Part 34 - It Won't Be Long Now Till I Give Birth Again

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Monday, 8th of January, 8:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
It had been exactly two weeks now since Christmas Day and a few exciting things were planned to happen this week
However, the most exciting thing that was going to happen was Brittany been due to give birth soon
All Alvin and Brittany's kids were looking forward to seeing the baby chipmunks that Brittany had been carrying around all month
Especially the girls, Emma Coco and Musharna were looking forward to holding the baby chipmunks
However the kids were not at home with Alvin and Brittany tonight...they had gone over to Dave's House so Dave could take them all to the cinema tomorrow 
As much as Alvin and Brittany liked their kids been in the house with them, a night together with just the two of them was nice for once
"I can't believe how quiet it is" called Alvin
"Me neither, it hasn't been this quiet for a while now" replied Brittany
"Is there anything worth watching on TV?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure, don't think so though" called Brittany
There was a small silence before Alvin spoke up
"Hey Brittany, how are you feeling?" Asked Alvin
"Ok at the moment...the kids haven't kicked or moved much for the past couple of hours" replied Brittany with a smile
Brittany looked down at her baby bump and Alvin placed his paw on her stomach
"Do you think they are ok?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course I do, they are probably just sleeping right now" replied Brittany with a giggle
"It won't be long now till I give birth again" called Brittany
"Yea I know, can't wait to see how many baby chipmunks you have this time" replied Alvin in an excited voice
"Aw me neither Alvin" replied Brittany in a caring voice
Brittany pushed herself against the sofa to try and get up but she was struggling
She fell back against the sofa and started breathing quite heavily
"Are you ok?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Yea I'm fine, the kids are just a little tired that's all..." Replied Brittany
"But I need to get up and go to the bathroom soon, or I will have an accident on the sofa" joked Brittany
Alvin smiled and got off the sofa
He held out his arms and said "Come on, grab hold of me and I will help you up"
Brittany reached out for Alvin's arms and once she got hold of them, Alvin helped pull her up off the sofa
"Thank you Alvin, I feel drained at the moment" explained Brittany
"It's cool you need me to help you get upstairs to the bathroom?" Asked Alvin
"Yes please, a bit of assistance would be nice...if you don't mind" replied Brittany
"No not at all, anything to help you out" said Alvin
Alvin walked with Brittany out of the living room and they started walking upstairs towards the bathroom
Once they were at the top of the stairs, Brittany stood still for a few seconds to get her breath back
"Thanks for helping me..." Said Brittany in a tired voice
"You don't have to thank me every time" joked Alvin 
Brittany went into the bathroom, did her business and then came out of the bathroom and saw Alvin waiting
"Alvin, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to bed now" said Brittany
"No I don't mind at all...just a bit surprised your going to bed this early" replied Alvin
"I'm pregnant and I'm actually quick tired after carrying these guys around!" Brittany said in an angry voice
Alvin put his hands up in defence "Wow Brittany, calm down...I know your pregnant and it must be hard carrying extra weight around...but don't get angry with me please" replied Alvin
Brittany squeaked in shock and embarrassment and looked down at the ground
"Sorry Alvin...I didn't mean to get angry with you...was one of my mood swings...your not mad are you?" Asked Brittany
"No, I understand don't worry" replied Alvin
Alvin walked closer to Brittany and gave her a hug
After a few seconds, Brittany pulled out of the hug and pressed her lips on Alvin's lips
They were stood kissing for a minute or so before they stopped and looked into each other's eyes
"Wow, that was amazing Brittany! We haven't kissed like that in a while!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"I know, I felt so good" replied Brittany with a giggle
There was a small silence before Alvin spoke up
"So if your going to bed now, do you want any help?" Asked Alvin
"No I should be fine getting in bed, but could you stay with me just to be sure?" Brittany asked back
Alvin nodded and followed Brittany into the bedroom
Brittany took her top and skirt off and Alvin couldn't stop looking at Brittany big baby bump
Brittany noticed Alvin staring and giggled to herself
"Your baby bump is massive! Was it that big the first time you was pregnant?" Asked Alvin
"I not completely sure, but I think it was around the same size" replied Brittany
Brittany took her bra and panties off and put on her pyjamas and pulled back the covers to get in bed
Once Brittany was in bed, Alvin turned off the bedroom light and called "I won't be too long till I come to bed, anyway night"
Alvin heard Brittany call "night love" back and then went back downstairs
2 hours later...
Alvin had spent the last couple of hours downstairs watching TV by himself, but he was now starting to fall asleep
He turned off the TV, made sure the house was locked up and went upstairs to bed
Alvin got to his and Brittany's bedroom, felt around his side of the bed to find his pyjamas and once he found them put them on
He put them on in the dark as he didn't want to put the bedroom light on and wake Brittany
Alvin got in bed and turned in his side so he was facing Brittany
"I wonder how many baby chipmunks Brittany will have this time? If her baby bump is as big as the first time she was pregnant then should could end up giving birth to another five baby chipmunks" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin moved closer to Brittany and wrapped his arms around her
He gave her a kiss on her head and then put his head back on the pillow
Alvin closed his eyes and was starting to fall asleep...until he was woken up by Brittany moving about and breathing faster then normal
"Brittany? Are you ok?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
Alvin hopped out of bed and put the bedroom light on
Once Alvin got back to the bed Brittany screamed in pain
"Jesus Christ! Could you scream any louder!" Called Alvin
"Alvin! Phone an ambulance!...Alvin!...Ahhh!" Screamed Brittany in pain
Alvin run out of the bedroom and grabbed a house phone
He called an ambulance and told them his girlfriend was going into labour along with the location of his house and the ambulance man told Alvin he would be there soon
Alvin then went back into the bedroom and Brittany was still screaming in pain
"Alvin! They are coming!...It hurts!...please help me" begged Brittany
"I will get some painkillers for now and wait here with you till the ambulance arrives" explained Alvin
"Thanks Alvin..." Replied Brittany with another scream of pain
After about 8 minutes had passed, the ambulance arrived at Alvin and Brittany's house
Brittany was taken into the ambulance and Alvin got in the ambulance after locking up the house
With that, Alvin and Brittany were off to the hospital...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think Brittany will be OK getting to the hospital? Do you think Brittany will be more confident about giving birth the 2nd time round? Will Alvin will stay with Brittany to make sure she is ok, up until she gives birth?
Also, how many baby Chipmunks do you think Brittany will have in this pregnancy?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Look Brittany, Our Kids Are Growing Up!Where stories live. Discover now