship? Can't the coach drive us all the way?" Asked Peter
"No because the coach can't drive on water...well across the know what I mean" replied Emma
"Yea that does make sense, I hope we are near the harbour though...all this sitting down is killing my legs" called Musharna
After a few more minutes of traveling, there was an announcement on the coach
"Attention everyone! The coach is now approaching the harbour so please don't lose me or the rest of the group!" Shouted Mr Cooper
Everyone on the coach cheered at the thought of getting off the coach and been able to explore a ship
"Once we get off this coach and you are all on board the ship, then I will let you all go around the ship in groups for two or three hours and then we will be in Paris" explained Mr Cooper
The coach came to a stop and everyone got up and rushed off the coach
Once Emma and Coco were off the coach, Emma told Coco to wait with her for there brothers and sister
Musharna, Peter and Lucas eventually got off the coach and the five of them grabbed there bags and followed the rest of the group
"I hope the ship doesn't go too fast, I might get sea sick" called Coco
"Me too, I haven't been on a ship before" said Musharna
"Oh can you two stop worrying please, we did come on this school trip to have fun" Lucas jumped in
"I thought you said you only had fun when you was playing on your games at home" Peter pointed out
"No...I just say that so...I...get more time on the PlayStation then you guys do" replied Lucas
"I think he enjoys traveling to places and not just playing on his games at home" Emma whispered to Peter
The five of them stayed with the group and tried not to get lost
Mr Cooper then started talking to the man who was standing at the entrance to the ship and let everyone on board
Everyone then followed Mr Cooper onto the ship and once they were on board, Mr Cooper told everyone "You can all go off in groups now and do what you want, just make sure you meet me back here at 4:45pm"
"This place is amazing!" Called Coco
"Yea I know, I think so too" said Peter
"Look at the different things to do on this ship! We definitely won't be bored on here" called Musharna
"I don't know what you lot are doing but I'm going to the cinema downstairs...see you all later" said Lucas leaving the group
"I think one of us should go after Lucas and make sure he is ok" said Coco
"I will go then" called Musharna
"Are you sure?" Asked Emma
"Yea it's fine with me, will catch up with you all later" replied Musharna heading towards the cinema
"So what do you two want to do?" Asked Peter
"I don't mind what we do" replied Emma
"Can we go to the cafe then?" Asked Coco
"Yea sure, I need a bit of a snack anyway" replied Emma
"That's fine with me too" said Peter
Emma, Coco and Peter all went a floor below to the cafe and sat at a table
"Shall I go and order us some chips or something like that?" Asked Emma
"Yea chips are fine, thank you" replied Coco
Emma went to the counter and spoke to the women there
"Can I have a small portion of chips please?" Asked Emma
"Yes of course you can my dear, that's £1.50 please" replied the women
Emma paid the women and was making her way back to the table
On her way back to the table, Jimmy called her name and came over to her to talk
"Hi Emma, how are you doing?" Asked Jimmy
"I'm fine thank you, just really want to get to Paris now" said Emma
"Me too, then we can go for a walk together around Paris" called Jimmy
"Now I don't know about that, I'm going to be with my sisters and my brothers in the hotel" replied Emma
"Oh right...maybe tomorrow some time then?" Asked Jimmy
"Maybe....anyway I better get going..." Said Emma quickly making her way back to the table
As soon as Emma made it back to the table, she gave a sigh of relief and told Coco and Peter who Jimmy was, so they knew if they were been followed by Jimmy, at any point on the school trip, the reason why
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the time they spend on the ship will go quickly? Do you think they will all be happy to get to Paris and to the hotel they are stopping in?
Also, do you think Jimmy will be following Emma around on the Paris trip? Or do you think Jimmy will give her some space and only talk to her a few times on the school trip?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, if anyone has an ideas for me for this book, let me know in the comments. Am always open to new ideas 🤗👍
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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