19. Human

471 31 8

-Finley pov-

"The moon looks really pretty tonight,"

I sigh as I draw back the curtains of his hospital room's large window to reveal the beautiful full moon above a dark skyline with London's city lights blaring back at me.

"We should go see it. You could use the fresh air," I suggest Kaeden and he takes a small breath. Still in pain from his double mastectomy and chest reconstruction. Small drains hang from his sides beneath a tight binder, keeping his surgical wounds compressed.

 "You know I can't leave the hospital yet. I get out tomorrow anyway." He moans, lifting his left wrist to show the bright pink band below his hospital bracelet, symbolizing he was a suicide risk.

 "Well if I bring you up to the roof are you going to jump off?" I ask, thinking of retracting my offer. He looks at me and narrows his eyes. 

"Was that a suicide joke?" He asks with a small huff. 

"No, I'm being serious," I go into his wardrobe and grab one of my baggy zip-up hoodies.

 "You're not connected to the monitors anymore and this isn't the pediatric unit with cameras and mics. Come on Kae," He puts his phone down and raises his dark brows in disbelief. 

"Finley, how are we going to get out of here? There's 24-hour security. I can't leave this room without a therapist and I can't even lift my arms." he keeps coming up with excuses, but I refuse to take them as I toss the sweater his way.

 "Here, just try to look normal. I'll be right back," 

 I leave the room and come back fifteen minutes later with a white doctors coat and uniformed scrubs I had stolen from Mari's locker.

 "Ready?" I ask the pale, zombie-like figure sitting up in bed. 

"Hmm, Fin I don't even think I can walk that far," He groans without looking at me, but slowly inches off the bed anyway. I offer my arm, which he willingly accepts before seeing the coat and checking me out. 

"Why hello there. Are you my new doctor? Because you're certainly an improvement from the last one, if you know what I mean," Kaeden smirks and I fight the urge to kiss him right then and there. 

"Ahem, why yes. Dr. Grayson at your service," I nod and he chuckles a little before we start walking. I check first to make sure the hallway was clear and the nurses were busy gossiping about something. 

"Alright it looks like we're all set," I whisper and we quietly walk out of his room, giving extra care to make sure we don't draw attention to ourselves. I take a step away from him to make sure I look like a concerned doctor guiding a patient instead of a loving boyfriend going for a walk with him. 

We make it around the corner before going through a set of double doors. I glance over to check on Kaeden, he had the hood of the sweater up, covering most of his face. The long sleeves covered not only his bandaged wrist and hospital bands but his hands altogether. 

I wanted to ask if he was alright, but I couldn't talk to him without drawing attention just yet as we walk past reception. Reading my mind, he gently squeezes my arm to reassure me and continues to waddle alongside me. I guide us to the staircase when a voice calls out.

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