Part 9 - Hey! Stop All This Fighting and Come Inside!

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Monday, 6th of November, Same Day, 5pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Both teams were now outside in the back garden
The Wizards team were on the side of the garden near the greenhouse, and the Ninjas team were on the side of the garden near the swings and slide
"Ok Coco, listen up! Here is the plan!" called Lucas
Lucas then got out a notebook and started drawing in it
"We are going to hide behind this big tree in the we are going to jump out and get the Wizards team" explained Lucas
"When you say jump you mean jump out to scare them?" Asked Coco
"I was thinking on us two jumping them both but I think jumping out and scaring them will work better" replied Lucas
"And it's not as mean neither" called Coco
"Ok, let the attack begin" called Lucas leading him and Coco away from the swings
Near the greenhouse Peter was getting hungry and Musharna was trying to take his mind off food and winning the battle
"Can't I go and grab a few biscuits? Or a bag of sweets?" Asked Peter
"No, we need to make sure our Wizard powers are stronger then the Ninjas are so we can win" replied Musharna
"Ok...but can we hurry it up, I'm really hungry" called Peter
"Yes we will hurry it up, let's go and find them...they are probably at the other end of the garden" explained Musharna
Musharna and Peter then left the greenhouse and were making there way towards the big tree in the garden
The Wizards team were now at the big tree, but when they got there...the Ninjas team jumped out
"Oh no, it's the Ninjas team! Assist me Peter and us Wizards will take them down" called Musharna
"Not so fast! Us Ninjas are going to win so you should surrender now, if you know what's right" Lucas fired back
"Ok then, let's stop talking and do this" called Musharna
Musharna waved the stick with the snow globe on and pretend to cast a spell
Lucas jumped backwards and looked over at Coco
"Help me out then! Use the ninja stars!" Shouted Lucas
Coco tossed some cardboard ninjas stars at both Musharna and Peter
"We need a shield" called Musharna
Peter took off his towel that he was using as a cape and waved it at the cardboard ninja stars
The battle went on for the next 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, inside the house Brittany was cooking for tea time and Emma was reading a book
"It seems very quiet for a change, I will make sure everyone is ok" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany went into the living room and was surprised to just see Emma
"Emma? Where are your brothers and sisters?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"They are outside Mum, they are playing Wizards and Ninjas...or the back garden and are having a play fight" explained Emma
"What! I don't want them fighting!" Shouted Brittany in a worried voice
Brittany run out of the living room and outside to the back garden
"Hey!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Brittany shouting stopped the battle between the two teams and the four of them looked at Brittany with worried faces
"Um...what's wrong Mum?" Asked Musharna
"Stop this fighting and get inside! Now!" Shouted Brittany
The four of them went in the house and waited in the kitchen for Brittany
"What on earth are you all fighting for?" Asked Brittany
"Pizza" replied Lucas
"What pizza?" Asked Brittany in a more calm voice
"That pizza you put in the fridge, you said there won't be enough for everyone so we agreed who won the battle got some of the pizza" explained Coco
"That pizza isn't for you guys silly" called Brittany
"What?" The four of them said in confusion
"Who is it for then?" Asked Peter
"It's for the party at work tomorrow, someone is retiring so we are having a party for them...the pizza won't be enough for everyone there though" explained Brittany
"Wow! We were all so wrong...sorry for fighting Mum" said Musharna in a sad voice
"It's ok, I'm not mad at you...just a little disappointed, but you are all grounded for the next 5 nights" explained Brittany
"What? Why? That's not fair!" Called Lucas
"Because you were all fighting! Fighting is wrong! I will let your Dad talk to you all later" replied Brittany going back into the kitchen to cook
With that, Brittany was cooking the tea for everyone while the kids were sat in the living room, feeling annoyed about been grounded for play fighting
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Brittany should have grounded Musharna Coco Peter and Lucas? Or do you think she should have just explained fighting is wrong and no punishment after?
Also, do you think Alvin and Brittany will have an argument later about Brittany grounding four of the kids?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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