Chapter 39

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Steven's PoV:

"M-m-mom?" I reach out to touch Pink's gem, but...Homeworld begins to shake. I feel the world begin to fall. I quickly run to grab Pink's gem and bubble us together. Was..was White Diamond holding Homeworld?! I see the floor cracking. I try to move the bubble around, but the tilting of Homeworld is rolling us around. I hold on to Pink's gem tightly. I feel as if I'm falling off of the gravitational pull.

"Garnet?! Amethyst?! Pearl?!" I shout, as loud as I can. I see a huge hand burst through the wall. It's mint looking. Alexandrite! They punch through the wall and grab my bubble.

"Where's Pink? Or White?" Their voice speaks, more of Amethyst. I hold out Pink's gem to them..and how it's a mixture between white and pink. I feel the hand move around a bit, no. They're unfusing.

"It's okay! She's okay, the fight just took a little too much out of her!" I try to convince.

"Okay, Steven if you think so.." Their voice sounds unsure, but it's more of Pearl.

"Come on, we have to move! She'll reform later!" Their voice booms, Garnet. I nod and they start to run with me and Pink's gem in their hands. As they take a step the ground falls after them. They take a good leap out of White's ship. Her ship is falling with Homeworld, homeworld soldiers are gone, because we poofed them all..and I can only hope Blue was able to evacuate the other off-colors. White Diamond was holding the planet from her long has she been there? Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennial, eons? I don't know, and I don't wish to think about it. All I need to know is if Pink will be okay! She has to be okay...right?

"What! That's how the history book ends?" You interrupt the teacher as she closes the textbook.

"Why yes, (y/n). That's how the text ends. Quite intriguing isn't it?" Ms. M smiles. You frown, you thought this stuff was fake. Like the teacher suggested earlier that week, you wanted them to win. But, you aren't sure if they did. But, you need to know.

"How recent is this textbook?" You question her. She shrugs, and replies.

"About ten years, I guess why?" She tilts her head confused.

"Ten years! That's really new for history standards.." You think out loud.

"Dude, this stuff is pretty fake. Can't you tell?" Reed scoffs. He's always a jerk, but he's your friend. The jerkiness is just a mask for others.

"But what if it's not?" You reply. Then the school bell rings sending the 23 students in your class booking it out the doors, to go home. Reed and you get up and begin to walk out the doors. Ms. M smiles and waves, she mutters address. This makes you curious...where would it lead? Why did she mutter it?

"Reed, I think that we should head know, since summer just started?" You try to convince Reed.

"Where would we go? Besides it's probably not a good time. We just got released into the great depths of freedom for a couple of months!" Reed over exaggerates. You groan.

"Come on, it'll only be for one day. It's pretty close and...I'll buy you an ice cream once we're done with the place." You try to convince him some more, Reed normally doesn't eat sweets. He's always bragging about his superb diet and his muscles. But Reed sees that you're trying really hard to go to the place.

"Sure, why not? As long as I don't get murdered or die of boredom." Reed smirks.

"Trust me, you won't." You say as you both head into your car. Time to head to a distant city...

"What is taking so long? How far is this place!" Reed whines, you shrug.

"I guess it's farther than I thought." You smile, this makes Reed groan.

"You said I wouldn't die of boredom! You lied!" Reed points his finger at you.

"Don't worry about it, besides we're almost there you big baby." You chuckle.

"(Y/n), you are evil." Reed leans back into his seat. As you continue to drive a rusted sign passes you by. You are barely able to make it reads, "Welcome to Beach City!". You choke on saliva from this realization.

"Oh Jesus, are you okay?" Reed leans back up and puts a hand on your back.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just...I realized something." You mutter as you re-firm your grasp on the wheel. Reed nods and gets comfortable.

You want to tell Reed but, you know he won't believe you. Not unless he sees proof first. So, you decide to stay quiet and turn some music on...the nearest broadcast plays.

"Obsidian speaking in, we just finished the new roads and buildings in Gem City. Many of the humans helped us. So, I think we should change it to something more open. Anyways, just putting this to you, Steven." The Radio stops and you look to see that Reed has turnt it off. You see that he looks horrified.

"What's got you like that? It's obviously a fake thing." You try to convince yourself that too. Reed shakes his head, and feels his right hand. His hands are covered with gloves so you think nothing of it.

"So, That history class huh? It seems fake, but what if you're right in believing it?" Reed mutters.

"Is that so?" You question.

"Yeah..." Reed looks out the window. You park and you see that the roads and buildings seem newer. They look a way that Homeworld was detailed. Reed gets out of the car and so do you.

"It's like we're not even on Earth...this is far too advanced." You state, glazing around. Then you spot something...a really pale person. A female, with very beige-pink hair. Her nose is long...she spots the both of you. Then as she nears you spot a gem...on her forehead, a pearl.

"Ah, isn't it lovely? Steven is doing a great job, don't you think?" Pearl asks the both of you. Then she realizes that you both are new are new.

"Reed? So you came back?" Pearl crosses her arms, you turn to Reed.

"What?" You stutter out.

"..." Reed sighs and removes his right hand glove...a red gem. Ruby.

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