Part 31 - I Have Found The Trolls Location, Let's See Who It Is!

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Sunday, 17th of December, Same Day, 1:45pm, Outside The Mall
After seeing the negative posts on Twitter, Emma decides that she will find out who the troll is and deal with them personally
"Emma, where are you going?" Asked Lucas
"I told you I am going after the troll that has been spending lies online about our parents" replied Emma
"How are you going to find the troll? It could be anyone? They could be on the other side of the world for all we know" asked Musharna
"Look, if you two just want to ask questions, stress me out and not help me find the troll then go home!" Shouted Emma
"Ok fine, we will do...good look on your impossible mission finding the troll" Lucas shouted back
Lucas and Musharna started walking back home while Coco and Peter stood beside Emma
"Don't worry Emma, we will help you" said Peter in a happy voice
"Yea I want to help you find this horrible person too" called Coco
"Thanks you two, I'm going to the Library first as its not too far from here and will connect to the Wi-Fi there. Then I can find the location of the troll" explained Emma
"How will connecting to the Wi-Fi help find the troll?" Asked Peter
"Once I have Wi-Fi, I will click on the negative post and go on location...hopefully it's somewhere close that we can get too" replied Emma
"Oh right, that's a quite a good idea" said Coco
"Let's get going then" called Peter
Back Inside The Mall
Alvin and Brittany had just met Theodore and Eleanor in the Mall and the four of them were now waiting for Simon and Jeanette to arrive
"I wonder where they are...Jeanette isn't normally late" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Don't worry sister Jeanette will be fine" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"They are probably just reading a book or something like that and have lost track of time" suggested Alvin
After a few more minutes of waiting, Simon and Jeanette arrived
"Hi everyone, sorry we are late..." called Jeanette in a tired voice
"I had an afternoon nap and Jeanette was sat outside in the garden so neither of us was watching the clock" explained Simon
"Don't worry about it" said Alvin
"At least your both ok" said Brittany with a smile
"So now we are all here, shall we go on stage and practice?" Asked Theodore
"Yea, sounds like a good idea" called Jeanette
"Come on then everyone, let's go and practice" said Simon
The six of them walked through the Mall and eventually made it to the stage
"Simon, can you go and ask if we can practice on stage?" Asked Alvin
"Why me, your the oldest...your should go and ask" Simon fired back
Jeanette walked past them both and went to talk to the security guard next to the stage
"Hello, I'm Jeanette one of the Chipettes...can me, my sisters and the Chipmunks come on stage now and do some practice before we all perform?" Asked Jeanette
"Your the Chipmunks and Chipettes? No, you can't come on stage to practice or preform today!" Called the security guard
"What? Why not? We are both great groups of singers and people love us" explained Jeanette
"I said No! You can't preform today and you will probably never preform again in front of people! Maybe you should look online on Twitter and tell your lead singers to not do anything horrible or sexually abusive to young kids then" replied the security guard
Jeanette had a confused look on her face. She shook her head and went back to the others
"So are we allowed on stage to practice early?" Asked Brittany
"No...he said we can't go on stage today to preform. He also said to look online on Twitter and told me that you and Alvin, our lead singers, need to stop been horrible and abusive to young kids" replied Jeanette
"What? We haven't done anything like that to young kids!" Called Alvin in an angry voice
Simon got out his phone, turned on his internet data and looked on Twitter. He just in shock when he saw some of the recent tweets online
"Alvin! Brittany! This isn't true is it?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
Simon passed the his phone to and Alvin and both Alvin and Brittany were shocked at the lies posted online
"That's not true about us! We don't sexually abuse young kids! Ask any of our kids and they will tell you" called Brittany
"Why would someone spread lies about us online and ruin our reputation?" Asked Brittany
"Not a clue but we need to stop whoever is doing it, otherwise everyone will believe the lies online...are true!" Replied Alvin
"This is terrible, I can't believe we can't preform anymore because someone has been spreading lies about us online!" Complained Eleanor
Inside The Library
Emma Coco and Peter were all sat around one table in the library, waiting for Emma to hopefully find the location of the troll
"Have you found the place yet sister? Where the troll lives?" Asked Coco
"Not yet but am on the Wi-Fi and am looking through Twitter now" replied Emma
After a couple of minutes, Emma found the post and the location where the post was sent from
"Guys, I found it! I got the location of the troll! It's not too far from here neither!" Shouted Emma in excitement
"Keep it down please! The Library is a quiet place for people to read!" Shouted the women behind the desk
Emma passed her phone across the table to Peter and Coco
"Yea your right, that's not too far from here" whispered Peter
"Come on, I Have Found The Trolls Location, Let's See Who It Is!" Called Emma
The three of them left the Library and started walking down the road
"How long will it take to get there?" Asked Coco
"About half an hour at the most walking" replied Emma
30 minutes later...
The three of them had arrived at the house but they were surprised to see the house was a multi coloured bungalow
"Wow! Who ever lives here, likes things bright and colourful" called Peter
"The house looks a bit weird in all the different colours" said Coco
"I can't imagine what the house looks like on the inside if it looks this bright on the outside" said Emma
Emma went and knocked on the door but the door opened on its own
"Come on you two" called Emma
Peter and Coco followed Emma into the house and it was as bright on the inside as it was outside
"What the heck? Why is everything so...colourful here?" Asked Peter
The three of them went into the living room and saw Mickey Mouse watching TV
"Mickey Mouse!" Called Coco in a surprised voice
"Oh boy! I got myself some guests!" Said Mickey Mouse standing up
"I can't believe it...Mickey Mouse is the troll" called Emma
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Why do you think the reason is behind Mickey Mouse saying horrible things about Alvin and Brittany online? What do you think Alvin and Brittany will do when they find out that Mickey Mouse is the troll? Do you think they will go after him too? 🤔
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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