Part 32 - The Troll Has To Be Stopped First, Before Things Can Go Back To Normal

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Sunday, 17th of December, Same Day, 3pm, At Mickey Mouses House
"I can't believe it...Mickey Mouse is the troll" called Emma
"But he can't be..." Said Peter
"He is though, this is the location of them posts on Twitter from this morning" replied Coco
"Well hotdog, have you guys come to talk to me about what I said this morning online?" Asked Mickey Mouse
"Yes we have actually! Why have you been spreading lies about Alvin and Brittany!" Shouted Emma
"I am just so annoyed and angry with the Chipmunks and Chipettes getting all the attention these days! When I put the new StarWars The Last Jedi movie out in cinemas, I hoped for lots of people to see it on its opening week....but unfortunately I was wrong!" Complained Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse walked closer to Emma and glared at her
"On the same day the new StarWars movie was released, the Chipmunks and Chipettes were on a road trip! They even performed in Miami and singing Chipmunks some how got more interest from people then a StarWars movie! I hate the Chipmunks and Chipettes for taking my regular customers away!" Shouted Mickey Mouse
"Oh...that's a bit sad...sorry to hear that..." Called Peter
"What are you talking about! Mickey Mouse is ruining our parents reputation!" Coco jumped in
"Oh yea...I mean...screw you Mickey Mouse! Alvin Brittany and the rest of the groups are amazing singers and deserve more attention then your movies" said Peter
"Well I have had it! I will make sure that the next movie I get released in the cinema will be more popular then singing chipmunks!" Shouted Mickey Mouse
"We are going to the police and we are going to report you for this!" Coco fired back
"You can do that but once you leave I will destroy my phone so you have no evidence" called Mickey Mouse
"What will we do then?" Peter asked Emma
"We will tell the police as planned...but we will grab the phone from Mickey Mouse first" replied Emma
"You will have to catch me first" called Mickey Mouse running towards a window
Mickey Mouse opened the window and jumped out of it, causing Emma Coco and Peter to chase and follow him
At The Mall
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were all sat together in a small cafe talking among themselves
"I can't believe someone has posted lies about me and Brittany's horrible" said Alvin in a sad voice
"Don't worry Alvin, we will find out who this person is and stop them" said Simon
"How will we do that?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know...we will think of something" replied Simon
"Hey Brittany, why don't you phone Emma and see if she knows anything about Twitter. I mean she might know how to find someone's location on it" suggested Alvin
"Yea your right, I will give her a call" replied Brittany
Brittany got out her phone and called Emma
In The Streets
Emma Coco and Peter were still chasing Mickey Mouse
Just then, Emma felt her phone vibrate and stopped running
Peter and Coco noticed and stopped running too
"What's wrong?" Asked Peter
"Who is calling you?" Asked Coco
"Mum? Why is Mum calling me?" Emma asked herself
Emma then looked up at Peter and Coco
"You two, keep running and don't lose Mickey Mouse" said Emma quickly
Once Peter and Coco set off running again, Emma answered her phone
"Hey Mum" answered Emma
"Hi dear, there has been some horrible posts put online about me and your Dad and we need to find out who it is before things get anymore out of hand" explained Brittany
"I know, I saw the negative posts and know who has put them online" replied Emma
"You do? Who is it?" Asked Brittany
"Mickey Peter and Coco found the location of the negative posts and it led us to him...we are just chasing him down now in the streets...not too far from the Mall" explained Emma
"We will come and help you catch that mouse...which direction do we need to go from the Mall entrance?" Asked Brittany
"As you come out of the Mall, turn left" replied Emma
"Ok I will tell your Dad, his brothers and my sisters and we will see you soon" finished Brittany
Emma put down the phone and started running again, looking for her brother and sister or any sign of Mickey Mouse
After 15 minutes of running Emma saw Mickey Mouse again and dashed straight for him
"Oh hotdog! Can't you young chipmunks leave me alone!" Complained Mickey Mouse
Emma jumped for Mickey Mouse and landed on him, taking them both down to the ground
"GET OFF ME!!! GET OFF RIGHT NOW!!!" Shouted Mickey Mouse in anger
"Give me your phone first! Then I will let you go!" Emma shouted back
Alvin Simon and Theodore then saw Emma and Mickey Mouse fighting and broke the fight up
Alvin and Simon held Mickey Mouse while Theodore held Emma
"It's you! I hate you Chipmunks! Your group and the Chipettes are horrible! You ruined everything!" Shouted Mickey Mouse
After hearing Mickey Mouse shouting, the Chipettes found there way to the Chipmunks and Mickey Mouse too
"What do you mean we ruined everything? It's you that are ruining our reputation right now! Why are you saying lies about Alvin and Brittany online?" Asked Simon
"Because you singing Chipmunks some how got people to come and see you preform, instead of seeing my new StarWars movie" replied Mickey Mouse
"Is that seriously why you are doing all this? You are spreading lies about me and Alvin online just because people say is and not your stupid new movie!" Called Brittany
Mickey Mouse didn't say anything, just nodded
"You discuss me! You are Jealous, mean and so cold hearted!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Brittany took a few steps forward and was about to hit Mickey Mouse but Jeanette grabbed Brittany's arm and pulled her back a few steps
"Ok Brittany, that's enough" said Jeanette in a calm voice
Eleanor got out her phone and called the police
She explained it was an emergency and a police car arrived within 10 minutes
A policeman walked over to the Chipmunks, Chipettes and Mickey Mouse and Simon and Jeanette explained the situation to the policeman
Once the policeman knew the situation, he took Mickey Mouses phone as evidence and Mickey Mouse was arrested and taken to the police station for questioning
"I'm glad that's over" said Alvin
"Me too...but how we will convince people that it was lies put up about us online?" Asked Brittany
"Got that sorted sister, me and Simon have put a post up online about you and Alvin telling the world that the negative posts that were put online earlier today, were just lies and that you would never do anything bad to kids" explained Jeanette
"Oh wow, thank you sister" replied Brittany in a surprised voice
"No problem, me and Eleanor would do anything for you Brittany" called Jeanette with a giggle
"Thank you too Simon, I appreciate what you and Jeanette are doing for us" said Alvin with a smile
"It's honestly not a problem bro" replied Simon
at least I am helping you out this time and it's not your fault" joked Simon
Peter and Coco then come round the corner and run over to Alvin and Brittany
"Mum! Dad! Your both ok" called Coco
"Did you catch Mickey Mouse?" Asked Peter
"Yea we got him don't worry" replied Emma
"So what actually happened?" Asked Coco
"We will explain to you later" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany then said bye to Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor and started walking home with Emma Coco and Peter
"I am just so happy that we caught the person putting the negative posts online and things should start going back to normal now" called Brittany in a happy voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think will happen to Mickey Mouse at the police station? Do you think he will get let go with a warning and a restraining order not to go near the Chipmunks or Chipettes? Or do you think they will lock him up for a few months?
Also, it is nearly Christmas for the Chipmunks and Chipettes (17th of December). What do you think Alvin and Brittany will do for Christmas with their kids as a family? What presents do you think Alvin and Brittany's kids will get?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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