Part 6 - Our Parents Have a Hangover Next Morning

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Saturday, 4th of November, Same Day, 11:50pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
The party at Alvin and Brittany's house had been going on quite a while now
Alvin had put the kids to bed about 9:30pm but it was getting late now and everyone was going home
"Thanks so much for having us round" called Eleanor
"No and...Theodore....get home safely" said Brittany in a funny voice
"Thanks sister, hope you are ok in the morning too, bye" said Eleanor
"Thanks for having us around too Brittany" said Jeanette
"No as well" replied Brittany in a funny voice
After everyone had left, Brittany held on to walls as she walked into the living room to get Alvin
"Come on...Alvin...BED!" Called Brittany in a funny voice
Alvin stood up and the room was spinning for him too
Alvin took a few steps and nearly fell over
"Brittany...I think us...drunk.." Said Alvin in a funny voice
"I spinning...lets...go to bed..." Replied Brittany in a funny voice
Alvin and Brittany slowly went to bed, wobbling all over the place...
Once they got to bedroom, Alvin got in bed and Brittany turned off the light got in bed next to him
Within minutes, they were both fast asleep
Sunday, 5th of November, 7:45am
Brittany had just woke up and felt crap this morning
She turned over and woke Alvin up
" head hurts...I feel terrible" called Brittany
"Me too...I don't think we should do anything today...just get some sleep and recover..." Replied Alvin
"We can't do that...unfortunately...we are parents and we have to be responsible for our bad actions...and take care of our kids" explained Brittany
Just then, Musharna and Coco came into the bedroom
"Morning Mum, time to get up!" Called Musharna
She sat up in bed and rubbed her head
"Mum? Are you ok?" Asked Coco
"Yes...I...just have a right bad headache..." Replied Brittany
"Is that because you went to bed late last night?" Asked Musharna
"'s the beer, too much alcohol makes you ill the next day" explained Brittany
"Can you cook us some breakfast? If your able too?" Asked Coco
Brittany turned to Alvin and tapped him
"Oh god, what?" asked Alvin
"Can you cook for the kids please?" Asked Brittany
"No...not right now, need some pain killers instead" replied Alvin
"Please Alvin, I feel terrible..." Called Brittany
"I don't feel too good neither Brittany..." Replied Alvin
"Alright, I will have to cook then..." Replied Brittany
Brittany got out of bed and when she stood up, she stood still and to her the room started spinning
"Mum? Are you ok?" Asked Musharna
"Yea, just give me a few minutes to get downstairs with you..." Replied Brittany
Brittany held onto different parts of furniture in the bedroom till she got out of the bedroom
Musharna and Coco were about to go downstairs, till Brittany run into the bathroom
Brittany was been sick and it worried Musharna and Coco
Emma then came out of the girls bedroom and saw her sisters looking worried
"What's wrong you two?" Asked Emma
"Mum isn't very well...she has a headache and now she is been sick" replied Coco
"Oh no, she must be having a hangover" called Emma
"That doesn't sound good" said Coco in a sad voice
Brittany then came out of the bathroom and didn't look too good
"Mum, go back to bed...we will get Jeanette or Eleanor to come over and babysit us and take care of you and Dad, if he is in the same state as you are" explained Emma
"No...I will be ok....I will just go downstairs and start cooking..." Called Brittany
"Can you go down on your bum please? Then you won't fall" asked Musharna
Brittany nodded and went downstairs on her bum
Once Brittany and the girls were downstairs, they had the next challenge of making sure Brittany was safe and able to cook for them...
Hi everyone thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Alvin and Brittany will be ok? Do you think the effects of the hangover will have gone by the afternoon? Or do you think they will both be on the hangover all day?
Also, do you think the girls will get Jeanette or Eleanor round to take care of them and Alvin and Brittany?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sorry I haven't updated this book for nearly 2 days now, I have been busy. It was my Birthday yesterday 🎉 and have been out with my friends today 🤗
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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