Part 4 - Brittany is Going Shopping For The Party!

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Saturday, 4th of November, Same Day, 10:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin had phoned up Simon and Theodore and while they said they could all come, Theodore did explain Eleanor is working so they could be late
Alvin had finished on the phone and was now playing on the PlayStation while his kids were watching him
Brittany then came into the living room and spoke up
"Alvin, did you ask Simon and Theodore if they were coming over tonight? With my sisters?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I asked them, Simon said him and Jeanette would be over at 6:30pm and Theodore and Eleanor would aim for that time but could be a little late with Eleanor working" explained Alvin
"Oh least they are all coming tonight, that's the main thing" replied Brittany
"Mum, why are your sisters and Dads brothers coming over?" Asked Emma
"Will be a surprise for you all later...anyway I'm going shopping now, who wants to go with me?" Asked Brittany
The girls cheered and asked if they could go
Brittany said 'yes' and then looked over at the boys
"I will go" called Peter in a happy voice
"Ok fine...I will go too if all of you are going..." Said Lucas
"Ok, you five get ready and then we will go" said Brittany in a happy voice
After a few minutes, the five kids and Brittany were ready to go and Alvin and Brittany said bye to each other before Brittany left the house to go shopping
At The Local Asda
Brittany and the kids had just arrived at Asda and immediately, everyone wanted to go in different directions
"Hold on everyone! We must all stay together so we don't get lost...we will all go together around the shop, OK?" explained Brittany in a serious voice
"Ok Mum" everyone sighed
"So what do we need to buy?" Asked Coco
"Well we can't have a party without Pizza and fizzy drinks, let's start with them" replied Brittany
Musharna Emma and Peter grabbed a few different Pizzas and Coco and Lucas then grabbed a couple of bottles of fizzy drinks
"How about snacks? Like Doritos?" Asked Peter
"Yea we can get some Doritos" replied Brittany
The five of them cheered with excitement
"But you can't have them when you get home, you have to wait till tonight for the party" Brittany jumped in
"Oh...well...we knew that..." Replied Emma
"Can we look at the DVD's and games now?" Asked Lucas
"Yes, we can do if you want too" replied Brittany
Brittany and the kids walked down a few more lanes before reaching the DVD's and games but it was worth it when the kids got there
"Wow, look at all the new films!" Called Musharna in a surprised voice
"Yea I know...I didn't know that one was out yet" called Coco
"Hey Mum, can you buy this game please?" Asked Lucas
Brittany didn't know what was more surprising, Lucas using manors or the price of the game
"No sorry, not not today....£30 is quite a lot" replied Brittany
"But that's not FAIR!" Shouted Lucas
"Calm down, don't worry I'm sure Mum or Dad will buy it you next time we come shopping" explained Emma
"I guess your right..." Replied Lucas in a more calm voice
After they had left the DVD's and games, Brittany had one last stop before the tills
She placed two crates of 24 cans of Fosters Beers in the trolley
"Why are you buying Beer? It just makes you and Dad act silly" asked Emma
"And it tastes terrible" said Musharna
"Look kids, me and your Dad like to have a few Beers when we are with friends and family, it helps us socialise" explained Brittany
The kids all looked at each other with confused faces but just nodded and went along with Brittany
With that, the shopping was done and Brittany and the kids paid for the shopping and went back home
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the party will go well tonight at Alvin and Brittany's house? What kind of activities or games do you think Alvin and Brittany will set up? Do you think they will set up some party games? Or some music themed games like 'Karaoke' or 'Guitar Hero'?
Also, do you think Alvin and Brittany will get a bit carried away and get drunk? What about Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor, do you think they will get a bit drunk too? Or just have a couple of cans each?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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