Part 33 - It's Christmas Day!

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Sunday, 24th of December, 10pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Alvin had gone upstairs to put the kids to bed and let Brittany rest downstairs in the living room
He didn't want Brittany doing too much at the moment as she was Pregnant...even the kids offered to do things for Brittany sometimes
Brittany had changed the channel to the News and waited to see what was on this Christmas Eve
After a minute or so of the news title screens, the news reporters finally came on screen
"Now on News at 10, a week today Mickey Mouse was sent to jail after spreading lies about two well known singers, Alvin and Brittany. The police took the offence towards Alvin and Brittany from Mickey Mouse as Cyber Bullying and Mickey Mouse has been sent to Jail for approximately 4 months" explained the news reporter
"Well I think Mickey Mouse deserves to be locked up for a few months after spreading lies about me and Alvin to the public. It was so wrong of him to do what he did to us" Brittany said to herself out loud
Alvin then came into the living room and sat on the sofa with Brittany
"Are they all in bed going to sleep?" Asked Brittany
"Yea, all five of them...the boys were a bit more hard work to put to bed but they are both in bed now" replied Alvin
"Thanks for doing that Alvin, I would have put the girls to bed you know" called Brittany in a happy voice
"I know you would have but I told you to stay downstairs and rest...I don't want you doing too much while your pregnant" explained Alvin
Brittany giggled at Alvin's comment then looked down at her stomach
Alvin looked at Brittany and saw her looking down at her stomach and he did the same
Alvin was surprised how much Brittany had grown in the short amount of time since he found out she was pregnant
"Wow, you can definitely tell your pregnant now Brittany" said Alvin in a surprised voice
"I do look a bit fat now but I am only just over halfway through the pregnancy so there is still time for the babies to grow and make me look enormous. I'm two and a half weeks pregnant now so less then two weeks now till the babies are born" explained Brittany
"I can't wait to see what you have this time, do you think it will be as many as the first time?" Asked Alvin placing his paw on Brittany's stomach
"I don't think I will have five again, but you never know" replied Brittany
"I'm just worried about you giving birth put you through so much pain last time" called Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany grabbed hold of Alvin, pulled him closer to her and kissed him on the head
"Please don't worry about that Alvin I will be fine, I gave birth before so I can definitely do it again" said Brittany
After a few minutes of silence, Alvin spoke up
"Shall we go to bed then?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany got off the sofa and Alvin helped Brittany out of the living room and up to bed
Monday, 25th of December, 7:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's House
It was Christmas Day and the girls had just woke up
"Emma! Coco! wake up! It's Christmas Day!" Called Musharna
"Yea I know! I'm so excited!" Replied Coco
"We are already awake silly" said Emma
"I can't wait to open our Christmas presents" said Musharna
"Me neither, let's go and wake up Mum and Dad! Then we can all go downstairs" suggested Coco
Musharna and Coco went into Alvin and Brittany's bedroom and Musharna tapped Alvin while Coco tapped Brittany
"Come on Dad! Wake up!" Called Musharna
"You too Mum, time to get up! It's Christmas!" Called Coco
Alvin sat up in bed and smiled at Musharna and Coco
"Morning you two, how are you both?" Asked Alvin with a yawn
"We are great come on let's got downstairs" replied Coco
Brittany sat up in bed and looked over at Alvin, then at Musharna and Coco
"Is Emma and your brothers awake too?" Asked Brittany
"Emma is and our brothers probably are too" replied Musharna
"Come on then Alvin, we best get up. We don't want to keep them waiting any longer" said Brittany with a smile
Alvin and Brittany got out of bed and followed Musharna and Coco out of their bedroom
When they got out of the bedroom, Emma Peter and Lucas were already outside the bedroom waiting
"Come on slowpokes, let's go downstairs and open presents" called Lucas
The five of them run downstairs while Alvin and Brittany walked downstairs after them
Alvin and Brittany went into the living room and sat on the sofa
Once, Alvin and Brittany were sat down the kids started looking through the presents seeing who's was who's
"Can I open mine first?" Asked Peter
"No I want to open mine first" Lucas jumped in
"Now don't start fighting guys, we will just take it in turns ok" called Alvin
As the five of them started opening their presents, Brittany spoke up
"Shall I go and make us two a cup of tea?" Asked Brittany
"No, don't be silly I will make us a cup of tea" replied Alvin
The kids continued to open their presents for the next 20 minutes and after they had opened there presents, Alvin and Brittany opened there presents
"I don't think Mum or Dad will get anything as amazing as my 'Boom Boom Basher' toy" called Lucas
"What are you talking about I have the best toy, I have a walking and talking unicorn" said Coco
"No mine is the best, I got a few new Barbie dolls" said Musharna
"I definitely got the best present, some scientific books" joked Emma
"What about mine, I got a blow up doll...with real Genitalia? What's Genitalia?" Asked Peter
Brittany felt her face heat up. She went bright red and blushed in embarrassment
"Peter, that's not for you...let me look at the label to see who it's from" said Brittany quickly
The label said: To Eleanor from Brittany
"Peter, give me the blow up's not for you it's for Eleanor" said Brittany quickly
Peter passed the box with the blow up doll in over to Brittany and Brittany put it next to her
"So do I get another present now?" Asked Peter
Brittany nudged Alvin and whispered in his ear "Alvin, go in our bedroom and get £20 out for Peter...I will take him shopping on Wednesday for another Christmas present"
Alvin went upstairs and comeback downstairs with £20
"Here you go Peter, you can have £20 for Christmas and you can buy what ever you want with that" said Brittany
"Oh right, thanks Mum" replied Peter
"I will phone Eleanor later and see if she has got Peters present by mistake" Brittany whispered to Alvin
After all the presents had been opened, Alvin put all the used wrapping paper in a bin bag and Brittany started doing breakfast
Once breakfast was cooked for everyone, Brittany asked Alvin if he would help her set up the table for the Christmas dinner tonight and Alvin said yes he would do
With that, the kids were all in the living room with there new Christmas presents and Alvin and Brittany were setting up the kitchen table, ready for when Simon Jeanette Theodore Eleanor and Dave come round later for Christmas dinner
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. How many baby Chipmunks do you think Brittany will have in this pregnancy? Do you think it will be more then five baby Chipmunks? Or do you think it will be less? Do you think Brittany will have more boys then girls this time around or more girls then boys again?
Also, do you think Alvin Brittany and there kids are going to have a great Christmas Day?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Look Brittany, Our Kids Are Growing Up!Where stories live. Discover now