Part 13 - Mum! Dad! Can We Go On This School Trip Please?

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Tuesday, 7th of November, Same Day, 3:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Brittany had just picked the kids up from school and the five of them all followed Brittany into the kitchen
"What are we having for dinner tonight Mum?" Asked Coco
"I thinking about a chicken Curry tonight" replied Brittany
"Yay, that sounds great" called Musharna
"Ew...that sounds disgusting" said Lucas
"Can't me and Lucas have something else?" Asked Emma
"Not really...I will put some garlic bread in and you two can have that with some lasagna" explained Brittany
"Ok, I guess that will do" replied Emma
"It's better then Curry" Lucas jumped in
"I don't know why you two don't like Curry, it's really nice" said Peter
"Right! Enough talk on tonight's dinner! I'm going to put the TV" called Lucas going into the living room
After Lucas went into the living room Peter followed him and it left Musharna Emma and Coco in the kitchen with Brittany
"Should we ask Mum now?" Asked Musharna
"We can do...the boys are in the living room out of the way" replied Emma
"Ok let's go and ask" said Coco
The three of them approached Brittany and Emma spoke up
"Hey Mum...have you got a minute?" Asked Emma
"Yea sure, what's wrong?" replied Brittany
"Both is wrong, we just want to ask you something" replied Musharna
"Can we go on the school trip please?" Asked Coco
Brittany looked confused
"School trip? When is it happening? And where is it? Where are you going too?" Asked Brittany
"The school trip is on Monday 11th of December till Friday 15th of December and is going to be a school trip to Paris for almost a full school week" explained Emma
"We all really want to go on the school trip to Paris" Musharna added
"How much does this all cost?" Asked Brittany
"£90 for each of us...meaning for the three of us girls to go it would cost £270" explained Emma
"Wow, that's quite a lot of money for a school trip..." Said Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea but Mum, this is a Monday to Friday school trip! Please let us go!" Begged Musharna
"I will have a think about it tonight and let you know tomorrow what my answer is ok?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure that's fine with us" replied Coco
"I will need to speak to your Dad too, see what he says because £270 is quite a lot of money" explained Brittany
"It's ok Mum we understand...we will just wait till tomorrow to find out" said Emma
Musharna Emma and Coco then left the kitchen and went into their bedroom upstairs
"Do you think we will be able to go on the school trip?" Asked Coco
"I hope so...we will have to ask Dad too, hopefully he will seem more calm and happy and will just say yes" called Coco
"Dad will still have to talk to Mum about this decision but I know what you mean sister" replied Emma
1 hour later...
After an hour had passed, Alvin had just come home from work
As soon as Alvin came in the house and closed the door, the girls upstairs all looked at each other
"Sounds like Dad is back, let's go downstairs and see him" called Musharna
Alvin said "hello" to Brittany who was cooking in the kitchen and she asked him the basic stuff like "how was your day?"
Alvin then went into the living room and sat with Peter and Lucas
"Oh hi Dad, am glad you are back from work now" called Peter
"Thanks, I have missed you as all too" replied Alvin
Musharna Coco and Emma then walked into the living room
"Hey Dad, can we have a quick talk with you upstairs please?" Asked Emma
"Yea sure" replied Alvin
Alvin followed his three girls upstairs and they all went into the girls bedroom
"Ok so what do you want to talk about?" Asked Alvin
"There is a school trip to Paris next month and we would like to go on it...if you let us" replied Coco
"A school trip to Paris? How long is the trip for? And how much does it cost?" Asked Alvin
"The trip is from Monday to Friday and costs £90 for each of us" replied Emma
"Hmm....£90 for nearly a week is quite good money, I believe anyway, I would let you three go but it's up to your Mum too" explained Alvin
"Are you been serious Dad?" Asked Musharna
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Musharna Coco and Emma will be allowed to go on the school trip? Do you think Alvin will talk to Brittany later that night and change Brittany's mind to let them go?
Also, do you think Peter and Lucas will find out about the school trip soon and will want to go as well?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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