Part 8 - Let's Play Wizards and Ninjas

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Monday, 6th of November, 4:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Brittany had just picked the kids up from school and the kids were now in the kitchen helping Brittany put the shopping away
"Thanks for helping me put the shopping away everyone" called Brittany
"No problem Mum we are a family and families all help each other out" replied Coco
"Not all of us wanted to help..." Lucas whispered under his breath
Emma slapped him and shook her head
Once the shopping was put away everyone was making there way into the living room...till Musharna heard Brittany say something
"Hmm....there will be enough for everyone, the others will have to eat something else" Brittany said to herself
Musharna turned around and Brittany was looking at a pizza before she put it in the fridge
"That's not good, I'm not missing out on pizza..." Musharna thought to herself
Musharna then went in the living room and was very quiet
"What's wrong?" Asked Emma making everyone look over at Musharna
"Nothing...I'm fine" replied Musharna
"Are you sure, you seem quiet" called Coco
"Ok...I am worried I won't get any pizza" explained Musharna
"Pizza?" Asked Peter
"Yea, Mum has a pizza but she said there won't be enough for everyone" explained Musharna
"Well I'm not missing out on pizza" Lucas jumped in
"Who says you can have some and we can't?" Asked Coco
"Yea, I think we deserve pizza more then you" called Musharna
The five of them arguing was loud enough for Brittany to hear from the kitchen
"Guys! Stop fighting please!" Shouted Brittany from the kitchen
"So how are we going to decide fairly who gets pizza and who doesn't?" Asked Peter
"Why we play a outdoor game" suggested Coco
"I know, how about Wizards and Ninjas" suggested Lucas
"Yea that sounds fun, I want to lead the Wizards" called Musharna
"Ok, I will lead the Ninjas then" replied Lucas
"I want to be on the Wizards team" called Peter
"Then I will go with Lucas on the Ninjas team" called Coco
"Emma, who's team are you going with?" Asked Peter
"I will sit this one out...I'm not that interested in role playing" replied Emma
"Ok, let's go upstairs and dress up...then we will all go outside and let the battle begin" explained Lucas
"The four of them nodded and run upstairs to dress up, while Emma picked up a book and started reading that in the living room
For the Wizards team, Musharna grabbed a big floppy hat, a wooden stick and a snow globe
Musharna taped the snow globe on the end of the wooden stick and put on the big floppy hat
Peter grabbed a hat too and couple of small rulers and taped them together and put his hat on
For the Ninjas team, Lucas grabbed a pair of socks, a cardboard box and some scissors
Lucas tied the socks together and put them on his head like a bandana, then he started cutting up the cardboard box into star shapes
Coco grabbed a scarf, hat and box of bouncy toy eggs
Coco wrapped the scarf around her neck and put the hat in her head and tried to keep her face hidden
Both teams/pairs then went downstairs and outside into the back garden
The Wizards team took the side of the garden near the greenhouse, while the Ninjas team took the side of the garden near the swings and slide
Near the greenhouse...
"This is going to be great Musharna! I'm really excited!" Called Peter
"Yea I know, me too! I hope we win and get some pizza later" replied Musharna
Near the swings and slide...
"Coco, you better not mess this up! That pizza is as good as mine....I mean ours" called Lucas
"Your very competitive but remember, we are only playing a game so we can't hurt Musharna or Peter" explained Coco
It wouldn't be long now till the battle between the Wizards and Ninjas took place, both sides were desperate to win but only one side could win
But which team will win? Team Wizards? Or Team Ninjas?
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part.
I wanted to include some kind of role playing in the story somewhere because after all, these are kids. Don't know if everyone did role playing but when I was younger, I remember having friends at my house and pretending to fight each other...was a lot of fun lol 😂
Anyway, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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