Part 26 - Emma Returns To The Hotel...Only To Get Teased By Her Siblings

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Wednesday, 13th of December, Same Day, 7:45pm, Inside McDonalds
Emma and Jimmy had just been served in McDonalds and were now looking for a table
"Where do you want to sit?" Asked Emma
"I don't choose" replied Jimmy
Emma found an empty table and headed for that and Jimmy followed
Once they sat at the table Jimmy spoke up
"I'm so happy we came here Emma" called Jimmy
"Me too...I mean, I like McDonald's but don't come too often as it's very unhealthy" replied Emma
"Yea...I don't really think about stuff like that...if I like something I will just have it" explained Jimmy
Emma and Jimmy then started eating there Big Macs
However, while Emma was eating politely Jimmy wasn't
Jimmy was eating his burger like a pig, he just kept shovelling it in
It was quite off putting and Emma just looked in any other direction then forward at Jimmy
After 10 minutes or so, they had both finished eating
"I enjoyed that for once, I think it's because I haven't had a McDonalds in ages" called Emma
"I enjoyed mine too...where do you want to go next? Do you want to do anything else?" Asked Jimmy
"I think I'm ready to go back home now...but tonight has been good" replied Emma trying to sound happy
"Oh yea, I have enjoyed tonight too and that's fine with me if you want to head back" said Jimmy
They both left McDonalds and started walking back towards the Hotel
"Thank god that's over....I hope I don't have ever have to go on any nights out with Jimmy again..." Emma thought to herself
"What's your plans for tomorrow?" Asked Jimmy
"Not much...think I will just stay in the Hotel with my brothers and sisters..." Lied Emma
"Oh right, cool...I might see you at some point tomorrow morning then I'm just going to be around the swimming pool" replied Jimmy
" might see me tomorrow..." Replied Emma with a yawn afterwards
"Are you tired?" Asked Jimmy
"Yea, didn't get much sleep last night" called Emma
"Oh right...hope you have a better sleep tonight then" said Jimmy
Once they arrived back at the Hotel, they went over to the lift and waited
"Your only on the 2nd floor aren't you?" Asked Emma
"Yea but I want to wait with you and make sure you get back to your room ok" replied Jimmy
The lift arrived and Emma pressed floor 2 for Jimmy and floor 5 for her
The lift stopped and opened on the 2nd floor and Jimmy looked over at Emma
"Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" Asked Jimmy
"No, I will be fine...but thanks for offering" replied Emma
The lift then closed and went up to the 5th floor
Once the lift opened, Emma left the lift and went to the girls room
She knew that she was going to be teased a little when she got back to the room though
Emma went in the room and found her sisters sat on the bed talking
"Hey you two" called Emma
"Emma, your back! How did your date go?" Asked Coco
"It wasn't a date but if you want to know, it wasn't too bad" replied Emma
Musharna and Coco then started giggling
"I think she is falling for Jimmy" joked Musharna
"No I'm not, I said it wasn't too bad...Jimmy isn't my type ok...he was just saying and doing silly things while we were out" explained Emma
"Do you mean like hugging you and kissing you?" Joked Coco
Emma sighed in disappointment
"No he wasn't doing anything like that, if you must know we only walked down to McDonalds got a Big Mac each and then come back here" said Emma
"I bet you both enjoyed some time together" said Coco
"When is the wedding going to be?" Asked Musharna
"Ok girls, that's enough joking around for one day...where have Peter and Lucas gone?" Asked Emma
"They went back upstairs to there room" replied Coco
"Ok, shall we go and ask them if they want to go downstairs and watch the magic show that's on tonight?" Asked Emma
"Yea that sounds fine with us" replied Musharna
With that, Emma Coco and Musharna left there Hotel room and went upstairs to ask Peter and Lucas if they wanted to watch the magic show with them
Wednesday, 13th of December, Same Day, 8:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Brittany had just come back home from finishing work and going to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test and was really tired now
She went into the living room and just fell onto the sofa
"Wow, you look tired...has it been a hard day for you today?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, has been really busy and haven't had much time for a break" replied Brittany
"Your home a bit later tonight as well...have you been to the shops or something?" Asked Alvin
"No, I went to the pharmacy for a pregnancy fact I think I will do the pregnancy test now" explained Brittany
"Ok cool...I will make us a cup of tea then" replied Alvin
"Thanks Alvin, I appreciate that" replied Brittany
Brittany went upstairs and into the bathroom
She did the pregnancy test and as she expected it was positive
"Omg, I can't believe it! I'm pregnant again!" Called Brittany in a happy voice
Brittany run down stairs and into the kitchen
She sat at the table and squeaked with excitement
"What's wrong with you?" Asked Alvin
"Alvin! I can't believe it! I'm pregnant again!" Called Brittany in an excited voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think Peter and Lucas will tease Emma like her sisters did? Do you think Emma will be fine with the small jokes from her brothers and sisters?
Also, what do you think Emma Coco Musharna Peter and Lucas will say when they find out that Brittany/there mum is pregnant again? Do you think they will be surprised and happy or surprised and disappointed/worried?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Anyway, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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