Part 21 - There Are Too Many Minorities...

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Tuesday, 12th of December, 9:30am, Outside The Water Park
It was the next morning and no one was more excited then Lucas to been able to go to the water park
When Lucas got he wouldn't stop telling Peter about the water park and then he told her sisters downstairs at breakfast too
However, the five of them were now outside the water park and were just in the line where you scan your tickets
Once everyone had scanned there tickets, they would all be inside the water park
"Guys, I can't tell you how excited I am to be able to go here! After I saw the pictures of the place online I have been desperate to go!" Explained Lucas
"I have never seen you so happy before, I like this new you" said Peter
"This isn't a new me...and I am always happy at home" called Lucas quickly
The girls laughed at Coco spoke up
"I haven't seen you happy at home. The last time you was happy at home was when you got your birthday presents" called Coco
"I have been happy since then, I just try to hide it..." Replied Lucas
The five of them continued to talk to each other until they made it to the front of line and scanned there tickets
The five of them scanned there tickets and were making there way in
"This place is going to be so great you guys! I'm so excited for it!" Called Lucas
"We can tell" said Musharna
"And you have been telling us all morning" Emma pointed out
As soon as they got past the lockers and the slides were in sight, Lucas's smile disappeared
"What is this?" Complained Lucas
"What do you mean?" Asked Musharna
"I thought this water park was for Spanish and English people only! Not African Americans or Mexicans!" Replied Lucas
"Calm down, this place isn't too packed" said Coco
"Isn't too packed! Look at that line over there for food and drink!" Lucas fired back
"Ok, well we are all going to the wave machine, you can join us if you want?" Asked Emma
"No...not right now anyway, I want some time alone..." Replied Lucas
"Oh, ok then..." Replied Musharna
"I will go on a water slide with you later Lucas, don't worry" called Peter
Lucas just looked down at the ground and continued walking away
"Aw, I hope he cheers up soon" said Musharna
"He will do...don't worry" replied Emma
"I hope Lucas cheers up soon anyway" Emma thought to herself
The four of them then walked in the opposite direction towards the wave machine
Lucas continued walking around the water park, till he found a table
He sat there and started to sing a song to himself alone...
What has happened to this place?
These foreign people don't make it shine
This place just looked so fun and special
But it's different to what I saw online.
The dream is dead, our land is gone
There's a hole in my heart and I can't go on.

There are too many minorities (minorities)
At my water park (my water park).
This was our land, our dream (our dream)
and they've taken it all away.
They just keep coming and coming (minorities).
I tried to go and tell the police,
But even the authorities
Are minorities
At my water park.

There's no place for me to sit anymore,
And the lines just keep getting crazier.
There are Mexicans all around me.
The lazy river has never been lazier.
It's a 40 minute wait to go down one slide,
And the instructions are in French on the Zip Line ride!
(Gardez vos bras et vos jambes à l'intérieur de la promenade)
Just do it in English!

There are too many minorities (too many)
At my water park (somebody do something).
Where did they all come from?
Why can't they leave this land alone?
And it's such a tragedy (feel a bit like dying).
We looked the other way too long.
We've got to change our priorities
And get all these minorities
Out of my water park

God, I'm asking please
Help me get rid of all these minorities
So we can all use this water park
With no Mexicans (minorities)
Or African Americans (at my water park)
I'm not asking you for much
I just need your help and magic touch
To have fun at my water park (my water park)
Back at the wave machine, the girls and Peter were having a great time
"Wow, this is great" called Peter
"Yea I know, Lucas said this place looked great online" replied Coco
"It still is a little packed for my liking though..." Said Musharna
"I know but we can't have everything our way and at least the lines aren't too long" explained Emma
"Your right...I just feel a little sad for Lucas, he was so excited about coming here and now he seems really sad" called Peter
"That's just because he can't stand waiting in lines, he will be fine trust me" replied Emma
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the others will find Lucas and help him to cheer up and enjoy himself? If so, how do you think they will cheer him up? Do you think they will go on the water slides Lucas wants to go on? Or find a different activity that they all want to do?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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