Part 23 - A Surprise Back At Home

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Tuesday, 12th of December, Same Day, 5:30pm, At The Hotel
Emma Coco Musharna Peter and Lucas had been back at the hotel now for at least an hour
They five of them were all sat downstairs around the pool area and were just discussing what had happened at the water park
"I can't believe what you two boys did at the water park..." Said Musharna in a sad voice
"What? I didn't do anything to the dolphin! It was Peter, he was the one that was feeding the dolphin food that it shouldn't have been having!" Explained Lucas
"Don't lie to us Lucas, Peter would never do anything stupid like that on his own" Called Coco
"I'm been serious! I had nothing to do with it! It was all Peter!" said Lucas getting a little angry
Emma Coco and Musharna looked over at Peter
" Lucas telling the truth?" Asked Emma
Peter nodded and looked at the ground in disappointment
The girls were surprised and didn't know what to say...
"I...I just can't believe it..." Said Emma in a surprised voice
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I poisoned and killed the dolphin...I didn't mean to kill it....I just wanted it to have some normal food like we do..." Explained Peter in a sad voice
Musharna and Coco looked at Emma and Emma still looked lost for words
"Um...Peter...can you come with me to the tables inside the hotel please?....I want to talk to you on your own" asked Emma
"Y-Yea...I will do...your not going to tell Mum and Dad are you? They will be mad at me....and will never forgive me" replied Peter in a sad voice
"No...I won't tell Mum and Dad what you did....and I will make sure our brother and sisters don't neither" replied Emma
With that, Emma and Peter then went inside the hotel and sat at a table by themselves and away from there siblings
Emma had a talk with Peter about what happened at the water park with the dolphin
She explained to Peter why his actions were bad, but also to not worry so much about it it can't be changed
After the two of them had finished talking, they went back to Musharna Coco and Lucas and the five of them all went for dinner together in the cafe
"Hey Emma, after dinner can we go and see that magic show?" Asked Coco
"Yea I say we can, you just need to ask the others want too" replied Emma
The Next Day, Wednesday, 13th of December, 7:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Back at home, things had been a bit different for Alvin and Brittany
While the kids were away in Paris, they were getting more time together to sit back and relax....and to enjoy the piece and quiet after they had both finished work
Brittany sighed in disappointment and turned off the alarm clock
"Wake up Alvin, it's 7:30am..." Said Brittany in a tired voice
"Oh...give me 5 minutes..." Replied Alvin
Brittany out of bed and looked out of the window
However, Brittany felt different this morning....she hadn't felt like how she was now for a while
"Alvin...I miss our kids not been here..." Called Brittany
"I miss them too....but I'm not traveling to Paris to bring them back home" joked Alvin
Brittany giggled to herself "I know your not silly, I don't want you to go and bring them back home...I bet they are really enjoying themselves" replied Brittany walking back to the bed
"I'm sure they will be too" called Alvin
"Anyway, I will get a shower then you have to get up for can't stop in bed all morning" explained Brittany
"Ok Mother" joked Alvin
"Hey! Don't be cheeky" Brittany joked back
Brittany went into the bathroom and switched the shower on
She took her pyjamas off and was about to get in, but she stopped and stood still
She felt a small movement just under her stomach
"What was that? Was it a kick? No it couldn't be....could it?....I'm not pregnant again am I?" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany put a towel around her and started walking back to the bedroom
"Hold on...I do feel different...but I have felt like this before..." Brittany thought to herself
Brittany got to the bedroom and spoke up
"Alvin...I need to tell you something" called Brittany
"Oh...what now?" Asked Alvin
"I think...I'm pregnant again" replied Brittany
Alvin sat up and looked at Brittany
"Your what? You think your pregnant again? Did I hear you right?" Asked Alvin
"Yes that's what I said...but I'm really sure that I'm pregnant again" replied Brittany
"How do you know?" Asked Alvin a bit confused
"I have that strange feeling in my body again...I feel different, I feel like I did the first time I was pregnant. Plus we did do 'it' again last week so it's highly possible" explained Brittany
"I can't believe that I might have got you pregnant's a good thing just surprising" replied Alvin
"I did feel a small movement, maybe a kick, in the bathroom too...I will get a pregnancy test after work today and find out tonight. But I'm 99% certain I am pregnant again Alvin" explained Brittany in an excited voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think that Brittany is pregnant again? If so, how many more baby chipmunks do you think she will have?
Also, if Brittany is pregnant do you think she will tell Emma Musharna Coco Peter and Lucas while they are away in Paris? Or do you think Alvin and Brittany will tell them when they come back home?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything new in this book for nearly a week now, please forgive me everyone, I have been so busy at home with family issues, college work and applying for jobs 😩 Hope you all understand...
Anyway, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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