Part 10 - Later That Evening...

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Monday, 6th of November, Same Day, 7:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Alvin came into the house and was exhausted! He had just finished work and was very tired now after the long day
Alvin went into the living room and the kids were happy to see him
"Yay, Dad is back home!" Called Peter
"Hi everyone, how are you all?" Asked Alvin
"Pretty sad to be honest..." Replied Musharna
"And annoyed" called Lucas
Alvin sat down on the sofa and was quite confused and worried
"Why what happened?" Asked Alvin
"Mum has grounded us for doing some play fighting with toys and stuff, outside in the garden" explained Coco
"I'm the only one that's not grounded because I wasn't involved" Emma jumped in
"So you have all been grounded for play fighting in the garden?" Alvin asked in a surprised voice
"Yea that's right! I can't believe Mum did that to us!" Called Lucas getting a little angry
A few minutes later, Alvin left the living room and went upstairs to find Brittany
He went in his and Brittany's bedroom first but she wasn't there
"Where could she be? She could be in the bathroom..." Alvin thought to himself
Alvin knocked on the bathroom door and heard Brittany call "come in"
Alvin entered the bathroom and Brittany was having a bath but she looked quite surprised to see Alvin and not one of the kids
"Oh didn't know it was you Alvin, I didn't even hear you come in. How long have you been home?" Asked Brittany in a happy voice
"Not long now, about 10 minutes or so and I'm so happy to see you! Work has been so long and stressful today and seeing you always makes me smile" explained Alvin in a caring voice
"Aw thanks Alvin, I have missed you a lot too" replied Brittany with a smile
"Um Brittany...can I talk to you about something?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course you can, you can tell me anything" replied Brittany with a giggle
"Did you ground the kids for play fighting outside today?" Asked Alvin
Brittany's smile disappeared and she looked away from Alvin
"Yes...I did..." Replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Why did you do that? You must have a reason for it and they kids weren't doing anything wrong as such" called Alvin
"I grounded the, because fighting is wrong! I don't care if they were play fighting or what, fighting each other is a bad thing and they have to understand that!" Shouted Brittany
"Please calm down love, I know you think fighting is wrong but they are just kids downstairs and I think we should explain to them together that actual fighting and beating others up is wrong...I get why you are mad at them, you don't want the play fighting to turn into real fighting...lets go and talk to them after you have finished in the bath" explained Alvin
Brittany sat in silence a few seconds before speaking up
"Ok, yea your right...lets go and talk to them in 5 minutes or so" replied Brittany
Once Brittany was out of the bath and dried off, she put her pyjamas on and followed Alvin downstairs
On the way downstairs Brittany spoke up
"You always understand how I feel Alvin, you are amazing and I love you for helping me cheer up in bad situations and stuff" called Brittany in a happier voice
"Aw thanks Brittany, I love you too and that's why we are together to help and support each other" replied Alvin
"I bet the kids think I'm a terrible Mum" said Brittany in a worried voice
"I'm sure they won't, they will just be a bit upset that you grounded them that's all...they will cheer up after we have talked to them" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany then went into the living room
"Kids, Mum wants to apologise to you all and explain a few things" explained Alvin
"Ok..Musharna Coco Peter and Lucas, I am so sorry I grounded you the time I was mad and didn't think to explain myself" called Brittany
"It's ok Mum, don't worry we all get like that at times" called Musharna
"I just want to apologise and I hope you all don't hate me for my mistake" called Brittany in a sad voice
The four of them stood up and run to Brittany to give her a hug
"We could never hate you Mum! You are amazing to us!" Called Coco
"Aw thanks everyone" replied Brittany feeling happier now
"So we are not grounded anymore?" Asked Lucas
"No, none of you four are grounded" replied Brittany with a giggle
With that, Alvin and Brittany spent the next couple of hours watching TV with the kids and Brittany was feeling a lot happier now things were sorted and knowing the kids still loved her...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Brittany will take the kids shopping tomorrow after school and let them buy something they want? Like a game or a DVD to show she is sorry?
Or do you think Brittany will ask Alvin to help organise a trip out somewhere?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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