Part 29 - OMG...Mum, Your Pregnant Again?

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Friday, 15th of December, Same Day, 4pm, At School
The minibus had just pulled into the car park at school, but before anyone could get off Mr Cooper made one final announcement
"Ok everyone, listen up! Remember to...HEY DAISY! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU, SHUT UP WHILE THE TEACHER IS TALKING!" shouted Mr Cooper
"Sorry about that everyone, Daisy just thought it was more important to talk to her friends rather then listen" said Mr Cooper in a calmer voice
"As I was saying, remember to pick up any rubbish before you get off the coach and make sure you have all your personal belongings before you leave" explained Mr Cooper
Mr Cooper then got off the minibus and all the kids were getting there stuff together
"Wow, I have never heard Mr Cooper shout like that before" said Peter in a shocked voice
"Me neither, he must have been really annoyed" replied Coco
"Well Daisy was talking to her friends like...9 out of 10 times Mr Cooper was tried to explain something" Lucas pointed out
Daisy heard her name been mentioned and sighed
"You guys, can we not talk about this right now" said Emma in a serious voice
"Yea sure" replied Musharna
Everyone was off the minibus now and Emma and Coco were just grabbing there small chipmunk sized suitcases
"Can you two hurry up please?" Asked Lucas with sarcasm
"We are doing our best, just wait a minute!" Coco fired back
As Emma and Coco were looking for their suitcases, Emma spotted Jimmy
The deference was Jimmy wasn't coming over to Emma this time, he was going over to Daisy
" wanted to m-make are ok t-that's all..." Said Jimmy in a nervous voice
"Yea...I'm fine now thanks" replied Daisy with a smile
"Aw, that's so sweet...I know I find Jimmy annoying...but he is been caring and kind for a change...and to a beautiful girl like Daisy" Emma thought to herself
Emma and Coco found their suitcases and joined the others
"Is everyone ready to go and find Mum and Dad?" Asked Emma
Emma's brothers and sisters nodded and smiled so the five of them left the minibus and were off to find there parents
"Have a good weekend everyone, see you at school Monday for the last week of term" said Mr Cooper as Emma and her siblings walked past
The five of them walked towards the entrance to the school and saw Alvin waiting for them
"DAD!" the five of them shouted with happiness
They dropped there suitcases and run over to Alvin and the five of them gave him a hug
"Aw, I have missed you guys too" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"It feels like forever since we saw you and Mum" said Musharna
"Yea, I know these past five days have been dragging on...but me and your Mum haven't stopped thinking or caring about you" replied Alvin in a caring voice
Coco then turned her head left and right, having a good look around
"Dad, where is Mum?" Asked Coco
"She is a home" replied Alvin
"Didn't she want to pick us up with you?" Asked Peter
"Yea of course she did, but she just couldn't make it...she is very tired at the moment" replied Alvin
"Is she ill?" Asked Emma
"I wouldn't say she was will have to ask her when we get home anyway" replied Alvin
The five of them let go of Alvin and Alvin picked up the chipmunk sized suitcases
"Follow me to the car kids" called Alvin
The five of them followed but Peter and Emma walked a bit behind the others
"Do you think Mum is ok?" Asked Peter in a worried voice
"I'm not completely sure but Dad said she was just tired so I'm sure that she is ok" replied Emma
Alvin put the suitcases in the back of the car while the group of five got in the car
Once Alvin was in the car too, they set off back home
15 minutes later, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Once Alvin parked the car, he and the kids got out and went inside the house
"Hello?" Shouted Brittany from the kitchen
"Hi Mum! We are back!" Called Coco
The kids went into the kitchen and found Brittany cooking
"Mum!" the five of them shouted with excitement
Brittany put the pan of sausages down and hugged her kids with a big smile in her face
"I have missed you all so much! Did you all have a good time?" Asked Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea it was amazing!" Replied Peter
"Kinda wish we didn't have to leave but am happy to come back home to see you two" explained Musharna
"Aw I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves anyway" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Um...Mum, are you ok?" Asked Lucas
"Yea, of course I am...why do you ask?" Replied Brittany
"Because you didn't come with Dad to pick us up from school and we thought you was ill" explained Emma
"No I'm not ill, just tired more now...well I will be for the next few weeks anyway" replied Brittany
The five of them all had confused expressions on there faces
"Why are you tired a lot more if your not ill?" Asked Peter
Coco then noticed something different about Brittany
"Mum, not to sound rude or anything...but you have put quite a bit of weight on since we left on Monday. You don't normally put that much weight on that quick" called Coco
"Unless Mum is...OMG...Mum? Are you pregnant again?" Asked Emma in a surprised voice
Brittany nodded and smiled "Yep, I am pregnant again! Which means you five are going to be older brothers and sisters!" Squeaked Brittany with excitement
Emma Coco and Musharna jumped with excitement while Peter and Lucas looked confused
"Why are they so happy? What does been pregnant mean?" Asked Peter
"It means Mum is going to have more kids soon but I don't know why the girls are so happy about it" replied Lucas
"Anyway, now you all know go grab your suitcases and I will start washing your dirty clothes" called Brittany
The five of them went to grab there suitcases
"I can't believe Mum is pregnant! I love babies!" Called Musharna
"Me too, they are so cute" said Coco
With that, the five of them took there suitcases back to Brittany to wash their dirty clothes and they then gave Alvin and Brittany there presents from Paris
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you all liked and enjoyed this part. How many baby chipmunks do you think Brittany in this pregnancy? Do you think it will be more or less then her first time giving birth?
Also, what do you think Alvin Brittany and their kids will do for Christmas? Do you think they will invite Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor round for a party/Christmas dinner? Do you think they will all open Christmas presents together as a family?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sorry I didn't get chance to update earlier like Sunday or yesterday guys, have tried to make up for that though by making this part slightly longer then normal. Hope you all understand and appreciate me making this part a bit longer then normal 🤗👍
By the way, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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