Part 15 - Alvin and Brittany Have Some Decisions To Make Together

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Tuesday, 7th of November, Same Day, 10:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
It had just turned 10:30pm and early that evening, Alvin told the kids that he would talk to Brittany later about the school trip
He would give them all an answer in the morning if they could go or not
Everyone was now in bed asleep...aside from Brittany
Brittany tossed and turned in bed and couldn't get to sleep
She tapped Alvin on his back and whispered him name
"Alvin...are you awake?" Asked Brittany
Alvin turned over and faced Brittany
"I am now, why are you not asleep though?" Asked Alvin
"I can't sleep...the kids wanting to go on the school trip is on my mind" replied Brittany
"Well I did want to talk to you about that now that we are in private" called Alvin
"You do?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I do" replied Alvin
"Thanks Alvin, I just don't know what to do...the amount of money for all five of them to go on the trip is a lot, but I don't want to say no to them and upset them" explained Brittany
"I think we should let them all go on the school trip and we can pay together with our work money" said Alvin
"But it will cost £450! That is a large amount to pay, even with our work money" Brittany pointed out
"I know it's a lot Brittany, but if we don't let the kids go on the school trip, then they will miss out and we as parents will probably regret not letting them go" explained Alvin
"We both bring home around £180 each week from work, so each week we have around £360 in our wages to pay for the bills and the weekly shop" explained Brittany
"It might be a bit more money then £180 but I get your point...if you want, I could ask Simon if he will let us borrow £200 and we will pay him back" suggested Alvin
"Yea, that would work. Are you sure Simon won't mind though?" Asked Brittany
"No Simon won't mind, I'm putting money to good use for a school trip for our kids...not alcohol or random junk from supermarkets" replied Alvin
"Ok, if Simon will lend you the money then I'm fine to put some money together from our wages to pay for the kids to go on the school trip" explained Brittany
"So we can tell the kids yes they can go in the morning. They will all be so happy" replied Alvin
"They can all go as long as Simon let's us borrow some money" Called Brittany
"Yea I know that" replied Alvin
"Anyway, now that we have settled on that can we try to get some sleep?" Asked Alvin
"I will try, but right now I'm worried about if the kids will be ok...away from home without us" said Brittany
"Please stop worrying dear, we will discuss this more tomorrow, but I'm sure the kids will be fine on the school trip...besides Emma acts quite mature and will make sure they are all ok" explained Alvin
With that, Alvin and Brittany turned over and went to sleep within minutes
Wednesday, 8th of November, 7:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Brittany had got up at 7am this morning and had told the kids to get ready for school
As expected, Lucas complained about getting up earlier then 7:30am and Musharna wanted more sleep
However, by 7:30am, the kids and Brittany were downstairs in the kitchen
"What are we having for breakfast Mum?" Asked Coco
"Pancakes today" replied Brittany
"Yay, I love pancakes" called Musharna
Alvin then came into the kitchen and walked over to Brittany
"I phoned and asked Simon about the money and he said its fine, we can borrow £200" Alvin whispered to Brittany
"That's great new, do you want to tell the kids then?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I will do" replied Alvin
Alvin walked over to the table and asked everyone to listen up
"Me and your Mum had a talk last night about the school trip and if you five can all go" started Alvin
"So what's your answer? Can we go?" Asked Emma
"Please say yes" begged Peter
"The answer is.....YES! You can all go on the school trip to Paris!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Yay, that's awesome!" Called Coco
"Thanks Mum and Dad! You two are the best!" called Musharna
"No problem, now you guys eat your breakfast and I will walk you all to school" said Alvin
With that, everyone had there breakfast but the kids were so excited about the good news!
As Alvin walked them all to school, the kids wouldn't stop talking about the school trip and what they could possibly be doing in Paris
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part.
Do you think the kids were surprised when Alvin and Brittany said they could go on the school trip? What kind of activities do you think the kids will be doing while they are in Paris? Do you think they will all enjoy themselves in Paris?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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