Chapter 27: I Know Now!

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As a leader you learn quickly that you suffer losses. I was planning to teach Pink Diamond that, but it seems as if she taught me that lesson. I've been planning many things for her future. Until she was shattered. I had to act like I didn't care for her, in front of the other colonies and gems. Only the other Diamonds saw my pain. The creation that White made, dead. Yellow saw no point of wasting away materials of the matter. It seemed as if I was the only one who cared for her. She would've called me mother or other nicknames humans called their nourisher. She seemed too childish at times. But, I knew she was bound for more. When she was shattered, in a way I was too. Everything I did was to get rid of my emotions towards the death. I wanted Revenge, I still do.

Now, Yellow has disappeared out of thin air, Pink is back, and White is trying to destroy the Earth once and for all. I still have no clue what side I'm picking. I told Pink, that I'd provide troops. In fact, I'm only a couple minutes away. Blue Pearl seems excited for the opportunity to see Pink Pearl once more. But, I am worried. White will be furious with me if I do this. Do I even want to rebel against my nature? Do I want to throw away my rank and name for freedom of all colonies and gems? Does Pink? Or does she feel obligated to help them all out?

When I lost her, Jasper screamed. The Rubies say that you could hear her for miles. Am I to believe them? Yes. I've actually spoken with Jasper few times in my time of rule. She always would talk when spoken to. I would often ask of Pink. Jasper seemed to adore her. She also was eager to get vengeance too. A strong soldier, but dense.

When Pink was poofed...I expected to wait a million years. Why? That's how long it normally takes for a Diamond to reform. Unless put in a bubble, then a minute. Pink only took three human months. Practically seconds in Diamond reformation time. Why? Is it because she's smaller? Deformed Shape of gem? Off-Color? I would think of theses questions even after the shattering.

I was forced to cope with past events. Thousands of years went by, and I was still sore. Heartache from a...mother. And when that one human...Greg? He was capable to feel the same way. To sympathize with me. Humans are special, Pink knew this! She's fighting for all enslaved races! She's fighting for humans to live on, on the Earth! She's fighting for freedom and equality of gems! Pink has a purpose, made from the outside of the mold. She was made on the Earth. The Earth produced most of the rebels! I know now! I know what Pink wants! I know what I'll fight and stand for. I'll fight for the rights of all living things, even the non-living. I'll fight by Pink's side and win.

"My Diamond, we have arrived." Blue Pearl quietly informs.
"Just call me Blue, and thank you." I stand up.
"My-Blue. Are you sure you want to do this?" Blue Pearl ask.
"Pearl, it's one of the things I'm sure of." I answer her, pressing buttons. They will open my ship's doors.
"As you wish." Blue Pearl smiles.

Author's Note:
Soooo, I just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow is my birthday. But, I don't know why I want to tell you all. Maybe because I feel close to you, the audience. And, I also want to get some feedback of the different perspectives I had. Do you guys like the new perspectives or do you like keeping it to Pink herself? And Why? I hope it's not too much to ask of you all!
The Author

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